04-06-1953 HUCM1 1 ( 191) 209 April 6, 1953. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light &_Power Commission was held on the evening of April 6, 1953 at 7:30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded that any business establishment may have all heat and cooking appliances on a commercial meter, except hatcherys. Motion was made and seconded to increase the hourly wage of the following: (effective as of April 1, 1953) August Luthens $.90 to $1.00 Richard Slyter $.90 to $1.00 Lloyd Seela.nd $.90 to $1.00 Motion was made and seconded to increase the monthly wage of Ruth Schoettmer $15.00 per month, effective as of April 1, 1953, also Ruth Wick and Ruth Hakel. Motion was made and seconded to purchase safety straps for the line crew. The following bills were allowed: Hutchinson Teleehone Co. 793.3 32.25- Hutchinson Dry leaners 730.5 34.90, Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 34.62. Hutchinson Iron & Metal Co 734.4 2.50. Christgau- Douglas 730.3 1.30, Stearns Lumber Co. 730.3 9.66. Wanner Printing Co. 793.4 22.5o. Pink `'upPly Co 730.3 67.6o, Norberg Manf.Co 734.14 526 27.44• Helwig Company 734.14 1120 15.17 American Linen Supply Co. 730.5 2.00• The Hilliard Corp. 730.3 73.40• Addressograph Multigraph Corp. 781.4 1.40- Electric Supply Co, 113.2 109.70. Peter & Eldred Miller 209A,5.10 1,611.20. Zila Hardware 203,730.3,771 169.65 Automotive SApp°ly. _ ofHutch 730.3 17.26 Frank "otor Co 759.1 56.18• Nels Simonson Leef 203,734.4 35.53' Bros. Inc. 730.5 92.44• Peterson Truck Service 759.2 30.40• Sterling Electric Co. "anf. 734.3 12.84• Nordberg Co 113.1 - #5,734.1 - #5 960.13 General Electric Co. 772 4.75 210 ( 192) Western Union Graybar Electric Co. R.E.Burmeister Electric Co Westinghouse - Eectric Supply �'o. Citizens Wank Kempske taperrCo. Coast toCoast Stores George T.Walker American Standard August Luthens John Metcalf Kenneth Krantz Henry C. Boller -chard Slyter Lloyd Seeland Citizens Bank Nordberg Manf.Co. Hilliard Corp. R. E. Young Ruth Hakel M.J.Higgins Agency Sterling Electric Co R.E.Burmester Electric Co George T.Walker Leader Printing Co Addressograph hultigraph Corp. George Peik George Peik Albert Peik August Luthens John Metcalf Kenneth Krantz Henry C. Boller Richard Slyter Lloyd Seelan B en D.Jerabek Electric Supply Co. `John `'chmidt Honan Crane Corp. Imperial Supply Co Hutchinson Oil Co Minn. Bearing Co. Snap On Tools Ruth Hakel Standard Oil Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Fred Jungblut Hutchinson Water Dept. Westinghouse Electric Supply 1�o Hilliard Corp Adeco Products Inc. Graybar Electric Co. Ellsworth Schleeter Minn. Wisc. Truck Line Qtaades Inc. Cooper Petroleum Co 793.3 1.44' 113.2,730.3 116.25 772 12.88 - U3.2,209A, 5.10 200.20- 114 1,324.20_ 793.4 2.94, 730.3 15.83- 730.3 58.75- 202 29.39 Salary 71.04- Salary 107.02, Salary 83.76 Salary 83.98 - Salary 89.35 - Salary 70.83• 793.2 13.91• 113.146 264.08- 730.3 582.75- 792 27.00- 205,730.3,801 12.21, 114 1,172.77- 209A,113.2` 41.6a 772 3.38' 730.3 11-75' 781.3j, 787.21 793.4 1,442.35' ?81, .4 781.5 1113 - 78741�, ( 3,54,00- 205 25-00- 787.4 15.00 - Salary M02- Salary 94.26• Salary 105.26• Salary 116.36 - Salary 96.77 - Salary 79.27 - 209A,5.10,730.3,734.4,759.2 758.47- 203.2, 206, 771 63..11• 787.4 12.20' 730.3 446.46 793.4 .88- 730.2 213.84- 734.1- # 1 9.66- 734.4 1.30- 402, 5.63 20.69 ' 730.3 12.85 - Mdse 142.80 730.5 2.29. 730.1 39.00' 771 32.60 73-0.3 82.00 - 734.1 #5 32.99 113.2 139.18• 730.4 5. oo . 7300', 734.1 -# 5 8.49• 203.2;209A3730.3,771 85.88 729 5,137.41' ( 1931 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. N w L "M1TnaJt== May 4, 1953. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of May 4, 1953.at 7;30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded that the Municipal Electric Plant would furnish an underground service to any Commercial customer if both commercial cooking and heating were installed. Minn. Western Rwy. Co. 729 Sem B ecker 730,3 betty 2,342.140• 2,50 Ruth Hakel Cash 22.03' 403 Elmer C. Jensen 796 150,04' John Wood Company Wallace Reyerson 796 150.00' Graybar Electric Co 113.2 21.30' 668.23' Q.& Specialty Co 730.3 1150' 403 403 Ruth Hakel 412.8 45.25 , Swanson Motor Miller & Miller 209A 5,000.00• Minn. Western 2aUv y 729 1 :298.141 2.00' Cooper Petroleum Co 729 1,114-60- There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. N w L "M1TnaJt== May 4, 1953. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of May 4, 1953.at 7;30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded that the Municipal Electric Plant would furnish an underground service to any Commercial customer if both commercial cooking and heating were installed. The following bills were allowed; Hilliard Corp 403 251.40' John Wood Company 403 8.83• Allis- Chalmers 403 668.23' Leef Bros, Inc. Semerau Oil Company 403 403 75.56 - 34.66. Swanson Motor 403 11.00' American Linen Company 403 2.00' Hutchinson Oil Company 730.2 29340.90• Nordberg Manf. Co. 403 998.09 Stearns Lumber Co. 403 88.56•