05-31-1957 HUCM102 o co �o 0 CV N co .6- 0) CL V-- 0 E ca 2 o c 0o c o o 0 o a L Q. N 5 a�o co a E L �QZii 4 (397) SPECIAL MEETING May 31, 1957 A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on the aforesaid date at the office of Dr. R• I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. President R. I. Sheppard read a letter from the Nordberg Manu- facturing Company stating that a discount of 3,150.00 would be allowed for the prepayment of $2500000.00 on the hew engine contract. Carleton D. Beh Company, Des Moines, Iowa, on being advised of this discount then offered to advance said sum on a Revenue Pledge Order to be subsequently repaid from the proceeds of the Revenue Bonds to be sold by the Hutchinson Ttilities Commission on June 12, 1957. Commissioner R. W. Dahl introduced the following Resolution pnd moved its adoption. R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED by Hutchinson Utilities Commission, City of Hutchinson.. Minnesota, that said Commission issue to Nordberg Mfg. Co. electric revenue pledge order of said Commission in the sum of 250,000.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President and the Secretary of said Hutchinson Utilities Commission be and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute the said electric revenue pledge order on behalf of Hutchinson Utilities Commission. ' Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to adopt the above resolutiono There being no further business, the Q ' r ATTEST : �- R4 T - ieppard, President. meeting was adjourned. QX;)"'0;4 0 R. W. Dahl, Secre y. IF ELECTRIC REVENUE PLEDGE ORDER No. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA---- To the City Treasurer: Od PAY TO THE ORDER OF FJk Q / X !" 17 Z79 C s �p Mad a --- (FROM THE ELECTRI REVENUE CONSTRUCTION FUND) DOLLARS To defray the ost of extensions and improvements to the Municipal Electric Plant and System, by the order of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, Hutchinson, Minnesota. This Pledge Order shall be paid from the funds to be created by the issuance of Electric Revenue Bonds, which Bonds shall not be a general obligation of the City and may be paid only from the future net earn- ings of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and operation of the Municipal Electric Plant and System. APPROVED INVOICE No. PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA PRESIDENT, MUNICIPAL UTILITIES COMMISSION, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SECRETARY, MUNICIPAL UTILITIES COMMISSION, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA W m z v O m ti y m z ems C" m oo� N N m o c y v z m x O D m j m A A Z = ,^ m Z 1 T m p v O O c z 0 go M m _ D z Z m z m C m T 0 v' D m �o 0 74 D_ 0 D Z 4 O "n e z 0 COP w ELECTRIC REVENUE PLEDGE ORDER No. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 1457 `' T the City Treasurer: PAY TO THE ORDER OF (FROM E 4fCTRIC REVEN STRUCTION FUND) —�- t DOLLARS To defray the cost of extensions i rove ents to the 'Municipal Electric P and System, by the order of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, Hutchinson, Minnesota, This Pledge Order shall be APPROVED INVOICE NO. paid from the funds to be created by the issuance of Electric Revenue Bonds, PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE which Bonds shall not be a CITY TREASURER, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA general obligation of the City and may be paid only from the future net earn- PRESIDENT, MUNICIPAL UTILITIES COMMISSION, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ings of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and operation of the Municipal Electric Plant and Sustem. SECRETARY, MUNICIPAL UTILITIES COMMISSION, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA aI z v O mrn ..� rn { go N m z 40 m m O O A z z a H n o MI O ° O �� c yoz v 9 1 •mil /V _ m A D z I z 9 }� G O a i �A v 1 •mil /V x I Z O I y- i D �- 1 C Z . N 1 (9g) 103 SPEICIAL MEETING May 31, 1957 A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on the aforesaid date at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. President Sheppard advised that a payment of 40,000.00 was due on the contract with Pedersen Electric Company for material furnished in connection with the new engine and plant improvements. President Sheppard also stated that Carleton D. Beh Company, DesMoines, Iowa, was willing to advance the sum of $40,000.00 for payment on a Revenue Pledge Order be be subsequently repaid from the proceeds of the Revenue Bonds to be sold by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission on June 12, 1957. Commissioner R. W. Dahl introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption. R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED by Hutchinson Utilities Commission, City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that said Commission issue. to Pedersen Electric Company Electric Revenue Pledge Order of said Commission in the sum of $40,000.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President and the Secretary of said Hutchinson Utilities Commission be and they hereby are authorized and direct to execute the said electric revenue Pledge Order on behalf of Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to adopt the above resolution. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. r R.W. Dahl, Secretary. ~� r ATTEST; . I. eppard, President. -n z > ;u 0 cn M CO v Cr CD a 3 0:3 ,a cn DD N - 0 E— Z m �k cn O 0 c 0 O � o » 0 �CD Q. rn I N ' O N CO O O O