08-02-1954 HUCM261 (234) August 2, 1954. Monthly Meeting. The regular-meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of August 2, 1954 at 730. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppardts office. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check in the amount of $30,000.00 to Nordberg Manufacturing Company, this amount being a deposit on the new engine. The following bills were allowedt Rttt#. Hakel Petty Cash 36.33 - Carr Flowers 412.7 15.00' Franzen's Hardware 730.3 2.78• Q.. S. Specialty Company 730.3 3.20' Ruth. Hakel` 412.8 7.64' The-Cold Spring Equip. Co 734.1 #5 978.45 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 40.03' Rural Coop. Bower Assn. 730.6 9,699.25° Zila Hardware 730.3 78948 Citizens Bank - 793.2, 8.17" Quadels, Inc 730.3 18.42, Larson Farm Equip 759.2 8.75' American Linen Supply Company 730.5 2.25° Semerau Oil Company 75991 63.61 - Auto Supply of Hutchinson 730.3 27.95" Frank Motor Company - 75991 3.18' Hutchinson Water Department 730.1 30918• Swanson Motor Company- 759.2 12.76 - Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 90.40 - Albrecht Oil Company 730.3 759.2 10.70• Panama Carbon Company 781.3 5.50' Nels Simonson 771 3.65, Wallner Painting Company 781.3 12.00• Reinhard Brothers Company 730.3 2.87 Ellsworth Schleeter 73094 5.00, Hoels' Direct Service 75992 4091• Leef Bros.., Inc. 730.5 81.26' Sterling Electric Company 113.2 730.3 68.41 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #4 734.1 #5 '842.85' Hutdhinson Oil Company 730.2 1,6596'42' The Hilliard Corporation 730.3 210.50• Parsons Welding Company 730.3 11090, Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3- 50.25 The DeLaval Sep. Company 734.4 94.68' Paper Calmenson & Co. 207 3.44 Electric Supply Company 113.2 1019 *90 27.78- August Daak 787.4 30.00- Graybar Electric Co. Inc 113.2 157.70, Mc Gannon Music Company 802 3.50 Westinghouse Electric Co. Cooper Petroleum Company 729 1,564.44 262. (233) Minnesota Western Railway Company 729 859.89 - Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 27.25, James Anderson SaI ry 94.27 - Emil Schleeter 787.4 9.00 - Dan Danielson 787.4 14.07 - Slyvester Reinert 787.4 15.00 - Henry Schaeffer 78794 30.00 - Minnesota Western Railway Company 729 1,716063 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 3,123.16 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 76.69 - Mrs . Carl Nyberg 787.4 15.00 - Kenneth Sheppard 787.4 15.00 - Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00" St. Cloud Paper & Supply Company 730.3 74.40 - C. Emery Nelson Ince 730.3 190.40 - E• F. Haughton & Co 730.3 46098 - Graybar Electric Co, Inc 113.2 130.50 - Nordberg Manf. Co. 113.1 #5 #6 380.65, Pink Supply Company 730.3 27.88 Reinhard Bros. Co. 734.4 5.62, James R. Kearney Corp 113.2 28.00 Honan Crane Corporation 730.3 101.18 - Westinghouse Electric Corporationm 734.3 37.50 Paul Radant 787.4 11.37 - Am. Radiator, Standard San. Corp 738.3 20.65' Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Mdse 113.2 730.3 430.42 - Ralph Leske 787.4 22.50 - Check Writer Company 208 216.12 - City.af Hutchinson 208 3.35 - General Electric Supply Company 734.4 24.54 - Louie Wick 787.4 969 --- 40.00 - on Ruth.Hakel Petty Cash -tea. 30069- Sterling Electric Company 802.3 3.89- James Anderson Salary 85.29- . -:�. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ITo W. Dahis 3 acre ary. 1