06-07-1954 HUCM1 1 June 7, 1954. Regular Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard's office on Jane 79 1954. 255. (226) The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were allowedt Wallner Printing Company 793.4 Hutchinson Manf. Company 734.1 #6 Automotive Supply of Hutch 730.3- 73491 Albrecht Oil Company 730.3 759.1 Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 R. E. Burmeister Electric 205 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Francis Ahrens 772 •.James Anderson Salary �Arro Sign Company 787.2 Electric Supply Company 113.2 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 Q. S. Specialty Company 730.3 Irv. Lindenberg 730.5 Myron Fisher 787.4 Citizens Bank 79302 American Linen Supply Co. 730.5 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 73005 Hoelst Direct Service 734,4 759.2 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Co 206 Allis- Chalmers Manf Co. 205 R. E. Young 801 DouggIs Service 75902 W. A. Ostrom Company 73093 Leef Bros Inc 730.5 Oterling Electric Company 113.2 771 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Armory 787.2 Triple "D" Cafe 787.2 Quade's Inc. 787.2 Home Bakery 787.2 New Bakery 787.2 SDUZ Radio Station 787.2 Minn. Western Railway Co. 729 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 Jaycee Water Carnival 787.2 Buell & Winter Engineers 202.6 James Anderson Salary Ruth Hakel PettyCAsh Cecil Conquest 787.4 Wrs. August Daak 787.4 Emil Schwartz 787.4 Electric Supply Co. 113.2 Graybar Electric Co., Inc. 771 Electric Supply Company 205 771 Rochester Germicide Co. 730.3 Harold A. Grams Agency 114 772 772 787.2 96.00 164.75 29.55 94.69• 38.30 -' 48.00' 20.17' 24.23 , 129-82' 91.34 6.50 ' 6.95' 83..69- 3.20' 12.08 15.00 12.42 2.25 60.40• 4,i31- 9.25' 111.36• 65.00 23.50• 2.19' 87.20, 68.43' 14.06• 85.00- 90.75 250.00 18.30- 9.00 152.00 359.32, 2609.91 100.00• 2400.00, 92-09- 19.69 15.00 22.50, 15.00, 64.34 6.57 ' 15.10' 29.25 19.50 ' 256 (227) F & S Guaranteed Electric Co. 730.3 90.00 - Northwest Radio & Electronic 802.3 25.37, Addressograph Multignaph 781.4 1.24, R. L. Burmeister Electric Co- 772 3.80 - Citizens Insurance Agency 114 462.31 The DeLaval Sepgrator Cc 730.3 40.85 - Allis- Chalmers Manf. Co. 113.2 373.00 - Hutchinson Oil Company 730.2 155.52- - Snap -on Tools Corp. 730.3 4.70' Cooper Petroleum Cc 729 3242.94- Minn - Western Ry Company 729 2141.271 Westinghouse Electric Supply - 113.2 122.30- There being no further business, the - meeting was adjourned. C7FFe. 61, - Dahl, Secretary* ATTEST t Q Wesidents Dr. R. 1, Sheppard. 1 1 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST s res i d en , eppar . 1 n C7r Ro . Dahl, ecretar9. 257 (229)