10-24-1955 HUCMDavid Young Ruth 77a1 >el Leader Printing, Co Inc ',°lallace Reyerson Elmer Jensen (35) 37 Salary 19.20 412.7 15.68 of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. 781.3 767.2 324.60 796 175.00 796 175.00 There beinE; no .further business, the meeting vas adjourned. L�� �9� --_ R. W. Dahl, Secretary. A' "--PEST; R. I. 373EPPA75D, President. Special T,ieetinE. October 24, 1955. A special meeting of the Light & Power Corrim,ssion was held on October 24., 1955. The r.,,eetin` °, was ;Meld at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Consideration w«s r_-1ven to quotations for suppl;,in lubricating oil for the newly installed Nordber[; Diesel En` ine. The following; oil companies submitted bids; The Texas Company, Standard Oil Company and Socony- Vacuum Oil Company. Socony- Vacuum Company +s bid being the lowest and their oil appearin`- to meetthe requirements for lubricating this type of Diesel End °,ine, motion was made and seconded to place an order with them. -n ZD;0 !,lotion made and seconded to increase the monthly salary o 3 � CD X10.00 for eacr?. a the f ollowinE, plant employees , C cr m 0 llugo laahs, Ross 'rlei.l_man and Leif Larson, effective Novemberl, v 1955. 0� o � 1 %lotion was made and seconded that Hurro ,ahs be made .� o c 0 0 Distribution System Foreman.. o 0 C 0 lvlotion was made and seconded that the ,_.curly waive of Alvin °o Trautman be increased 10 ce-JCs per hour effective Nov. 11 o Cn o 1955. `< o a o Nember (Da.l ) moved the adoption o of he (� (0 m f ollowin" Resolution; 0) Q- Rr�7SOLVi�'D; That l7ute- tinson Utilities Commission o N borrow the sum of ; 45 ,000.00 from Citizens Bank, o co ri-utclii_nson, lillinnesota upon its promissory note, rn o rn for six months with interest at the rate of three (3) per cent per annum, and that the president and 38 (36) Secretary of Hutchinson Utilites Commission be, and they hereby are, authorized t,o execute said promissory note on behalf of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission." Member (ThomnsonO seconded the adoption of theoref;oing resolution, and upon vote being taken, all members voted in favor thereof and no member voted in. o- coosition thereto, and the Res oli; t i on was unanimously adopted. CLLTII'ICATE I, R. 10j. Dahl, Secretary of Hutchinson Utilites Commission do hereby certify that the .fore roin- Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of all member of Hutchinson Utilities Cor.mAssion at a special raeetint of said Commission pelf on October 24, 1955, all members beint present; and that the f oreCoin [-r is a Urue and correct copy of said Resolution so adopted. -I further certify th ,,;t said Hutchinson Utilites Commission has no seal. Dated October 24, 1955. R. W. Dahl. Secretary. November 7, 1955 Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on November 7, 1955 at 7;30 P. M. The meeting was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present, also Suptl Young. Minutes of the last monthly meeting; were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to issued atheck in the amount of 75,000.00 to Nordberg Manufacturing Company as part pay- ment on the new engine. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check in the amount of $750.00 to Cliff Betker and Henry Lambert( jointly). This amount to be subtracted from the total owing on Betker Construction Company contract. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check in the amount of $22520.00 to E. A. Pedersen Company. This amount representing part payment on their contract. Motion was made and seconded to authorize the refund of J. H. Zummachts meter deposit plus interest to Harry R. Jensen, City Treasurer; this amount to apply on delinquent water bill.