11-03-1952 HUCM196 180) Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 1#30.3 Am. Linen Supply Co. 7730.5 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 7(30.5 Graybar Electric Co., Inc . 113.2 Leef" Bros., Inc. 7130.5 Parsons Welding Supply 713 0.3 Minn. Wisc . Truck Line 7130.3 Westinj3house Electric Supply 209, Burroughs Adding; Machine Co. 778 -1.5 Wartenbe Filters, Inc. 7134.4 Addressograph- Multigraph Corp. 7731.5 Nicols, Dean & Gregg 113.1 Stearns Lumber Co. 730.3 Direct Service Oil Co. 759.1 Rockite Silo Co. 205 Zila Hardware 7730.3 Vestinghouse Electric Suppllr Co. 7730.3 113.2 #6 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Re We a , aecre ar, ATTEST: _ R. I. eppar , Pres den-. November 3, 1952. Rebular Meeting. 1.90, 2.00- 42 .3Q 196.22, 38.46 - 12.31- 194.53 3710.67, .1.15 - 121.74- 14.13 7 30- 4.49- 12.19- 6.75- 43.772= 36.14 The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of November 3, 1952 at 7:30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. It was agreed by Miller & Mi -ller, contractors, to allow $150.00 credit on contract providing ceiling in new warehouse would not be painted. Dr. A. J. Thompson having been re- appointed by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, as a member of the Light & Power Commission for a six year term and having subscribed to the required oath, the Commission proceeded with the election of officers for the coming year. Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Thompson that all officers who have served for the past year be re- elected. Motion was carried unanimously, whereupon President Sheppard declared the following to be the officers of the Light & i3ower Commission for the homing year: R. I. Sheppard President A. J. Thompson Vice President R. W. Dahl Secretary H. R. Jensen Treasurer 1 L_ 19' (181) Motion was made and seconded to purchase one hundred Sangemo meters for water heater accounts. Motion was made and seconded to purchase a meter test table from Burmeister Electric Company. Motion was made and seconded to discuss and consider any and all requbsts asked by the Council of the Light and Power Commission. The following bills were allowed: Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 48.57 - w.G.Wandrow Salary 91.70 - Martin Briggs Salary 76.20 - Minn. Western Rory. 729 968.01 ' Joseph H. Julig 111 58.75 Citizens Bank 793.2 6.09' Graybar Electric Co. 113.2,205,771 130.30' Norberg Manf. Co. 734.146 468.20• Minn. Bearing Co. 734.146 244.59' Sterling Electric Co. 111,Mdse. 86.77- Duro Pest Corp. 730.3 37-92. Hutch Water Dept. 730.1 45.57 ' Hilliard Corp. 730.3 161.40' Copper Petroleum Co. 729 2,922.05- Minn. Western Rwy 729 733.62• W. G. Wandrow Martin Briggs Salary Salary 97-30' 87.40' Harold Laatsch Salary 92.20' Herman Klawitter 787.4 15.00' Howard 6emerau 787.4 15.00' H.J. Engelmann 787.4 15.00' Fred Bitzer 787.4 15.00 glyde Gregor 787.4 15.00. H.J. Engelmann 787.4 30.00' Milan Zdrazil 787.4 15.00• Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 38.19' Minn. Western Rwy. 729 1,947.22' Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 2,778.86' Nicols Dean & Gregg 113.146 192.00• The Sharpies Corp. 734.4 460.00' Elsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00• C.H.Stocking 206,730.3 123.70. Citizens Ins. Agency 114 43.60• Gust Logerquist 209A 23373.50' Peter & Eldred Miller 209A 4,957.50 - Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 5.10 410.58• Miller Davis Co. 793.4 9.50 Line Material Co. 775 71.23 Graybar Electric Co. 113.2 51.12 R.E. Burmeister Electric Co. 205,113.2 270.33' Sterling Electric Co. 209A 19.22 Minn. Bearing Co. 734.146 77.43' Automotive ''apply �'o of Hutch 730.3 13.91 - Mrs. Paul Burmeister 787.4 30.00• Carl W.Ewald 787.4 15.00 ' Minn. Western Rwy. 729 649.55- 19s (182) There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST : A 0. dI.Sheppard., Q�� esi nt. (::� - - zq-� -1% 1 R. W. Dahl, Secretary. December 1, 1952. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of December 1, 1952 at 7:30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young and H. P. Quade. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to remove all of the office space at the East end of the old building and to build a new locker room in the northeast corner of the building. It was agreed to purchase new cement blocks for bhe locker room instead of using the old cinder blocks, being that the old blocks were unsafe. Motion was made and seconded to grant each employee a Christmas Bonus of $25.00 (net). Motion was made and seconded to purchase new desks and chairs for the office and to move old furniture into the plant offices, After due discussion with H. P. Quade, it was decided to purchase an oil burner that would not have to be ignited with gas. The new burner to cost $1,050.51 less than the original bid. The following bills were allowed: W.G.Wandrow Salary 91.70 Martin "riggs Salary 66.60 " Harold Laatsch Salary 80.60 ` Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 32.71 Westinghouse Electric Supply 5.10,Mdse,113.2 1,656.80 Dan Danielson 787.4 15.00. Louis B. Indrews 787.4 15.00. Ross Heilman 787.4 15.00' Mrs. Herman Arndt 787.4 15.00• Emil Steffen 787.4 13.55 Minn. Western Rwy. 729 2,359.15 Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 5,166,74' Cities Service Station 759.1 50.70•• Square Clothing Co. 787.2 73.56• Hutchinson Oil Co. 730.3 5.15