04-14-1950 HUCM117 (105 ) Special Meeting. April 13, 1950. A special meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held in the Light Plant office at 7;30 during the evening of April 13, 1950. All Commissioners were present, also R. E. Young, Mayor Sahr, Alderman Dobratz and attorneys Elmer Jensen and '.Wallace Reyerson. Bids on a pump for the City of Hutchinson were opened and read. Each company that submitted a bid had a representative present, who in turn explained his bid. The bids were as follows; Goodin Company, 615 North Third Street, Minneapolis 1, Minnesota ............... $2,700.00 Crane Company of Minnesota, 400 Third Avenue North, Minneapolis, Iviinnesota .................$2,670.00 Tart -Ide Corporation, 13118 Wayzata Blvd, Minneapolis 16, Minnesota ..............$2,646.00 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 220 East Fifth Street, St. Paul 1, Minnesota .................. $2,366.00 Layne - Minnesota Co., 3140 -3148 Snelling Avenue, Minneapolis, Iinnesota .................„2,358.00 There was no action taken on the bids and the meetinf; was adjourned to a futare irate. C/I- ---- "' Dahl, Secretary.' �I ATTEST: � R. I. "heppard, President. Special Meeting. April 14, 1950. A special meeting; of the Light & Power Commission was Yield in R. I. Sheppard Is office at 7;30 durinE, the eveninE, of April 14, 1950. All Commissioners were present, also R. E. Young; and Attorney Jensen. 118 ( 106 ) Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl that the lowest bidder, for amount of the bid beir_ Commissioner Thompson and seconded by we award a contract to Layne- Minnesota Co., installation of a deep well pump, the g $2,358.00. Motion was made and seconded that we return the certified checks to the other bidders at once. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secr. etar ATTEST: 1 I.� eppard, President. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHIT,dSON HELD AT THE OFTOICE OF DR. R. I. SHEPPARD ON APRIL 22, 1950 at 7245 P. M. A special meeting of the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson was called for April 220 1950 at 7 :45 P. M. at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All members of the Commission were present and participated in the meeting. Also present were Ralph Young, Supt., Mr. Leon Winter, consulting; engineer, and attorneys Elmer C. Jensen and W. E. Reyerson. A full discussion was made rera °ding; the making of a contract with McLeod Cooperative Power Association, and the matter of the rate schedule was fully considered. Mr. Leon Winter expressed his views as to the desirability of enterin£; into a five year con- tract with REA, giving his reasons from his knowledge of certain developments which could affect the local Light and Power Commission. After the matter had been fully discussed, Member A. J. Thompson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption; RESOL�TED: That the Light and Power Commission of tine City of Hutchinson enter into a f ive year contract, from and after September 2, 1950, with McLeod Cooperative Power Association, to furnish electric energy in the area outlined in the proposed contract based on the production facilities of the local plant of 6570 KW with a maximum demandby REA of 2200 K71, the details of a contract to be agreed upon between the parties, subject to approval of the Rural Electrification Administration, Washington, D. C., and which contract would be based on the following rate: Demand Charge I1.25 per Killowatt of ` Billing; Demand" per month. Energy Charge; .0076 per Killowatt -Hour. Rate adjustment based on One -half of the present fuel clause. Resolution 46 Asper resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 For search purposes only u J