12-06-1948 HUCMt) (65) John Fisher Salary 64.92 - Minn 4'6estern Ry Co Frelcht on i''uel Oil 1092.37 Western Oil &: Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 22,49.42. Citizens Tns Agency Prepaid Iris 31.94' Sterling Electric Co Plant Supp, Excise 'fax, Off . Furr. C'c Equip 69-14- Crane Co. of N:inn. Fouip. Ext. 2.90 Addresso`rraT).h -Yule . Corp. Of.f. . Supp. 1.90 ' Line I4aterial Co. Dist. Inv. 12.00 " ?raybar Electric Co., Inc. List. Inv. 12.78, Y. J. A -ency Prepaid Tns. 15.00' I,;inn- Wisc . truck Line Other Eauip. 32.34 John A. Clark Electric Oo. Dist. Inv. 228.06' Yi.nn VeIestern Ry, Co FreiE -ht on Fuel Oil 737.35' 'Nestern Oil & Fuel Cc Fuel Gil 1514.841 Pete Niel- r, PIlisc. Plant Ex.p. 5.00 ` L L Eipesf�s -cam% Salary 100.80Ji�--� Norwood Reynolds Salary 88.75, Harvey Schultz, SR1 &ry 76.99, Don Rasmussen Salary 90.29' Elmer 'White Salary 83.01• Datlof Neseloh SaI^ry 99.89" John* Fisher Salary 92-34, L L Pipes Salary 62.72 There being r:o fur. trier business the meFtinr adjourned. Dahl, Secretary. R. I. Sheppard, "resident. IV�ont�,ly N'eetin.r. Decem -her 6, 1948. Tie regular monthly meeting, of tl,-e Lik.-ht Rc Power Commission was held at Dr. R. T. Shepoardts office at 7;30 on December 6, 1948. All Commissioners were Present. Also Su; t . - YounF. The minutes of the 1< >st monthly meeting,-, Novem:her 1, 1948, were read and approved . Motion was made and unanimousl, >> carrie ? to ;rant eRch employee a Christrrgs 7,onus in the amount of ` 10.00. The .f'ollowin bills were read "In"'I allowed: John Pjaldron Corp Rep 8° Main. -Other Fquip 11.20' R. E. Young Disc . Oft ice Expense 7.00 , Minnesota '.`;e,stern Ry Co Frei -1-t on Oil 728.72 The Hilliard Corp. Plant Supplies BFI-001 �.i',estern Oil ,1k Fuel Co. Y,ue1 0 il 1506.66 ' 76 Sterli.np Electric Co Dist Inv Graybar Electric Co Inc Dist Inv Ydse Wallner Pri,: tiny Co PrtF Off Sapp Hutch Sheet Yetal Wks Plant Supp G. F. Nemitz Son: Rep & Wn -BlQ Hutch Dry Cleaners Uniforms J F Riesber Plant Supplies Hutch Tel Co Tel & Tel Automotive Supply Co Plant Supp Mitchell Chevrolet Co Truck Rep & Main Parsons Welding :Supp Co Plant Supp !inn- Wisc -'ruck Line Misc Off Exp I;I J Pi` Fins 7enc7 Prepaid Ins Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laundry Cities Service Station Truck Rep Truck Leef Bros. Inc Other Laundry Roland Rett07 keter Ref Boulay Anderson ialdo 0 Co Audit Arvid A Persian -i "c Off Exp _ 7ounE Misc Off Exp Zila. hardware Plant Supp TortwiF & Schmidt Plant Supp Brauns1 Inc Plant Supp Pacific Orain Co Plant Sup.; Leader 2rintinE Co Inc Adv prt[, Addressorreph- IuultiFrHA. ?ff Supo Toodward Governor Co #1,2,3. Minn Testern Ay Co Fre ! Eht on 7nel Oestern Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil Ruth Betker Petty Cash Yinn ? "rise