02-05-1954 HUCM( 215) 23
Rebruary 5, 1954.
Special Keet1-) .
A special Meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at
R. I. Sheppard ' s office on the afternoon of February 51 1954.
All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young.
Due to the delayed delivery on the two ton 1954 International
truck; a motion was made and seconded to take the 1953 International
truck that Larson Implement Company has on hand, which is equipped
with a hi h spped axel, tinted glass and other accessories which
he has ofered at the same price as the original bid.
There tieing no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
R. W. Danl, ecretary.
ShepparcT, Fresident.