03-03-1958 HUCM(128) 137 March 3, 1958. Monthly Meetinc. The regular montl:.ly meeting: of the Light & Power Commission was held on March 3, 1958. The meeting was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Motion made and seconded that a $50.00 monthly expense check be paid to Ralph Young; for furnishing his own automobile transportation in connection with plant duties. Motion made and seconded that the Superintendentls Office be located in the Plant. Motion made and seconded that a monthly check of y$50.00 be paid to Phl.l Graf for furnishing his own automobile transportation in connection with his Plant duties. Motion made and seconded that before hiring; any applicant for work in any of the Plant departments as a regular employee, such applicant be required to be examined by a medical examiner in order that the employer be better enable to protect the best interest of the applicant and the Plant. The following bills were allowed; Elmer Forsman 412.6 9.85 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 7.25 Hutchinson Telephone 793.3 42.60 Z -ila Hardware 730.3 732 68.81 Hoels+ Direct Service Station 759.1 4.00 Nels Simonson 732 39.38 H H1atchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 6.75 Hilliard Corporation 730.3 879.50 Indiana Commercial Filters 730.3 573.23 Graybar Electric Company Void General Electric.Supply Co. 113.2 173.38 R. E. Burmeister Electric 113.2 205 60.57 Automotive Supply 730.3 1.62 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 771 802.3 45.16 Nordberg Manuf. . Company 113.1 #5, #6 204.31 Ruth hakel Petty Cash 38.97 Coast to Coast Store 730.3 12.38 Frank Motor Company 750.2 69.80 Graybar Electric C ompany Pitds e 113.2 21.95 Satterlee Company 730.3 56.97 Parsons Welding & Bolt Co. Peterson Truck Service 730.3 759.2 20.99 32.00 Linoleum Louie 732 165.00 Leader Printing, Company 781.3 787.2 793.1 11554.40 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 8.82 Franzens Hardware 730.3 5.69 138 (129) W. A. Ostrom Company Farnham Company Standard Oil Company Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Quade's Inc. Twin City Testing, & Eng. Lab American Linen Supply Company Westinghouse Electric Company P+= innesota Western Railway Socony Mobil Oil Company Standard Oil Company Petroleum Trading & Trasport Leef Bros., Inc. Nordberg Manufacturing Company Harold A. Grams Agency Albrecht Oil Company Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line Sterling Electric Company Citizens Insurance Agency G. F. Nemitz Sons Bea Pollard Ruth Hake 1 Mpls . & St. Louis R�;� Co Schneider Electric & Equip Leader Printing Company Imperial Supply C ominy Kemske Paper Company The Satterlee Company Graybar .Electric Company Sterner's Inc. Socony Mobil Oil Compamlr Inc Westinghouse Electric Supply Sterling Electric S General Electric Supply Socony Mobil Oil Company Inc Standard Oil Company Nelson's 1166" Station R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. Dr. Carl 0. Bretzke Add.res s ograph -Ivlu It igraph Nordberg Manufacturing Company Hine Safety App. Co. Schneider Electric &-, Equip. Bea Pollard Vincent Brass & Alum. Co. Yi1ler Davis Company 732 53.57 734.4 61.29 730.3 16.09 730.5 122.55 730.3 3.55 729 96.00 730.5 18.32 113.2 205 36.12 729 352.64 729 21091.69 729 5,378.03 729 534.07 730.5 113.00 113.1 5, #6 11389.30 114 11351.92 759.2 58.13 113.2 730.3 772 182.33 206 144.76 114 20.25 801 3.95 Salary 48.81 Petty Cash 29.22 2.14 12.00 734.3 26.94 787.2 75.60 793.4 5.06 793.4 7.27 730.3 47.33 771 6.11 203 #2 157.23 729 11887.11 113.2 205 1,252.6 0 113.2 21.57 113.2 59.70 729 51047.13 729 5,360.55' 730.4 3.50 113.2 772 879.10 206 300.00 781.4 3.20' 113.1 #'5, #6 856.53 730.3 6.41 203.2 59.00 Salary 62.15' Mdse 51.81 793.4 9.32' IL 1 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 Grinnell Company 203.2 Helwig Company 734.1 Thompson Yards 732 Motion was made and seconded to pay note owing the Citizens Sank. The $35,000.00. F44) ( 130) 09 59.89 148.50 #'5, #6 89.65 44.66 $10,000.00 on the $45,000.00 note was renewed in the amount of Motion was made and seconded to issue a check to E. A. Pedersen Company in the armunt of $x,000.00 to apply on account. Motion was made and seconded to grant one week's vacation pay to Gordon Fra.t7ke. (Last day of employment, March 15, 1958.) There beinG no further business, the meeting, was adjourned. W _ R. W. Dahl, secretary. ATTEST ; J, R. I. Sheppard, President. April 7, 1956. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on April 7, 1958. The meeting; was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. The following bills were allowed*. Sterling Electric Company 730.3 802.3 8.06_ Westinghouse Electric Supply Mdse 732 158.46' General Electric Supply 113.2 734.4 44.63 Coast to Coast Store 730.3 12.21 Zila Hardware 730.3 6.97 Frank Motor Company 759.1 57.28 Carr Flowers 412.7 25.25 Rockite Silo Inc 205 18.13 Albrecht Oil Company 759.1 5.14 Hartwigs 73005 787.2 22.60 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 11.35 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 730.3 7.25 Harold F. Schmeling 202.5 21085.00 KDUZ 787.2 6 0.00 " Hutchinson Dry Qleaners 730.5 99.10