01-07-1953 HUCM200 (184) January 7, 1953. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of January 7, 1953 at 7 :30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were allowed: W.G.Wandrow Salary 28.80' Martin Briggs Salary 90.70• Harold Laatsch Salary 92.20, . Electric Supply Co. 209A,113.2 470.03. Swanson Motor Co. 759.2 15.73 Hutchinson Telephone Co. ?93.3: 43.40- H.C.Hatsch 787.2 2.00• Red &White StorO 730.3 10.80, American Laren supply 730.5 2.00• Leef Bros. Inc. 730.5 121-76', Sterling Electric Co. 113.2,734.3,734.14 1 225.3:8 Addressograph Multigraph Co 781.4 10.57• Certified Electric Corp. 730.3 88.80. The Hilliard Corp. 734.4 182.45 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 34.95 Q-S Specialty Co. 730.3 3.00 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 12.60 - Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 209A 15.45 Citizens Bank 793.2 6.31 Nels Simonson 209A 20.46 Parsons Welding supply Co. 730.3 5.86' Standard Oil Co 730.3 12.85• Brown Steel Tank Co. 203 22.10 M.J.Higgins Agency 114 62.28 - ,ym Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00 - Citizens Ins.Agency 114 52.70 The DE Laval Separator Co 2:03 4,405.00' Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 209A 28.5& Wm. D.Waxcey 759.1 47.20. R.E.Burmeister Electric Co 205 24.80• Gust Logerquist & Sons 209A 21373.50 - Minn. Ontario Paper Co 113.2 1.,030.00' Roger .Rickman 787.4 15.00 Herman Thalman 787.4 15.00. Harvey Wilke 787.4 15.00 ' B:aulay Anderson Waldo & Co. 795 500.00' Direct Service Oil Co 759.2 50.40 Automotive SuppW,7-Co. of Hutch 730.3 3.67- Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 5000.2 Minn. Western Rwy. 729 3,731.56 - Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 15.37 - E. J. Rekow 402, 5. I 86-70- Ben A.Jerabek 205,2061209A,5.10,730.32771 415.37- Martin Briggs Harold Laatsch John R.Rannow Sem Becker Ruth Hakel Henke's,Hamburger Shop Cooper retroleum Co Minn. Western Rwy. There being no Salary Salary 787.9 734.4 Petty Cash 734,1 -f 5 729 729 further business the meeting was adjourned. X5 rz�� Ir 1 � W-�A IMMIMOD (185) 89.00. 92.20 30.00 64.00 18.02• 10.05 S)4041- 2,,099-76 201