12-03-1951 HUCM13 (157) M. J. Higgins Agency Sterling Electric Compnay American Loco Co Graybar Electric Co., Inc The Hilliard Corporation R. E. Burmeister Electric Co Iver Iverson Walt er Anglin Minn Western Ry Co Cooper Petroleum Co Minnesota Western Ry Co 114 89.00 Mdse 61.76 113.1 #1.92)3* 14.79 Mdse, 205, 113.2 405.66 730.3 155.10 772, 113.2 260.61 787.4 10.00 5.63, 402 3.28 729 2616.93 729 4739.04 729 674.82 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Dahl, Secretary*-. ATTEST: R. I. Sheppard, President. December 3, 1951 Regular Meeting, • The regular meeting of the Light and Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard's office at 7:30 on the evening of December 3, 1951. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. Motion was made and seconded to call for bids on the proposed new garage - warehouse. Bids to be opened atthe Light Plant Billing Office at eight o'clock on January 10, 1952. Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to give each employee a raise of $10.00, effective December 1, 1951• Motion was made and seconded to grant each employee a Christmas Bonus of $25.00. Motion was made and seconded to Purchase a $10,000 Certificate of Deposit from the Farmers State Bank of Lester Prairie, Lester Prairie, Minn. The following bills were allowed: Peterson Truck Service 75902 30.50 Robert Edwall 787.4 15.00 G F Nemitz' Sons 730.3 8.o4 Hutchinson oil co 730.2 37.26 Christgau & Doublass, Inc Mitchell Chev. Co 730.3 759.2 2.70 5.25 Automotive Supply of Hutchinson 730.3 6.60 Carl F Martens 787.4 30.00 Swanson Motor Co 759.2 30.99 Citizens Bank 793.2 6.43 174 (158) American Linen Supply Co 730.5 2.00 Leef Bros Inc 73005 45.52 ' Zila Hardware 730.3 14.46 McLeod Co -op. Power Assn. 205 119.32 Leader Printing Company 781.3,787.2 523.10 Pink Supply Co 730.3 33.80 Duro -Test Corporation Mdse 13.68 Square Clothing Co 787.2 45.26 Rockite Silo Co 205 22.50 Twin City Testing & Engineering Lab 729 69.15 Electric Supply Co 205, 771 32.20 Hutchinson Bry Cleaners 73005 47.65 Wallner Printing Co 781.3 9.75 Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 24.25 WestinWhouse Electric Supply 113.2 41.74 Nordberg Manf Co 113.1 #4 330.00 Lodes Hdwe & App. Store Mdse 5.28 Wms. Motor Sales, Inc. 759.1 39.28 General Electric Supply Corp 730.3 12.50 Park Machine, Inc 734.2 27.50 Certified Electric Corp 73003 111 25.68 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 1.62 Sterling Electric Co 111,771, 730.3 38.83 Graybar Electric Co Inc Mdse, 113.2 547.83 R. E. Young 792.2 22.50 Ruth Betker Petty Cash 49.21 Minn Western Ry Co 729 1493.47 Cooper Petroleum Co 729 2704058 Minn. -Wise. Truck Line 730.3 1.65 Pearly Christenson 787.4 15.00 Irwin D. Bernhagen 787.4 15.00 Robert Sturgess 787.4 22.50 City of Hutchinson 114 3.78 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 21:45 Cliff Betker 5.10, 205,759.2 829.25 Ruth Betker Petty Cash 50.13 Orville Selle 205 50.00 Minn. - Western Ry Co 729 2095.14 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5100 Addressograph Multigraph 781.4 2.82 The DeLaval Separator Co 734.4 30.17 The Sharples Corporation 734.4 125.69 Electric Meter Service Co 772 55.00 McDonnell & Miller, Inc. 203.2 15.55 M. J. Higgins Agency 114 53.55 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul 214 3.00 Boulay, Anderson, Waldo & Co 795 475.00 The DeLaval Sep Co 734.4 13.29 Graybar Electric Co, Inc. ?71, 113.2 52.07 Juul Contracting Co 5.10 85.00 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co 205, 772 46.26 Brauns 730.3 3.50 The Hilliard Corp. 730.3 88.00 Minn. Western Ry. Co. 729 297.22 Cooper Petroleum Co 729 3794.15 1 u There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: (/7- �- 9 <�� R. I. 5heppard., President. January 7, 1952. Monthly Meeting. Dahl., Secretary. The regular meeting of the Light and Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppardts office at 7:30 on the evening of January 71 1952. Commissioners Sheppard and Thompson were present, also Supt. Young. Motion was made and seconded to sell the old addressograph machine for $50.00 Motion was made and seconded to purchase a Certificate of Deposit in the amount of &10,000.00 from the Citizens State Bank of Silver Lake and one, in the same amount, from the Twin Cities Federal Saving and Loan Asstn., Minneapolis, Minne m ta. The following Bills were allowed: Henry Sanken 787.4 Coast -to -Coast Store 730.3 D S Specialty Co 730.3 Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 Am Linen `supply Co 730.5 G F Nemitzts Sons 730.3 Wallner Printing Co 781.3 Zila Hardware 730.3 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 Am. Radiator & Standard San. Corp 734.1 Crane Col of Minnesota 203.2 Cities Service Station 759.2 Leef Bros., Inc. 730.5 Frank Motor Co 759.1 Stearns Lumber Co 205 Sanp -on Tools Corporation 730.3 Electric Supply Co 771 Hutch Dry Cleaners 730.5 Automotive Supply of Hutchinson 730.3 Citizens Bank 793.2 Am. Locomotive Co 113.1 Nordberg Manf. Co 113.2 Missouri Petroleum Products 206 Larson Farm Equip 759.2 Robert E Walsh 787.4 Elmer Pollman 787.4 Herman Boettcher 787.4 #5 #6. #1, 2, 3. #5 15.00 1.6o 1.50 30.00 2.00 3.85 40.50 27.00 14.40 43.29 6,33 5.70 56.32 5o.34 69.69 17.18 8.33 52.25 49.40 6.68 224.64 150.00 107.45 3.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 FT PW A 91`