01-04-1954 HUCM228 (210) Monthly Meeting. January 4, 1954. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. SheppardIs office on January 4, 1954. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, were read and appi!oved as read. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young. Motion was made and seconded to call for bids on two trucks. Notices and Specifications were sent to the following truck dealers; Mitchell Chevrolet Company Plowman Motor Sales Joergens Auto Company Larson Imp. Company Felskats Garage Frank Motor Company Swanson Motor Company Bretzke Implement Moberg Auto Company Motion was made and seconded to make the following adjustments on wages- Ralph Hakel $310.00 (5.00 Cooper Petroleum Co increase) $315.00 Minnesota Western Rf Co Harvey Daharsh 305.00 (10.00 759.2 increase) 315.00 Elmer White 290.00 (10.00 Thomas & Grayston Company increase) 300.00 Datlof Weseloh 292.20 ( 7.80 730.3 increase) 1225-00 300.00 Ruth Schoettmerl55.00 (10.00 Hutchinson Telephone Co. increase) 165.00 Wm. Marquardt Monthly wage set at 730.5 The following; bills were allowed: William Marquardt Salary Cooper Petroleum Co 729 Minnesota Western Rf Co 729 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 Graybar Electric Co. Inc 113.2 Thomas & Grayston Company 781.3 The DeLaval Sep. Co. 734.4 Minn. Wisc. Truck Line 730.3 Piehl's Standard Service 759.1 Hpelsf Direct Service 730.3, Hutchinson Telephone Co. 793.3 Albrecht Oil Company 730.3 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 St. Cloud Paper & Supply 730.3 Hutchinson Oil Company 730.2 Ben J. Jerabek 202.5 The Sharples Corp 734.4 The Hilliard Corp 730.3 C. Emery Nelson Ubc 730.3 734,k 45 84.34 9,145.80 4,230.57 47.98 2.25 41.35 4.75 7.81 734.4 34.46 759.1 759.2 510 40.20 39.91 31.20 37.50 44.75 74.40 1,058.40 150.66 25.36 32.00 95.20 1 D (211j 23-1, Western Union 730.3 1.44 Electric Supply Co. 203.2 25.33 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 205 772 23.72 Hennepin Hardware 6ompany 730.3 15.87 McGraw Hill Publishing 801 8.00 Ray McGraw 202.5 5.10 194.38 Leef Bros 730.5 78.18 Citizens Bank 781.3 1.50 Sterling Electric .Company 203.2 48.95 Q,uade's, Inc 203.2 775 86.92 Citizens Bank 793.2 5.64 Rockite Silo Company 202.5 236.25 Nordberg Manf. Co. 113.16 #6. 2,212-638 Mrs. Gustav Schlueter 787.4 15.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 47.27 H. G. Felepe & Co 730.3 1.25 R. E. Young 734.4 12.50 Westinghouse Electric Supply 208.2 Mdse. 113.2 167.07 E. A. Pedersen Company 202.5 5,400.00 Mrs. Henry Brummond 202.6 50.00 Schneider Electric & Equip 202.5 6,000.00 Wm Marquardt Salary 88.50 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 21.42 Iry Lindenberg 730.5 440.21 W A Patterson Company 202.7 75.00 Rural Coop. Fower tlsc lr. 202.7 186.20 Rinn. -Wisc. Truck Line 730.3 7.06 Henkets Hamburger Shop 734.1 #6 5.20 Nordberg Manf. Co. 113.1 #5 #6 99.75 Addressograph- Multl6raph 761.4 7f 3, 1.3 13 -? 3 James A. Lindsey 771 92.00 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 42.69 C. Emery Nelson, Inc. 734.4 52.40 Sterling Electric C6,npany "730.3 59•'? l• L• Bur�naiste» i.l c' r_�.: C��. 771 45.00 Allis - Chalwn -rs I.1an "o . 113 .? 746.00 �. S. Specialty Co. 730.3 1.60 Minnesota Western Ry Co. 729 2,668.47 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 5,137.96 Nordberg Manf. Co. 113.1 #5, #6 27.50 M. J. Higgins Agency 114 76.32 Stanley Martin 205 25.00 The meeting; was adjourned to a future date. R. W. Dahl, Secretary. AT TEST s . I. S eppar , re-s id ent.