Track Line Pinnt Supp Harold R. Popp, DruEFist Plant Supp Hutch Oil Co L,pt Oil Citizens Bank Exchanne L T, Bipes Salary Norwood Re7nol, s Salary Harvey Schultz Salary Don Rasmiissen Salary Datlof Weseloh Salary Elmer `; ^hite Salary; John Visher Salary Minnesota Aestern Ry Co Fuel Oil Western Oil &'Fuel Co FreQht on Fuel Peter Nielsen Ili.sc Plant Axp Ruth Betker Petty Cash L L Bipes Spl_ary Norwood Remolds Sala ry Harvey Schultz Salary Don Rasmgssen Salary :Amer Ahite Salary Datlof 'Aeseloh. Salary John Fisher Sale r�l Minnesota Western Ry Co Frei^-ht on Noel McLeod Co -op Power Ass'n. Dist Inv. ICI J HQLins Agency Prepaid Ins The Hilliard Corp. Plant Supra-' ies Gas & Oil Oil Oil Oil 564.69' 51.71' 30.50' 1.351, 6.75 ' 46.50' 4.72' 41.55' 8.75' 11.50' 1.20' 1.43' 175.38' 13.19 ' 57.86' 34.85' 1.02' 465.00, 18-00' 22.00' 20.35' 2.20' 3.90' 5.75' 1.90' 47.73 1458.99' 3007.70' 24.18' 19.60' 2.65 ' 132-00- 8 .78 ' 90.49 96.29 ' 77.49 79.31' 9 ^.40' 79.90' 87.41 741.22 1525.20 5.00 , 24.34- 97.09 , 104.^ ' 78.29 97.02 ' 78.14' 96.1.3 � 87.41/ 1762.17" 120.21' 66.40' 54.00 1 John A Clark Electric Co Graybar Electric Co Inc Fmery lNelson Inc Sterlin €° Electric Co ,wade I s Minnesota ,^;isc Truck Line Citizens Rank Harry R Jensen Treas 'P ,Iestern Oil & Fuel Co Dist Tnv Dist Inv Plant Sup-D Mdse Dist Inv E..cise Fqui.o Ext Plant Supp Plant Supplies Int on Dote 1945 P 0 Fuel Oil 17" 67 435.13 15 .58 ' 145.68' Tax 748.92' other Fquip155.05' 3 .69 317.45 26750.00 2879.30 There being no further business the meetinE• adjourned. J R. A^ FST: R • I • heppard, President . Jenuary 3, 1.949. 1�.onthl „' N!eetinF,. The re�-ulF)r monthls7 meeting, of the 1 i - ^Y l Power Commission was held at Dr. R. T. Srierr,,ardts office at 7;30 on January 3, 1949. All Commissioners were present. Also Supt. Younr,. The r.:inutes of the last mor.trly r,ee.tinj, "ecember 6, 1948, were read and atijroved. TI-le foliowin” bills v,,ere read and allowed; Postmaster Hutch !'ir,,n Pa.rsors Welding Supn Co Allis - Chalmers P,a of . Co Crr`3.y1,ar Elect -ic Co Inc John A Clark Electric `o Sterli n 'FY- Elec' -I c Co The Wms Hdwe Co �,oadeIs Ostrom T-Idse Co Futcr Dry Cleaners. Cit-i7ens Dank Zila Hdse Hutch Tel Co Squ -,,- Clothing Co Prawns: Inc Al: jlre- socranr- I' i.; ra, -)h Jm D "Al i.xc ey r' tcl, Oil. Co Peterson hruck Service C. F. l�emitz PrtF, 30.00 ' Plarlt Supp 1.44' Dist Inv 6.00 Ydse Dist Inv 37.66 Dist Tnv 5-99" I,dse Plant Supp Dist Inv 97.11 " Tcols 17.83 Plant Supn Dist Try 54.87 D i s c Of ? Fxb 1.40 U n i f orr,w Fxcl -kanre 7.60 ' Plant Su o-o 10-45 ' Tel I,- Tel 30.20 ' Uniform I: ia'i�se 18.28' Plant ti.uop 4.90' P_rtF °, i,:isc 0" Fxp 10.69' Ca s !c 0 i 1 40-64, Pant SuQn 1 -x.50' Tr,i)o ", Repair -ain 182.90 ' P1 ant 3 u o o r,quip Ext 18.50 1