11-03-1958 HUCM160 (151) November 3, 1958. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held November 3, 1958. The meeting was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting and special meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded t o issue a check in the amount of $75,775.00 to the Central National Bank & Trust Company of DesMoines, Iowa. $70,000.00 being principal and $5,775.00 representing interest. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check in the amount of $875.00 to the Citizens Bank of Hutc bins on, Minnesota. This amount representing interest on the $35,000.00 note. The following bills were a flowed t Zila Hardware 730.3 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 Stearns Lumber Company 205 Holger Olsen & Son, Inc. 732 Franzen Hardware 73003 Hoels Direct Service Station 759.2 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 113.2 Rockite Silo Inc 205 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 734.3 Hutchinson Drug 730.3 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 G. F. Nemitz' Sons 730.3 Standard Oil Company 729 Le of Bros., Inc. 730.5 Hutchinson Leader 787.2 Mobile Radio Eng. Inc . 802.3 American Linen Supply 730.5 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 113.2 Schneider Elelectric & Equip. 734.4 Sterling Electric Company 202.5 730.3 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 113.2 Black & Decker Mfg. Company 734.4 Pink Supply Company 730.3 The Hilliard Corporation 730.3 734.4 Bill Mayer Salary Bea Pollard Salary Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc. 729 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 9.77 136.98 7.25 69.52 54.00 6.17 2000 37.96 1,120.72 117.08 101.54 1.21 5.34 10.3 5 71448.85 81.52 105.30 62.45 15.08 2.75 71.88 397.50 42.29 27.31 59.80 50.43 92.30 82.25 6,471.40 50.71 134.20 1 1 (152) 161 Edwin L. Wiegand Company 734.4 187.55 Parson Welding Supply & Bolt Company 730.3 6.92 The Hilliard Corporation 730.3 41.62 City of Hutchinson 114 33902 Nordberg Manufacturing; Company 113.1 #4 125.00 Quade ' s Inc. 730.3 18.92 Minnesota Wisconsin-Truck Line 113.2 730.3 734.4 24.94 -- -- - - - 2.14 2.25 uA 730.5 787.2 58.80 t3 79392 1.85 05 170.50 113.2 42.75 ILI O 730.3 16.36 � 730.3 7.02 114 22.25 0 .N 114 505.58 +, m ,o ?04.5 734.3 746.80 -ri H ai A P.05 161.85 729 4,308.93 WC.) 734.4 17.82 r� �3 730.3 494.88 N A 07 113.2 730.3 734.1 28.67 o J>, 113.2 22.65 v m 733 104.70 ,o 0 � ddse. 113.2 771 207.57 M H O Ed 113 .2 35.37 m ri U 07 781.3 4.75 ra W o 0 729 2,292.76 O � � H 729 2p268.87 U 0 it, ;:1 781.4 2.75 rn o � 730.3 759.2 27.66 LO 0) Cd " 0 0 ON F-1 734.4 37.47 r4,2 w m 3a la ry 111-80 lalary 62.43 a, o g 729 5P316080 C W Ir- �A V. 0 m � m 04 0 T1 0 W F- neeting adjourned. a� -P o m mro �«r "-P �H 0O 43 10 P-4 E, y + x � P � a , Secretary* o -P 0 a� ma�d00 00 44 im: ad o :4x 1 •