06-05-1950 HUCM129 (117) Member Dahl moved that the Light and Power Commission of the City of nutchinson execute the fore €,oink, contract, and which contract is subject to approval by the Rural Electrification Administration, 'VashinL'ton, D. C. as to the A,cLeod Cooperative Power Association, and that the President and Secretary be authorized to sign said contract on behalf of this Commission. Member Thompson seconded the foregoing motion, and upon vote being ta'_cen all members voted in favor of the motion and no member voted against the motion, and the motion was declared unanimouslIT auopted. Supt. Ralph Yount; was instructed to transmit the si €'ned contract to the McLeod Cooperative Power Association, with instructions that upon approval by the REA, 9Vashington, D. C., a signed duplicate ori�_inal be returned to this Commission for its files and records. There being, no further business the meetinC adjourned. c: R. 'N. Dahl, Secretary. f` ATTEST; _ A I. Sheppard, President. Juno _,, 1950. Yonthly Meet ink; . l ,e ret,_ l.ar monthl,, meet .n- of the LI(-ht and Power Co.rsr.ission was held at R. I. Sheppard +s office at 7;30 P. m. on June 5, 1950. All C ommiS, :_ions were prFS e t , also Supt. Yount.. The minutes of t?lle Last moiithly meetiriC' and special meetinE °s were read and ap_provcd. Motion was made and seconjed to issue a check to Dr. `Nrbitzky in the amount of 0 "'50.00 in part payment of his underground system. motion vss ma:it1 a.,::d seconded to order (one to five) inserts to be maJe for the Macintosh- Seymour enCines. T;.otion was made and 'seconde.:' to order extra distri' "Jtion irven,tory materials now Ji.)e tr, an expected incre <ase in materi.a.l costs. Yotion was also made and seconded to incroese t'Ic mart. -,ly w�a -•e o� t',e '_'oll�v�in, erpl��;, =ees: Ross 1-1-e-.112-nn r� ` • 00 Elmer White ;10.00 •15.(70 l . JunCblut 10. 00 X15 .00 n . Youn[; X15.00 10.00 R. Betker 10.00 10.00 D. Klin�er 5.00 5.00 ; . Da',ar sl 5 . nn x,10.00 R. Schulte w 5 .00 Leif Lars on F. Ahrens R. Hakel 'CI I,Iltz D. 'iiese1oh r� ` • 00 Elmer White ;10.00 •15.(70 l . JunCblut 10. 00 X15 .00 n . Youn[; X15.00 10.00 R. Betker 10.00 10.00 D. Klin�er 5.00 5.00 ; . Da',ar sl 5 . nn x,10.00 R. Schulte w 5 .00 130 ( 116 ) The above ala.ry chant es to be retroactive as of Ya.y 1, 1950. Throuch an oversig:h.t the follcivinf- two inserts v.,ere not entered on th.e 1, 1950 minutes; The resi1c,..ati on of Don Re.smussen, effective April 30, 1950, was received. Motion was made and seconded to accept the resi`l-nation and to allow his vacation with, pay. Motion was made an s econ e a to hi re Robert Schulte at ;x.75 per hour as a plant helper, effective as' 'of 1v:ay 1, 1950. The follo:vinE bills. were € llowed - 1,inn -',1, isc Truck Lines 113.2 2.11 Gray C,ar .Electric Co Inc 113.2 479.11 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 4029.62 Zila Hardware 730.3 18.20 Sem Becke r 730.4 '1.50 Citizens Bank 793.2 8.25 Felepe Shoe Shop 734.1 ,#5 4'-6 10.00 L. B. Fink 203 65.00 Butch Tel Co 793.3 41.55 Kenne ay Is Dept . St ore 730.5 15.92 All,recht Oil Co 730.3 13.40 Hutch ury Cleaners 730.5 47.80 Mr. Fr:otor Sales Inc 759.1 39.08 Automotive Supply 730.3 2.80 Nallner Printing Co 793.4 12.00 Vim. Jar -ensen 734.1 -#1 22.20 Larson Farm Equip. 759.2 4.40 Allis - Chalmers Manf Co. 113.2 579.60 Line Ivaterial Co 113.2 99.60 Nunn Kestern Ry Co 729 2160.98 R E Younc 792.2 7.00 SterlinC Electric Co 111 Nldse 101.73 Citizens Ins Agency 798 748.08 Troy Launderers and Cleaners Inc 730.5 24.43 Leef Bros Inc 730.5 56.55 Ruth Retker 402 113.1, #1,2,30. 730.3 15.83 Allis - Chalmers 1,.anf Co 113.2 294.00 i� J Hi€" °ins A ency 798 98.84 Reinhard Brothers Co 730.3 7.79 John A Clark Electric Co 113.2 149.64 Boulay Anderson Waldo Co 795 480.00 Cooper Petroleum Co 729 1559.97 Minn Western Ry Co 729 844.27 L L Bipes Salary 80.67 Norwood Reynolds Salary 29.31 Harvey Schultz Salary 92.65 Elmer 'Bite Salary 85.77 Harvey Daharsh Salary 100.80 Datlof Weseloh Salary 101.66 John Fisher Sala ry 82.39 Robert Schulte Salary 75.60 G G� t 1' ( 119 ) Cooper Petroleum Co 729 2080.63 R. C. Duncan Cc 730.3 34.33 R. E Young- 792.2 7.00 G »aybar Electric Cc 113.2 276.37 Pacific Grain Cc 730.3 5.75 The Snap -on Tools Corp 206 34.63 John A. Clark Electric Co 113.2 138.82 American Locomotive Cc 113.1 #1,2,3 50.00 Harman Process Co 730.3 278.40 1,' J Hier, -ins A- ency 798 234.90 HuEo IMahs 730.5 1.71 Square Clothinc- Cc 730.5 14.85 Minn Western Ry Co 729 564.72 Ruth Betker Petty Cash 43.52 Cletus Huhn 730.4 5.00 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 17.50 AddressoEraph- MultiFraph Corp 781.5 12.05 Chica €-o IeTilwaukee St Paul & Pacific 214 796 8.00 H A Dobratz Sons 208 4.75 Minn Western Ry Co 729 1402.39 Cooper Petroleum Co 729 1553.87 L L Bipes Salary 101.88 Norwood Reynolds Salary 15.36 Harvey Schultz Salary 96.80 Elmer White Sala ry 102.64 Harvey Daharsh Salary 107.52 Datlof Weseloh. Salary 108.47 John Fisher Salary 92.34 Robert Schulte Salary 76.54 Bernard Knutson Salary 19.50 There being, no further business the meetin-- adjourned. R. 1,7. Dahl, Secretary. r ATTF.S7': /_?'x,_ 1 I• Sheppard, President. 1