04-05-1954 HUCM238 .(218) Miller -Davis Co 781.3 19.91 Nordberg Manf. Co 113.1 #6 734.1 #6 65.00 The Commission, after some discussion, decided that the 1$- 11 ton truck was too large for our line use. Larson Implement Company has been asked to exchange this truck for a 1 ton truck under bid proposal #1. .There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. . i". a , Secretary* __? - ATTEST: 1 eppar , Pr6'sident. April 5, 1954. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard's office on April 5, 1954. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Bids were opened on electric ranges to be given away at the "All Electric" Cooking School. The bids from Lodes hardware and Quade's Inc. were found to be the same. $250.00 for two ranges. Motion was made and seconded to draw to find Yh ich one would furnish the ranges. On contacting Mrs Lodes, she withdrew her bid in favor of Quade's Inc. ( We have a letter on file to that effect.) Other bids attached. Motion was made and seconded to hire Al Tedesco as Master of Ceremonies for two days at a price of 75.00. I t was also agreed to purchase time on the air(KDUZ) (one -half hour period each day.) for $55.00. The date for the Cooking School has been set for May 6 and May 7th.. Motion was made and seconded to accept proposal #1 of Larson Implement Company for a one ton International truck in ex- change for the la -1l ton truck. The following bills were allowedt Hutchinson Oil CompanIT 730.2 1,525.50 Graybar Electric.Co Inc 771 4 4.10 Hutchinson Telephone Company 202.7 61.43 (219) Larson Farm Equip. 207 759.2 10.49 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 72.82 The Typewriter Shop 208 525.00 J. F. Riesberg 730.3 4.83 Citizens Bank 793.2 11.69 Harold A. Grams Agency 114 1083.07 Hutch Manf. & Sales 734.1 #6 268.00 Quades, Inc 734.1 #6 5.88 Ruth Hakel 5.63 402- 739.3 35.36 Twin City Testing & Eng. Lab. 730.4 25.00 Carr Flowers 412.7 2.50 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 62.25 Auto. Supply of Hutch. 734.1 #6 39.90 Great Stuff Products, Inc. 730.3 27.50 Am. Linen Supply Co. 730.5 2.25 Hutch. Iron & Metal Co. 734.4 17.00 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 6.35 G. F. Nemitz' Sons 730.3 9.60 Albrecht Oil Company 730.3 60.60 Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 y 49.35 Citizens Fund Mutual Fire 114 46.27 Wm. D. Wixcey 759.1 60.33 Citizens Ins. Agency 114 85.69 Ed. Stockman 205 2.25 Dan Danielson 787.4 30.00 Arnold Knecke 787.4 22.50 Mrs. William Froemming 787.4 30.00 Edward Krantz 787.4 15.00 Holbrook1s 793.4 2.00 Commercial Welding; 734.1 #6 100.00 Nordberg Manf. . Co. 113. 1 #5 #6 8.64 Westinghouse Electric Supply 206 10.58 R. E. Burmesiter Electric 772 7.43 Zila Hardware 730.3 42.57 Norman Wright 787.4 13.09 Cold Spring Equip. Company 734.1 #6 642.23 Citizens Ins. Agency 114 1520.63 Leader Printing Company 781.3 787.2 538.65 C • Emery Nelson, Inc 730.3 238.00 Carl 0. F. Christensen 205 35.00 Sterling Electric Co. 730.3 5.27 The Hamilton Caster & Mf$.Co. 206 35.01 The Typewriter Shop 781.5 21.50 Stearns Lumber Co 202.7 136.66 Pedersen Electric Co. 730.3 167.60 Ruth Hake 1 412.8 16.00 Nordberg Manf. . Co. 734.1 #5 #6 325.99 Schneider Electric 113.2 34.29 R. E. Burmesiter Electric Co. 113.2 196.36 Burroughs Adding Machine 781.3 11.16 Wallner Printing Co. 781.3 27.50 Miss Eliza Sommers 787.4 15.00 Maurice Hannibal 787.4 15.00 Louis Dvorak 787.4 4.50 Elmer C. Jensen 796 150.00 Wallace Reyerson 796 150.00 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.3 781.4 781.5 27.74 R. E. Young 792 20.50 e) 9:. 240 (220) Roger Henke 787.4 30.00 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 734.14 775 517.46 E. J. Heilman 205 113.2 101.80 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00 Ben D Jerabek 206 730.3 759.2 1553.42 City of Hutchinson 5.10 51028.56 Albrecht Oil Company 730.3 66.15 Stearns Lumber Co. 202.7 59.18 Leeds & Northrup Co. 734.4 1.98 Larson Farm Equip 207 65.00 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 10.45 Am. Linen Supply 730.5 2.25 Sangamo Electric Co. 772 8.45 G. F. Nemitz Sons 730.3 6.15 Heil & Douglass Drug Store 730.3 1.40 Hutchinson Telephone Co: 793.3 30.55 Citizens Bank 801 3.60 Swanson Motor Co. 759.2 5.50 Automotive Supply 207 24.54 Sterling Electric Co. 113.2 14.76 Plowman Motors 759.1 66.51 Leader Printing Co. 787.2 41.25 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ( ULaL '' - I a , Secretary ATTEST:: C/?, /- f7loLv --t -/ R. eppa , res1t a t. ■