10-05-1959 HUCM192 (183) October 5, 1959. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission . was held October 5, 1959 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to increase the monthly salary of the following .employeess These raises to be effective October 1, 1959. Motion was made and seconded to accept the resignation of Ralph Hakel effective as of October 15, 1959. Motion was also made and seconded to pay Mr. Hakel for fourteen day's vacation, which he did not take during his employment. Motion was made and seconded to hire Lester Ziegler to work in the plant at an hourly wage . of $1.25. The following bills were allowed s Ruth Hakel Old New Automotive Supply Fred Jungblut 345.00 355.00 759.1 Wm. Marquardt 320.00 330.00 Kenneth Krantz 320.00 330.00 Address ograph -P4ult igraph Arnold Nass 260.00 270.00 730.3 These raises to be effective October 1, 1959. Motion was made and seconded to accept the resignation of Ralph Hakel effective as of October 15, 1959. Motion was also made and seconded to pay Mr. Hakel for fourteen day's vacation, which he did not take during his employment. Motion was made and seconded to hire Lester Ziegler to work in the plant at an hourly wage . of $1.25. The following bills were allowed s Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Automotive Supply 730.3 One Stop Service 759.1 5,941.59 Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc 729 The Satterlee Company 730.3 3.20 Address ograph -P4ult igraph 781.4 Stearnswood 730.3 30.90 Hutchinson Oil Company 759.1 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 15.98 Sterling Electric Company 205 Westinghouse Electric Supply Mdse 113.2 Federal Sign & Signal CorporationMdse 15.25 Williams Hardware Company Mdse Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line 113.2 73.00 Alrickls Clothing 730.5 787.2 B • M. St olpman 730.4 10.80 Standard Printing 781.3 A.t,las Press Company 734.•4 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 734.1 #2 #6 Citizens Insurance Agency Carr Flowers Mobil Radio Engineering Citizens Bank Hutchinson Dry Cleanerw Peterson Truck Service 114 412.7 802.3 801 730.5 759.2 77.97 3.30 58.58 5,941.59 31.86 1.66 3.20 3.50 15.35 30.90 151.39 63.54 15.98 2.75 19.92 7.25 15.25 16.80 79.33 73.00 10.06 71.00 10.80 116.70 7.75 As of October' billing Edward Mahe will be billed on the City P&W r rate - impossible to arrive at- minimum on Rural Power. R. E• Young METER NO ........................... MO. I DATE I IREAISING I CONS. I AMT. I REMARKS 1 Dec. Nov. Oct. Sept. I, Aug. it July (184 ) 193 The Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 39.40 Larson's Inc- 759.2 9.45 Zila Hardware Company 730.3 13.43 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Service 113.1 #5 #6 8.28 Leef Bros. 730.5 191.64 Hutchinson Medical Center 801 20.00 Hutchinson Bowl 787.2 10.00 Grinnell Company 734.1 #5 #6 65.78 Hutchinson Leader 781.3 47.00 Machinery Exchange Market 206 45.00 Rockite Silo Company 205 21.05 Parsons Welding Supply 73003 15.74 Howard Blackwell Salary 128.41 Bea Pollard Salary 52.22 Carl Bloomquist Salary 127.85 Loren Boulanger Sal ary 129.76 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 91.29 The Satterlee Company 730.3 6983 Eagle Signal Company Mdse 23.32 Johnson's Super Value 730.3 6.00 Earl Schott 402 8.95 Robert tarn 402 7923 Hutchinson Oil Company 730.2 8.50 The Hilliard Corporation 730.3 248.00 A,d d r e s s ogra ph -Mu It i gr aph 781.5 11.00 Standard Oil Company 729 3,828.31 R.,E. Burmeister Electric Mdse 113.2 734.4 243.45 Sterling Electric Company 205 113.2 282.53 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #2, #5 „#6 734.1 2,430.18 C. H. Stocking 730.3 2.00 Standard Oil Company 730.3 16.36 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 43.13 Westinghouse Electric Supply Mdse 9.98 W. E. Reyerson 796 125.00 Elmer Jensen 796 125.00 Minnesota -Wise. Truck Line 113.2 734.1 #2 28.71 Sterling Electric Company Mdse 37.04 Quade's Inc. 730.3 5903 The Texas Company 730.2 52.27 Standard Oil Company 729 5,142.87 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 19.43 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 363.04 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1, #2 57.33 William W. Nugent & Company Inc. 73 0.3 53.40 Hutchinson Telephone Company Mdse 15.00 Minnesota Mining & Manf. . C ompa ny 113.2 30.00 Addressograph- MuItigraph 781.4 3939 J. C. Penney Co., Inc. 730.3 1.25 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 113.1 #5 #6 730.3 29.69 Snap -on Tools Corporation Mdse 14.20 Howard Blackwell Salary 106.62 Bea Pollard Salary 57.46 Loren Boulanger Salary 137.73 Earl Bond e 402 2.71 Standard Oil Company 759.1 759.2 100.79 194 ( 185) .Sterling Electric Company Mdse 113.2 203.2 101.91 Minn. -Wisc. Truck Line 771 2.75 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 20.12 Parsons Welding Supply 730.3 13.80 Schneider Electric & Equip 734.4 9.80 ,Dwane Konerza 402 4.48 ,Aeroil Products Company Inc 734.4 5.19 .Municipal Water Department 730.1 37.20 ,B. M. Stolpman 730.4 7.25 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 63945 Automotive Supply Company 730.3 18.35 .Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 139.90 KDUZ 787.2 62.50 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 2900 ,Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 15.50 ,Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 73003 157.79 Standard Oil Company 729 3,822.31 .Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 734.1 #1 243.27 .George Bach 759.1 49.38 Hutchinson Leader, I „c . 787.2 303.00 .Popp Rexall Drug 730.3 6.31 .Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 730.3 11.65 _Citizens Insurance Agency 801 10.00 Jo h H. Juli.g 51 t,9 War 1"61 l Company 11 7� � . 3 7 5 E- . 306 . Loren Boulanger, hourly worker, ceased to be an employee of the Municipal Electric Plant as of October 8, 1959. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. c R. W. Dahl, Secretary. ,ATTEST R- I. he ppard, - President. �+ o moo° 4 J o I o�•� o cs N « ^D � o'er t3u LL LLJ k. t3 zt i O d -�'•Y V �O i rte., �' Y"' w t•W cm uj CL. t3 its Z2 W ame ti f o � a cm Vet tl � � � d•`�' tom. y �5 x d N �7 i y BOO t3 H Z N d zt LL O W ti i hloa O 'I"" iy • y x �' O� tS '� d �y r . Z � �ti <3'lltl) A6 VMO1 'S3NIOW S30 VNIGIMS 93NIOW S30 '00 H313 'a NO.L3-17avo : .dO 83aHO 3HJ. Ol Add