04-04-1955 HUCMFM The president instructed Mr. L. A. Winter, engineer, to prepare the Contracts for the successful bidders including therein all metiers covered by the bids of the successful bidders; and that W. E. Reyerson, attorney, prepare the Performance Bond for signatures by the successful bidders. The sup intendent was instructed to return all of the Bonds or certi ed checks of the unsuccessful bidders by registered mail. U There being no further'�usiness, the meeting adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary.�� ATTEST . resident, R. I* Sheppard. April 4, 1955. Monthly Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of April 4, 1955 at 7;30. The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting; were read and approved as. read. Motion was made and seconded to cover the Light Plant Building for $251000.00 with the Petersen Insurance Company, and to cover the equipment in the building for $25,000.00 with the Karels Insurance Agency. Each policy being just for fire. 1,11otion was made and seconded to increase the monthly salary of Bill Marquardt from $225.00 to $235.00, Kenneth Krantz from $225.00 to $235.00 and to change Ruben S"anken from, an hourly rate to a monthly salary of $220.00. Member A. J. Thompson moved that the Commission ratify the action taken on April 1, 1955 in the giving of a Bill of Sale, subject to all terms of the Contract between the Commission and George L. Smith and Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for the purchase by George L. Smith and Company of one certain McIntosh and Seymour Diesel Engine No. 2339 entered in to July 9, 1954, it appearing that the balance of the purchase price had been paid on April 1, 1955, and Member R. W. Dahl seconded the motion. Upon vote being taken all commissioners voted in favor of the motion and no commissioner voted' against the same, and it was unanimously adopted. The following bills were allowed; Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Westinghouse Electric Supply 771 19.07 ego Leonard Johnson 402 5.63 Minn 'Nisc Truck Line 113.1 #5 #6 Citizens Bank 793.2 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 Axel Jensen 787.4 Sk-arshaug Testing Lab. 771 Minn Western Railway Company 729 Ralph Young 792.2 Albrecht Oil Company 730.3 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 Aug,omotive.Supply of Hutchinson 730.3 Illinois Tasting Laboratories 734.1 #4 Hutchinson utchinson Telephone Company 793.3 Nets Simonson 202.9 Addressograph MultiEraph 7e1.4 Parson Welding Supply 730.3 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730-5; G. F. Nemitz Sons Bol American Linen Supply 730.5 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 Fitzloff Pros. 759.1 Carr. Flowers 412.7 801 Swanson Motor Compaqj 759.2 Q. S. Specialty Compant 730.3 Pink Supply Company 730.3 R. C. Duncan Company 730.3 Quade's Inc 202.9 771 DouEfs Service 759.2 Zila hardware 730-3 Hutchinson Oil Company 730.2 Hubert Anglin 787-4 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 Nordberg, Mianfg. Co. 113.1 113.1 Sterling Electric Company 5*10 730.3 Centennial Fund 787.2 Ruth 11,'akel 412.6 Ruben Sanken Salary Construction Bulletin 202.9 Ben Jerabek 5.10 Minnesota Western Railway Co 201 C. Emery Nelson, Inc. 730.3 Albricks Clothing 730.5 Lc of Bros. Inc. 730.5 Eugene WilliaVs 402 5.63 Nordberr, C:' Yanf. Co. 111-1) .1 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 W. E. Reyerson 796 Diesel Parts & Service 734*4 Carl 0. F. Christensen 202.9 Karels Insurance Agency 114 H. A. Dobratz Sons 732 Westinghouse Electric 730.3 732 Elmer Jensen 796 730.3 15 5.90 38-48 6.17 1,550-56 15.00 4-32 1,611-36 32-50 96.52 5.00 35.96 16.58 40.00 5-53 2.31 12.77 35-10 5.40 2.25 26-30 46-44 35-30 3.50 3.20 56.02 23-e3 50-06 13-00 44.99 1,906.20 22.50 85-69 1..105-65 114-34 12.50 37.83 104.81 51.60 525.00 2,072.90 190.40 13*54 79.12 5.30 185.40 9.95 500.00 63.74 35--00 46.27 4.15 627-31 250*00 16 Addressograph Multigraph Copp. 781.4 781.5 13.52 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 80267.95 Minnesota Western Railway Co. 729 3765.01 Lyle Christenson void Sterling Electric Company 113.2 32.12 Ruben Sanken Salary 89.95 Ruth Hakel Pettv Cash 48.79 Ge or,;e Battles 787.4 15.00 Hutchinson Water Dept. 730.1 14.70 Leonard Christensen 787.4 15.00 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00 Smith Welding Equip 730.3 12.00 Farnham Stationery & School 781.3 18.41 Leader Printing Company 781.3 787.2 497.80 Automotive Supply 730.3 17.28 IJlinn. Pneumatic & Electric 730.3 4.49 Miller & Miller Inc. 732 3.00 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 772 35.75 Albrecht Oil Co. 730.3 117.02 Amstar. Supply Division 203.2 35.46 H. R. Peterson Company 730.3 26.12 Citizens Bank 801 3060 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 38.85 Sterling, Electric Company 771 775 490.03 Safway Steel Scaffolds 206 132.84 Phiel's Standard Service 759.1 61.62 Zila Hardware 730.3 3.86 G. F. Nemitz Sons 730.3 4.25 Hutchinson Oil Company 730.3 .97 Carr Flowers 412.7 4000 American Linen Supply Co. 730.5 2.25 Rockite Silo Co. 202.9 27.00 The St. Cloud Paper & Supply 730.3 75.50 Warner Hardware Co. 206 16.25 b'linnesota Western Ry Co. 729 21036.89 Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 3,903.24 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST ;�� 3� R. I. heppard, President. R. W. Daril, Secretary. 1 1 1