04-04-1949 HUCMN 82 (72) Peter Wiser FZuth Snap -on Tools Corp Sterling Electric Co joly L Clark Electric Co CrLrhar Electric Cc Inc Lisc Plant Exp Petty Cash Tools & Equip Plant Suop, Dist inv Rdse Dist Inv Dist lr�T There VeInF no firther business the R. W. � R. I. Sheppa. d, Pre s1JrerT------- Yonthly beetinU. kyril 4, 1G49- 6.25, 21.37" 7.94' 123.2 7 - 3-47 17,57' The rn-lar w`:ntlly me t. Pf the Qjht P,: Fcvier Coirunission was held at Dr. R. 1. Sheppard's office at 7:30 or April 4, 1249. All comnlorinne-F Tpre present, also Sopt. YounE. T'-nc executive Trackk board of the McLeod Co-op. Power. Association also met with the commission, Main Other Equip at tie revuest of the eNecutive board, to discuss a nortract to be 5.51, efrective following the exuiratlon of the present contract, 1951. No vreic It Win. was taken. 607.51* Eptpr Re fins & lj hr. linter, of BucTl & Ginter EnFinncrinr Company, also met with the commission and w&s instructed to Jraw several temporary pluns for a yrBre-warehouse and hvatinE plart to he located East of the power plant. The followinE bills were read and allowed: Citizens hank Am. W o r Salem Inc. Telechron Inc Leeds A Torthrup Co SterlinF Electric Cc Unn Western Ry Co Drs. 7vrl 7-enn Ralph Vo"q-, a F 700 Futch Tel Cc Automotive SupulT,7- Hutchinson Oil Co Paterson Truck Service Fartwir 0 Schmidt Larson wnrw Equip tallner Printi, Co. Kennedy's Note k int. 27,144.25 - Trackk 3ep Gns 5 Oil 45-96' 7ep & Main Other Equip 50.00, Plant Sn- nlles 5.51, Finn Supp Ext Equip 17.14' vreic It on Fuel 011 607.51* Eptpr Re fins & lj 3-8e' Convention exp. Else UP Exy 26-60- Rep & main Ctl er Equip 5.5C 1 Tel 1 Tel 54-70, Flont SqYD S.661 Plant Sup,) 24-77' Truck aepwArs 5.20 , pinnt Supp 1.80' Autos R Trucks 25.00' Off Supp PrQ 18-00. &]nut Srpp Uniforms # 16.60, I Troy Lwunier rs 4 Cleaners Inc; Hutch Dry Cleaners 7ila _iar!War. Parsons Keldint A. B Jorgenson AddressoEraph Yultil,raph Citizens Ins. =a s_.c? Citizens Lank Leef arothers, In I inn- Wisc Truck line Huth F?etker lectern Oil. I Fuel Co Minnesota Vuestern Ry Co festern Oil 0 Fuel Q) Trent St,Ar..- Fro'?? cts Tool Sales L L Bipes Norwood Re7nolis Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Datlof ''Jeseloh. E i me r W i t e John Fisher Sir•clai.r Ref Co Hutch Oil Co Snag, -on Tools Butch ':'dater Dept 3eners 1 Mills, Inc `'ro r La rler rs 5 01.<anert Tr,c I J higniny i.rs k alloy J F juest Foundry Co rrayber Electric Co Are loco Go S terlin; Flee. ric Co Line haterial Co Ruth Better Minn Oestern 7y Co Nestern Oil ,°.Fuel Co St:anl2rd Oil Go L L Apes Norwood Remolds Hg rve7 Schultz Dori Rasmussen Datlof Aeseloi: Elmer ; ^,:!te Johr Fisher er Harvey Daharsh Peter Nielsen Nels Simonson Lumber Co Elmer Jensen W E Reverson ReinhRrd Prothers Co Kinresot5 r e,stern R7 Co C Emerti 'nelson. Inc Citizens Rank hutch Tel Co The `4'Vms Kdwe Co Other Laundry T,x_i, orris Pln'nt SupAies Plant Supplies Prepaid Ins Off Supp Prepaid Ins ETc ange Plant Zvoplies Ejse 11crt Sup;, Petty Cash, Foe! Oil Frei.Fht on Fuel Fuel Oil N i s c OP F..-L) plent Supp Tar1-, - ._quip Salary So l ar "r Sala.r7,, Salary So In rT S 12 ry Sa lar•- Lub oil I_uh oil Pln nt Tools 0 Equip ter° other Laundry Prepv i.:. ins Equip Ext Oil SUPT) Ton 1s & Equip Dist. Inv Units 1,2,3. Plant Supp Excise Tax ilIdse List Inv Pet t7 Cash Frei 'Pit on Fuel 7yel Cil P12nt Supp Salary Spinr7 S a V ry S alp r�r Salary S 71 r7, Sy lory Salerv. Tirc Plant Tx. p Tools & Equip - Leral Et:p Le p e 1 Exp Ext. Equip Fre!Fht on Fuel Finnt SUPp Lis c . Off Exp `lel ?• Tel Plant Supp, Oil Oil 83 ( 73 ) 11.16' 61.25' 20.61' 1.80 ' 43.38' 1.29 7Y.10 11.1.1_• 56.54' 7.33' 52 .24 X317.07' 911.31' 579.82 1.8.25' 90.49 95 .34, 75.;;9 85.29' 94..?6 • 79.02, ' 87.91' 51.94 114.83• 1.09, 52 .59' 6.75 23.65' 275.'6 56.50' 105.81' 9.00 51.60' 319.10 22.2,3 991.52 1893.17' 12.69' 101-68' 99.68 ?2.48' 93.28' 99.89• 87.02' 02.34. 76.80' 6.25' 24.70' 125.00' 125.00' 87.96 ' 687.81' 131-40- 2.40 31 .25 ' 1.38 ' (74) Linn. --V1 s . Truck Li ne Nels Simonson Camber Co Troy L:lii nderers & Cleaners Ster'li.r-q, Electric Co C . H "t c, c kind- Eutch Dry Cleaners The T ±illiaard Corporation Tools ?" Equip Dist Inv Dist inv Inc Other Laundry- Dist env Plant Supp Tools Uniforms Plant Sunrlies There bei n(, no furtl_er business the meetin^ ad iourned. LET r : �.,S2 . _ R"rr I rest en 1..39 8.00, 6.16 ' 9.71' 45.571 324-60' 56 .1.5 ' 139.70 k944IJ R. 'N. L)1., tecre ary. Monthly Meeting May 2, 1949. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7 :30 on May 2, 1949. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. 4- The minutes of the last monthly meeting, APRIL 1949, were read and approved. Temporary plans for a garage- warehouse and heating plant were submitted and examined. Several changes were made and sam6 plans were returned to Buell & Winters, Engineers. Motion was made and unanimously carried to increase Norwood Reynold's salary to $1.00 per hour and to discontinue his Cost of Living. Motion was made and unanimously carried to install cable under highway West of the Plant. Motion was made and unanimously carried to buy cable for new White Way circuit, the same to be considered as a contribution to the City of Hutchinson. The following bills were read and alloweds Quadels Accounts Payable 17.31 Leef Bros., Inc Accounts Payable 48.06 Kennedyts Uniforms Accounts Payable 13.48 Peterson Truck Service Accounts Payable 12.50 Mitchell Chevrolet Co Accounts Payable 1.15 Zila Hardware Accounts Payable 40.26 Semerau Oil Company Accounts Payable 42.10 Hutch Oil Company Accounts Payable 170.19 R B Whitacre & Co. Co Accounts Payable 4.20 1 1