08-01-1955 HUCM1 1 1 (27' 29 AuLust 1, 1955. honth.ly Meeting. The reCular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the eveninE of AuE;ust 1, 1955 at 7;30. The meeting; was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. YounE;. The minutes of the lust monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check to Layne-Minnesota Company in the amount of 5;;42000.00• This amount -to represent part-payment of the pump contract. Motion was made and seconded to -increase the monthly salary of Fred Jungblut from Q305.00 to 5 315.00, Harvey Dahar_ sh from $315.00 to 5 325.00 and Ralph Eakel from Q315.00 to 0325.00. These raises to be effective as of August 1, 1955. lotion was made and seconded to issue cheers to E. A. Pedersen Company in the amount of Q540-00, L. Y. Yarcum in the amount of 55,858.46 and Becker Construction Company in the amount of 5;1,516.50. These amounts representing; part payment on contracts. The followinE bills were allowed: Hutchinson "pater Departront Alvin Trautmann Jerry Schoettmer Richard Knutson Ruth Hakel Citizens Bank Sem Becker Citizens Insurance AEency William D. Wixcey Hutchinson Telephone Company Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Quade's Inc Ellsworth Schleeter. Automotive Supply of Dutch American Linen Supply Company Juul Contracting; Company Peterson Truck Service Fran.en Hardware Miller & Miller Inc Adeco Producto Inc r+ Lindsey EnE ineering Company City of Hutchinson Parson adeldinE Supply Co. Terminal Electric Corporation R. E. Burmeister Electric Supply Company TvordberE Manf. Co. 730.1 Salary Salary Salary Petty 793.2 730.4 114 759.1 723 730.5 730.3 730.4 730.3 730.5 735 759.2 730.3 5.10 734.1 205 201 730.3 113.2 113.2 113.2 734.1 Cash #5 #6 205 771 #t`-5 #6 15.98 86.34 90.50 83.90 28.95 9.22 5.00 69.32 65.75 50.75 69.95 9.75 5.00 12.80 2.25 164.65 7.80 5.98 11.71 43.08 1,633.43 6.45 187.96 38.49 461.23 29.2,5 30- (26) Leef Bros., Inc 730-5 88-04 SterlinE Electric Company 771 7.18 71estinghouse Electric 113.2 235-13 Elmer '91aite 787.4 15-00 Ben Piehl 787.4 30-00 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 3.,662-44 1,11innesota 'fiestern Railway 729 21013-04 Ruth Hallcel Petty Cash 31-16 Citizens Insurance Ar�ency 114 75.41 Leader Printin7, Company 781.3 7e7.2 410.00 Power Tools, , Inc 771 18-04 R. E Burmeister Electric 772 10-09 Imperial Supply 793.4 8.09 Herman Schmidt 203.2 s e 56.61 Scott Avery 787.4 13.41 Minnesota I ' Vestern Railvjay 729 21081-41 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 11692.00 Vlestin;house Electric 1"d S e 730.3 1" 3.39 Xllcl�Iaster Carr 20-7.2 442.75 Ruth FalLel Petty Cash 21.56 Alvin Trautmann Salary 08.00 Jerry Schoettmer Salary 97.00 Richard Knutson Salary 92-70 TT,ere bein�, no 'further business 11 4:' , the meetinE,, was adjourned. Re N. Dahl, Secretary. 7�g/. R. I . 38 TH1 E: P P A R D5—,President. H