05-04-1953 HUCM( 1931 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. N w L "M1TnaJt== May 4, 1953. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of May 4, 1953.at 7;30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded that the Municipal Electric Plant would furnish an underground service to any Commercial customer if both commercial cooking and heating were installed. Minn. Western Rwy. Co. 729 Sem B ecker 730,3 betty 2,342.140• 2,50 Ruth Hakel Cash 22.03' 403 Elmer C. Jensen 796 150,04' John Wood Company Wallace Reyerson 796 150.00' Graybar Electric Co 113.2 21.30' 668.23' Q.& Specialty Co 730.3 1150' 403 403 Ruth Hakel 412.8 45.25 , Swanson Motor Miller & Miller 209A 5,000.00• Minn. Western 2aUv y 729 1 :298.141 2.00' Cooper Petroleum Co 729 1,114-60- There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. N w L "M1TnaJt== May 4, 1953. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of May 4, 1953.at 7;30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded that the Municipal Electric Plant would furnish an underground service to any Commercial customer if both commercial cooking and heating were installed. The following bills were allowed; Hilliard Corp 403 251.40' John Wood Company 403 8.83• Allis- Chalmers 403 668.23' Leef Bros, Inc. Semerau Oil Company 403 403 75.56 - 34.66. Swanson Motor 403 11.00' American Linen Company 403 2.00' Hutchinson Oil Company 730.2 29340.90• Nordberg Manf. Co. 403 998.09 Stearns Lumber Co. 403 88.56• 212 (194) Citizens Bank 409 801 3.60 - Hutchinson Telephone Company 403 31.30" Albrecht Oil Company 403 59.16 Thomas & Grayston Company 403 2.10 - Culligan Soft Water Service omit G. F.,Nemitz Sons 403 33.57` Peterson Truck Service 403 12.38 Automotive Supply of Hutchinson 403 23.34' Minn. -Wisc. Truck Line 403 210.66 - Graybar Electric Co., Inc. 403 24.61 - Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 403 62.75 - Zila Hardware 403 21.94 - Citizens Bank 403 5.96 - Cooper Petroleum Company 729 5,563.46' Minnesota Western Railway Co 729 3,239.84 - Rut)A Hakel Petty Cash 34.65 - Henry C. Boller Salary 99.34- Kenneth Krantz Salary 105.24 - August Luthens Salary 84.34 Richard Slyter Salary 83.98 - Lloyd Seeland Salary 95.92 Fred Mayer Salary 69.12 John Metcalf Salary 99.34- Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 10.99 - American Radiator & Standard 730.3 9.21, Standard Oil Company 730.3 - 12.85 Q. S. Specialty Company 730.3 3.00 Quade's, Inc 209A 176.81 - Nordberg Manufacturing Co 113.1 #5 468.15 - Westinghouse Electric Supply Co omit Minnesota Western Railway Co 729 646.80 - Cooper Petroleum Company 729 1,110.67 Rev. Marion Casey 787.4 15.00- 0. M. Christianson 787.4 11.20 - Recreation Alley 787.2 .48.00 August Luthens Salary 78.67 - John Metcalf Salary 87.15 Kenneth Krantz Salary 96.42 - Henry Boller Salary 99.84 - Richard Slyter Salary 92.16" Lloyd Seeland Salary 91.45 Fred Mayer Salary 86.29 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5000 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co 113.2 285.63 - The Hilliard Corporation 734.4 50.00 Line Material Company 113.2 1,597.96 - Diesel Parts & Service Inc. 113.1 #1,2, 3. 131.00 - City of Hutchinson 114 38.66" Westinghouse Electric Supply Co 209A 113.2 3.97 Nordbergg Manufacturing Co. 113.1 #5,6 191.48- Minn. -Wisc. hruck Line 730.3 771 66.34 - Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 3,340.66 - Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 19.40 - Minnesota Western Railway Company 729 10945.44 (195 ) There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. -F R. W. Dahlo Secretary. ATTEST: be p &pa r d ,P res en June 1, 1953. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of June 1, 1953 at 7:30• The meeting was held` at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were alloweds August Luthens Salary 84.84 - John Metcalf Salary 92.16- Kenneth Krantz Salary 96.50• Henry C. Boller Salary 100.75• Lloyd Seeland Salary 90.34' Fred Mayer Salary 96.02 - Mrs Hilma Nieno 787.4 15.00• _. E. F. Adamson 787.4 12.85 - Peter Miller 787.4 15.00- Ferdinand Engelsmier 787.4 40.00 Dan Danielson 787.4 30.00 - V ic_t or M. Dahlke 787.4 15.00 W. F. Sharp 787.4 11.30 • John Schmidt 787.4 45.00' Peter Juul 787.4 30.00. Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 28.50 - Minnesota Western Ry. Co. 729 2,661.09- Zila Hardware 730.3 24.19 - McLeod Co -op. Power Ass +n. 113.2 118.68 Citizens Bank 793.2 4.15 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 50.20 Standard Oil Company 730.5 .87' Hutchinson Telephone Company 2q 793.3 27.85 - Wallner Printing Company 793.4 35.10' Peterson Truck Service 759.2 12.67 - Burroughs Adding Machine Company 781.3 22.32 - Lew Bonn Company 771 1.63- Carr Blowers 412.7 4.00'