01-05-1959 HUCM164 (155) January 5, 1959. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held Zanuary 5, 1959. The meeting was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. Hoels' Direct Service Station Martin Pedersen Ruth Hakel 2ila Hardware Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line Standard Oil Company American Linen Supply Company St erner t s Inc. Sestinghouse Electric Supply Graybar Electric Company Sterling Electric Company E Lowman Motors Hutchinson Wholesale Supply A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Leef Brothers Sid Gafk jen Kemske Paper Company Simonson Lumber Company Harold A. Grams Agency Standard Oil C ompany B. M. Stolpman Minn. - Wisconsin Truck Line Hutchinson Telephone Company Citizens Insurance Agency Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Rutz Plumbing & Heating Luxor Lighting Products Welch Allyn Inc. The Paymaster Corporation R. E. Burmeister Electric.Co. Donald Otto Leader printing Company Rudy Berninghaus H. A. Holden, Inc. The Texas Company Marshall's Standard Station Ben Jerabek Kemske Paper Company Minnesota Munictpal Utilities Assn. Ben Jerabek Minnesota Bearing Company Steerling Electric Company Automotive Supply of Hutchinson William Mayer Howard Blackwell Bea Pollard 759.1 402 Pet tyCAsh 730.3 206 730.3 734.4 729 730.5 734.4 5.10 T Mdse 113.2 5.10 S 113.2 802.3 759.2 730.3 206 730.5 402 793.4 730.3 114 730.3 730.4 113.2 793.3 114 730.5 734.4 Mdse 730.3 734.3 208 205 402 787.2 402 730.3 730.2 759.2 734.1 #4 781.3 792.2 5.10 S,St. 113.1 #5,# 5.10 T 113.2 730.3 Salary Salary Salary 46.57 3.52 57.45 26.84 71.40 5290.87 9.35 26.35 166.28 25.18 57.65 5.90 175.86 427.50 136.24 7.35 30.58 10.74 65.88 16.36 7.25 3.78 35.00 60.51 103.50 49.70 128.39 2.26 124.50 14.92 .70 325.00 1.98 41.89 1,945.9A 14.02 44.19 2.95 33.50 205 734.4 161.30 6 19.40 734.4 110.05 1.65 99.20 102.90 72.99 1 1 1 1 1 1 (156) 165 Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn. 781.2 150.00 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 3,639.03 Sterling Electric Company 5.10 T 734.4 15.81 Miller Davis Company 781.3 6.56 Boulay Anderson Waldo & Co. 795 658.00 Grams Insurance Agency 114 62.70 E. A. Pedersen Company Inc 734.3 21.50 Allis Chalmers Manfg. Company 734.4 68.82 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 2.92 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 113.2 734.1 #4 61.42 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 734.5 #4 180.05 Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minnesota 781.2 150.00 Sterling Electric Company . 730.3 49.46 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 203.2 730.3 22.55 Westinghouse Electric Supply 5.10 T L13.2 93.11 Diesel Service Company 734.4 249.23 J. & L Parts Manufacturing Company 113.2 225.00 R. E. Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 547952 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 2.35 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 113.2 .4.75 Kemske Paper Company 781.3 2.13 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 60.11 Standard Oil Company 729 4,240.63 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 4,072.43 William Mayer Salary 103.30 Howard Blackwell Salary 125.93 Bea Pollard Salary 59.75 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: R. I• Sheppprd., President. c.C1 R. W. Dahl, Secretary.