10-06-1952 HUCM194 ( 178 ) October 6, 1952. Regular Me- eting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of October 6, 1952 at 7:30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to grant Ruth Hakel pay for one week's unused vaction in 1951 and one week's unused vacation in 1952. The following bills were allowed: Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 734.4 - 1.80 - Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00 - Fitzloff Bros. 759.1 8.28 - Reinhard Bros. Co. 771 2.40= Am. Linen Supply Co. 730.5 2.00 - Hutch. Dry Cleaners 730.5 42.10 St- andard Oil Co. 730.3 12.85- Harry R. Hanson 771 15.00' John Portele 205 4.50 - Swanson Motor Co. 759.2 6.50• Citizens Bank 793.2- 9.86 Minnesota Bearing Co 734.1 #6 50-00- Ed. Hoffman 732 2.90 - Mae's Standard Service 759.1 44.78 Leef Bros., Inc. 730.5 53.50 Russ Hable 205 47.1Cr Cooper Petroleum Co 729 2778.57 Minnesota Western Railway Co. 729 1942.35 - Hutch. Sheet Metal Works 205 74.50, Citizens Bank 901 2.40 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 793.3 28.10 - Grace -Lee Products Inc. 730.3 26.86, McMaster -Carr Supply Co. 730.3 190.45 Am. Rad . & Std. San. Corp. 203.2 50.59 - Peterson Truck Service 759.2 55.35' Burroughs Adding Machine 781.5 59.95 - Parsons Welding Supply Co. 730.3 13.80 - Burmeister Electric Co. 205, 113.2 647.92 - Pink Supply Co. 730.3 34.58 - Graybar Electric Co. Mdse 6.19 - Sterling Electric Co. 111, 205, Mdse 565.5( - Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 29.09' Minnesota Western Railway Co. 729 1,296.27" Minnesota Electric Supply Co. 113.2 105.91 - Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 2,225.94 -• Q. S. Specialty Co. 730.3 6.00' Floyd Hurley 113.2 22.0& Mrs. L. J. Thibeau 402, 5.63 5.78 - Don Me Gannon 787.4 30.0(Y Maplewood Academy 787.4 2 3.00' 1 1 W. G. "Na nd r ow Z -ila Hardware Cooper Petroleum Co M.• J. Higgins Citizens Insurance Agency Electric Supply Co. R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. Am. Rad . & Std. San.. Corp. Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minnesota Nordberg Manf. Co. General Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Electric Supply Co. Rockite Silo Co. Auto Supply of Hutch Postmaster, Hutchinson, Mir: sota Nordberg Manf. Co. Mrs. Lars Rasmussen Minrr- sota Western Railway Co. Cooper Petroleum Co. R. E. Burmesiter Electric Co. Hennepin Hardware Co. Minnesota Bearing Co. Graybar Electric Co., Inc. W. G. Wandrow Martin Briggs Ellsworth Schleeter Cooper Petroleum Co. Wm. Hartmann Louis E. Pankake Carl Radunz Citizens Ins. Agency Beneral Electric Supply Corp. R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. Minnesota Bearing Company Minnesota Western Railway Co. Kemske Paper Co. Mary Maher W'estinhouse Electric Supply Co. Sterling Electric Company Am. Asbestos Products Addressograph- Multigraph Corp. Minnesota Bearing Co. Hutchinson Oil Co. St. Cloud Paper & Supply Co. Reinhard Brothers Minnesota Western Ry• Co. Ruth Hake 1 Cooper Petroleum Co. Elmer Jensen Wallace Reyerson Felska Garage & Auto Co. Anton Fratzke G. F. Nemitz l Sons Walter Rippe Hutchinson Telep.11,one Co. Salary 730.3 729 114 114 2 09A 771 771 781.2, 113.1 730.3 2 09A Mdse. 205 730.3 781.3 113.1 787.4 729 729 113.2 734.4 113.1 730.3 Salary Salary '7130.4 T29 787-4 4 787.4 787.4 114 2 09A 113 .2 113.1 729 '793.4 7!87.4 Mdse. 113.2 "7130.3 `7181.5 113.1 730.2 730.3 113.1 729 Petty 729 M 6 796 T59.1 781.3 #4. 113.2 #4 , #5, #6- #5, 6 #5, #6. #5, #6- #1, 2, 3. Cash 402, 5.63 7130.3 7130.3 '7193.3 195 ( 179) 108.90- 22.21- 1,816.2& 98.18 67.40' 72.26 155.8' 9.09' 350-4Q- 285-00- 284.8& 937.3a 23.86 40.50 25.4a 51.90 86.10 - 22.50- 322.33- 553.52- 38.0'- 3.05- 25.1r 13.17' 91.70 36.00 5.00� 2,801.5& 30.00' 15.00' 4.50` 25.00' 3.44 145 249.21 1,631.4) 46.64, 30.00' 69.30 52.7T 5.10 10.710` 216.64 1,982.88 40.68' 53.4 -f 645.80' 47.1 1,109.Or 150-00/ 42 .22' 33.80 - 6.66- 3.00- 33.35' 196 180) Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 1#30.3 Am. Linen Supply Co. 7730.5 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 7(30.5 Graybar Electric Co., Inc . 113.2 Leef" Bros., Inc. 7130.5 Parsons Welding Supply 713 0.3 Minn. Wisc . Truck Line 7130.3 Westinj3house Electric Supply 209, Burroughs Adding; Machine Co. 778 -1.5 Wartenbe Filters, Inc. 7134.4 Addressograph- Multigraph Corp. 7731.5 Nicols, Dean & Gregg 113.1 Stearns Lumber Co. 730.3 Direct Service Oil Co. 759.1 Rockite Silo Co. 205 Zila Hardware 7730.3 Vestinghouse Electric Suppllr Co. 7730.3 113.2 #6 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Re We a , aecre ar, ATTEST: _ R. I. eppar , Pres den-. November 3, 1952. Rebular Meeting. 1.90, 2.00- 42 .3Q 196.22, 38.46 - 12.31- 194.53 3710.67, .1.15 - 121.74- 14.13 7 30- 4.49- 12.19- 6.75- 43.772= 36.14 The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of November 3, 1952 at 7:30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. It was agreed by Miller & Mi -ller, contractors, to allow $150.00 credit on contract providing ceiling in new warehouse would not be painted. Dr. A. J. Thompson having been re- appointed by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, as a member of the Light & Power Commission for a six year term and having subscribed to the required oath, the Commission proceeded with the election of officers for the coming year. Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Thompson that all officers who have served for the past year be re- elected. Motion was carried unanimously, whereupon President Sheppard declared the following to be the officers of the Light & i3ower Commission for the homing year: R. I. Sheppard President A. J. Thompson Vice President R. W. Dahl Secretary H. R. Jensen Treasurer 1 L_