05-05-1958 HUCM142 (133) Monthly Meeting May 5, 1958. tj The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on May 5, 1958• The meeting was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check to the Nordberg Manufacturing Company in the amount of $15pOOO.00 as part payment on our engine contract. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check to the Citizens Bank in the amount of $490283.36, this amount to be deposited in our reserve account. (refer to page 120.) The following bills were allowed; The Hilliard Corporation 403 305.80 Schneider Electric & Equipment 403 37.25 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line 403 21.68 Hutchinson Telephone Company 403 61.24 Leef Bros., Inc 403 89.86 Automotive Supply of Hutchinson 403 2.44 the Texas Company 403 6.65 Wallner Printing Company 403 16.55 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 403 117.55 Quint's Pure Oil 403 51.61 Franzen +s Hardware 403 4.65 Doug's Service 403 33.00 Hoels Direct Service 403 30.23 Popp's Rexall Drug 403 3.57 Citizens Bank 801 3.60 The Texas Company 730.2 66.39 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. 403 21.10 Marshall's Hiway Standard 403 7.70 Leader Printing Company 403 781.3 75.00 Stearns Lumber Company 403 5.25 Zila Hardware Company 403 18.74 Westinghouse Electric Supply 771 14.70 Standard Oil Company 403 17.28 Minr�=sota Bearing Company 403 52.62 Kemske Paper Company 403 4.35 Carr Flowers 403 6.75 G. F. Nemitz Sons 403 18.24 Harold A. Grams Agency 114 3220.00 Citizens Insurance A -ency 114 1439.73 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 2057.47 American Linen Supply Company 403 20.2,8 1 (134) 143 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 2055.46 Sterling Electric Company 734.4 11.97 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line 730.3 6.30 B. Y. St olpman 403 7.25 Westinghouse Electric Supply Company 403 113.2 205 43.62 S. G. Frantz Company Inc 730.3 4.97 The billiard Corporation 730.3 13.96 AddressoCraph- P+uItigraph Corp 403 11.00 1�linnesota Bearing Corporation 208 225.31 United States Stationery Company 206 66.10 Vocony Mobil Oil Company 729 2.661.30 Ruth hakel Petty Cash / 33.57 Bea Pollard Salary 56.21 Sheophil Gruenwaldt Salary 95.00 Martin Brigs Salary 46.20 Addressograph- Tviultig;raph 781.4 3.60 Oluad e ' s Inc 113.2 802.3 97.35 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 97.54 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line 113.2 7.73 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 3064.09 General Electric Supply mdse. 1.98 Gamble Store 730.3 2.98 Williams Hdve Company 734.1 #5, #6 3.65 Ben Jerabek 734.4 25.47' Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 340.70 Rural Co -op Power Ass ' n 772 27.42 Tl.omps,�G� Yards 7p7L, c as ti Power Supply Company 7�O.S 24.35 The Satterlee Company 206 734.4 111.117 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line 113.1 #6 113.2 12.67 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 781.5 75.19 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 771 802.3 699.65 Harvey Schultz 801 23.99` Bea Pollard Salary 62.6` Theophil Gruenwaldt Salary 90.00 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 36.21 R. E. Burmeister Electric 113.2 772 948.54 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 730.3 66.93 Sterling Electric Company Mdse 771 70.7rr Hutchinson Bowl 787.2 17.50 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ec retary• ATTEST. R. I. Sheppard,, President. 1