05-05-1952 HUCM185 (169) There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST: R. I. Sheppard, President; May 5, 1952. Regular Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppardls office on May 5, 1952 at 7;30 p.m. All commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. Motion was made and seconded to enclose the top part of the East windows in the plant with glass brick instead of regular brick. Motion was made and seconded to change the present temporary 2" pipe line from the outside tanks to 3" pipe line and bring it in thru the new garage basement. Motion was made and seconded to purchase a new DeLaval centrifuge and to install it in the Northeast corner of the basement. Motion was made and seconded to cut a new door large enough to accommodate a truck into the plant from the garage. Motion was made and seconded to allow a paid three weeks' vacation with fifteen ,years service and a paid four week vacation with twenty years service. Motion was made and seconded to hire Chris Christensen from May 7, 1952 thru July 15, 1952. His hourly pay to be $.90. 730.5 305.86 - 838.50- 5.20• 2.80- 12.00 2.50- 21.25 44.3'T 5.91 10.72• 30.OG 41.27 5.00' 2.00 - 45.10- 4777 .30' The following bills were allowed% M. J. Higgins Agency 114 Citizens Ins. Agency 114 E ?A Ralph Young 759.2 Peterson Truck Service 403 Ed Hoffman 730.3 Hoel's Direct Service 759.2 Zila Hardware 403 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 403 Citizens Bank 403 Herman Engleman Otto Oelfke 787.4 787.4 H. M. Schmidt 113.2, Wrr. Jorgenson 734.4 Am. Linen Supply Co. 403 Leef Bros. Inc. 403 Nordberg Manf . Co. 403 730.5 305.86 - 838.50- 5.20• 2.80- 12.00 2.50- 21.25 44.3'T 5.91 10.72• 30.OG 41.27 5.00' 2.00 - 45.10- 4777 .30' (170) Parsons Welding Supply 6.32 -' Electric Supply Co. 217.66' Citizens Ins. Agency 200.00 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. Ruth Hakel 37.56' Ruth Hakel 25.11- Cooper Petroleum.--Co 1085.18 Electric Supply Co 218.17" Ellsworth Schleeter 5.00 - Westinghouse Electric Co. 376.20_ R. E. Burmeister Electric Co General Electric Supply Corp. 2.50- Nordberg Manf. Co 239.87 Graybar Electric Co., Inc. 95.94" Minnesota Electric Supply Co. Minn. Wisc. Truck Line 7.05 Fitzloff Bros. 3.70• Citizens Ins. Agency 599.42- Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minnesota 150.00 Minnesota Western Railway Co Armory 85.00- R. E. Young 34.30 S. R. Knutson 58.00 Kurth-Is Sound Equipment 25.0(7 Triple "D" Cafe 25.70 New Bakery 22.68 Sederstromts 9.48- N. P. Nielsen 5.00- Dobratz Furniture Store 7.00' Sunlite Dairy Bar 6.00' J. F. Riesberg 1.60- 403 6.32 -' 113.2 217.66' 114 200.00 205 125.12' Petty Cash 37.56' Petty Cash 25.11- 729 1085.18 209A 218.17" 730.4 5.00 - Mdse 376.20_ 772, 113.2 278.52' 775 2.50- 734.1 #51 #61 113.2 239.87 113.2 95.94" 113.2 153.28 - 209A 7.05 759.1 3.70• 403 599.42- 793.1 150.00 729 1564.00 787.2 85.00- 787.2 34.30 787.2 58.00 787.2 25.0(7 787.2 25.70 787.2 22.68 787.2 9.48- 787.2 5.00- 7 87.2 7.00' 787.2 6.00' 787.2 1.60- Motion was made and seconded to allow payment on registration fees to Ed. Stoeckman, Register of Deeds, Glencoe, Minrr sota. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. R . W. Bahl, Secretary. ATTESTS , R. I. heppard, Pres den . 1