07-19-1952 HUCM190 ( 174) G.raybarl Electric Co., Inc. Addressograph Sales Agency Nicols, Dean & Gregg Am. Locomotive Co Minnesota Bearing Company Great Stuff Products, I c. Am. Rad. & Standard San -. Corporation Reinhard Brothers Co Boulay, Anderson Waldo & Co M. J. Higgins Agency Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line Hutchinson Water Department Q. S. Specialty Co Sem Becker Direct Service Station Sterling Electric Company Irwin Burton Hutchinson- Oil Company Quade ►s, Inc. Ruth Hakel 113.2 781.4, 761.5 734.1 #6 734.1 1, 2, 734.1 #6 730.3 203.2 734.1 1,2,3 795 114 730.3, 2O9A 730.1 730.3 734.4 759.1 2O9A 734.4 730.2, 730.3 2 O9A Petty Cash 3. #4, #6 214.50- 11.96. 31.30' 7.44- 34.26= 13.61' 73.48- - 47.64- 560.00. 495.30 5.58 - 36.99- 3.00- 19-50- 1.04- 156.09 32.85 112.60 2895.51, 19.48- There being no further business the meeting was adjourned until July 19, 1952. R. W. a i .,secretary ATTEST Sheppard, Pres. Ad itned Meeting. July 19, 1952. The adjourned meeting; of the Light & power Commission was held at July 19, 1952 at 7;30. All Commissioners were present , also Supt. Young. n Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Q©mmissioner Dahl to give the following raises in salary: (Effective as of 7 -1 -52) Ralph Hakel -- - - - - -- 10.00 Harvey Daharsh - - - - -- 15.00 Robert Schulte - - - - -- 15.00 Ruth Wick----- - - - - -- 15.00 Ruth hakel---- - - - - -- 115-00 Motion was made and seconded to have pension plan. the Supt. inquire into a Motion was made and seconded to pay for all TB tests had by employees. 1 191 (175( Motion was made and seconded to contribute #15,000 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson. There being no further - business the meeting; was adourned. R. W. Dahl-,' ` Secretary. ATTESTS R. I. Sheppard, President . August 4, 1952. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light and Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office on the evening of August 4, 1952 at 7;30. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to Field accounts a billing of a 2� net give the Softball and Baseball and 3e gross. This billing to be effective as soon as all current arrears have been taken care of. The following bills were allowedl Minnesota Wisconsin 'Truck Line 209A 1.80 Sterling Electric Co, 209A730.3 55.43 Graybar Electric Co. 209A, 205 214.9G Leef Bros., I;.c . 730.5 104.84 - Minnesota Bearing Co. 734.1 #6 210.62- Citizens Bank 793.2 6.33 Citizens Insurance agency 114 43.60 Hoels' Direct Service 759.1 86.38" Am. Linen Supply Co. 730.5 2.00' Parsons Welding Supply Co. 730.3 6.45 - Stearns Lumber Company 730.3 2.46- Carr Flowers 787.2 10.00' Hutchinson Telephone Co. 793.3 57.45_ R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 113.2, 205 773.72 Manzel 734.1 734.1 #4 11.03:- Nordberg Manufacturing Co. 734.1 #5, #6 42.56` Cooper Petroleum Co 729 3991.61 Minnesota . "lestern Railway Co. 729 1675.72 Emery Tracy 787.4 30.00 - Harlow Sanstead, Jr. Robert Blume 787.4 787.4 15.00 - 15.00 - Howard Telecky 767.4 30.00 - Ira Braun 5.63, 402 5.30-