11-01-1948 HUCM74 (64) 1. I Monthly Meetin.C, November 1, 1948. f - • r The regular monthly meeting- of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppardls office at 7:30 on November 1, 1948. All Commissioners were present. Also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meetin €.;, October 4, 1946, were read and approved. Motion was :node and unanimously- carried to issue a check in the amount of X50.00 to the City of I-utcl_inson for chrDnge used at a third window. "otion was made and unanimously carried to take out an insurance policy on the warehouse. It was taken out with the Anchor Casualty Co., for wind and extended coverat °e. Potion was made and unanimously carried to pay 1945 Pledge Orders and interest, and also interest. on note at the }::yank. Pledge Orders plus interest totals .1,26,750.00 and interest on note totals 1`317.45• Motion was made and unanimously carried to raise the billin of all classes of e]_ectrics7_ ener -7 ten per cent. This increase is temporary. The followinp-• hills were read and all(-)wed; C H Stocking `N A Kornoiebel N V Mitchell Hutch. Water Dept Hans P Jorgenson Zila Hardware Herbert Dobberstein J H Julie AE•ent Citizens Rank Automotive SupplYT Lodes App. Store Kennedy's Hutch Oil Co Minn 147isc `l'ruclk Line Crane Co. of Flinn. Sterling Electric Co. 'Nestern Oil 8k Fuel Co. Minn ",'estern Ry Co Rochester "ermicide Co An- Loco Co ",jestern Union Telegraph Co. A. I.I. Kennett Co The DeLavgil Se�^rstor Co Leef Pros. Lawrence Nelson L L Dioes l or; ^ro�a 7eynolrls Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer 'V bite Datlof ',;ti'eseloh Rath ('•ether L- Tools, Other Equip, Plant Supp. 195.18' Ot1-er Equip. 19.50 Truck Rep & Main 13.90, Water 50.91' Truck Gas & Oil 48.49^ Plant Supp 8.70' Lub Gil 51.54 , Prepaid Insurance 40.30' Exchange 9.33' Plant Supplies 5.92 Plant Sup�:)Iies 9.02, Uniforms 57-71, Plant "applies 7.95 Y`5 1.43 , X1,2,3• 6.15• Excise Tax, Plant Supp. 60.26 Fuel 011 1516.44 l'reiti,t on Fuel Oil 738.63 Plant S�an_:;1ies 33.50 ^x 3.12 . Tel. & Tel 1.47' #5 8.48 Plant Sin)p 4.89 ' Other Laundry 32.33 Ir ".eter Refund Int 2.90° Salary 90.49 Salary 95.39 :salary 76.99* "a la ry 85.20 Salar:� 81.77 Sala ry 96.84' Petty Cash 35.78' J LIGHT AND POWER COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SIRS T Pursuant to power granted to the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson by Section 4, Chapter 17 of the Charter of the City of Hutchinson and pursuant to a resolution unanimously adopted by the said Light and Poker Commission of the City of Hutchinson at a regular meeting thereof held on November 1, 1948, the said Light and Power Commission has authorized and directed a flat increase of 10 per cent to all users of light and power. The increased rates shall be effective as of the December 1, 1948 billing subject toihe approval of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Dated at Hutchinson, Minnesota, this 8th day of November, 1948. LIGHT AND POWER C=AISSION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON By �Secretary Attests By President LIGHT AND POWER COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HMHINSON * * * * * * * *0 * * ** ** TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY counn Or THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON KU GHINSON, MINNESOTA SIM S Pursuant to power granted.to the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson by Section 4, Chapter 17 of the Charter of the City of Hutchinson and pursuant to a resolution unanimously 4 N adopted by the said Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson at a regular meeting thereof held on November 1, 1948, the 'said Light and Power Commission fission has authorised and directed a fla# Inorease of 10 per cent to all users of Light and power. The increased rates shall be effective as of the December 1, 1948 billing subject to the approval of the City Council of the City .._ of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Dated at Hutchinson, Minnesota, this 8th day of November, 1948. LIGHT AND POWER CCMVISSION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON By Secretary Attests President L--U t� BUF_LL & WINTM SEWERS 0 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 0 ELECTRIC SYSTEMS PAVEMENTS 0 SWIMMING POOLS 0 WATER WORKS PLANS - REPORTS - ESTIMATES - SUPERVISION - APPRAISALS CONSULTING ENGINEERS Insurance Exchange Building SOUX CITY 13, IOWA L. A. Winter L. A. Peter Light & Power Commission Hutchinson, Minnesota Gentlemen: January 20, 1954 We hereby propose to furnish engineering services in connection with the purchase and installation of additional diesel engine power plant equipment, including the auxiliary equipment required, switchboard changes, building work, etc., all in accordance with the following proposition. A. Preliminary Work We will conduct a survey of the present plant installations and investigate the various possibilities concerning the removal of one of your present generating units and the installation of a larger generating unit in lieu thereof, including the location and installation of the auxiliary equipment needed for the new unit in the space avail- able in the present plant. Following the completion of the survey and studies in connection with this matter we will meet with your Commission and have a full discussion of the various possibilities in connection with the installation of the new unit so that we can all be in full agreement on the methods to be followed before detailed plans and specifications for the work are prepared. B. Plans and Specifications Following the completion of the survey and the study of this subject and a discussion thereof with your Commission as outlined above concerning the general arrangement of the improvement to be constructed, we will prepare detailed plans and specifications covering the installation of a new diesel engine generating unit, auxiliaries, electrical work, building changes, etc. as may be required and for the purpose of receiving bids on this work and constructing the said improvement. The plans and specifications will be prepared in accordance with good engineering practice for work of this character and upon completion will be filed in the office of your Secretary. C. Attendance at Bid Letting At such time as the Commission receive bids for the construction of this work, or any portion thereof, we will furnish bidders with plans and specifications and will attend the meeting of the Commission to advise and consult with you concerning the selection of equipment and the award of construction contracts for the doing of this work. -1- T It is understood, however, that in connection with the preparation of legal proceedure for the letting of contracts or the financing of the work the Commission will provide the services of some competent legal authority to prepare the necessary legal proceedure to be passed and acted upon in connection therewith. D. Inspection Trips During the progress of the work we will make such trips as the Commission may request for purposes of inspection and conferences concerning the work, but it is understood that such trips are not included in the basic engineering fee and will be paid for as requested on the basis as hereinafter quoted. PAYMENTS For the doing of the above work we ask that the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota pay us a net sum equal to three and one -half per cent (321%) of the construction cost of the improvement, with partial payments to be made to us on the basis of the Engineer's Preliminary Estimate of Construction Cost prior to the time construction contracts for this work are awarded. Payments are to be made as work progresses in accordance with the following schedule, to wit:- (1) For all work as set out under Paragraph "A« above, being the preliminary work, we are to receive a sum equal to twenty per cent (20%) of the total engineering fee due, which payment shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the preliminary studies are completed and discussions are held thereon with your Commission for the purpose of deciding the general scope of the improvement. (2) For all work as set out under Paragraph "B" above, being the preparation of the final plans and s ecifications, we are to receive a sum equal to seventy per cent (70 of the total engineering fee due, which payment shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after filing the plans and specifications in the office of your Secretary. (3) For all work as set out under Paragraph "C" above, which is the engineering fee in connection with the taking of bids and letting of contracts, we are to receive the balance of the total fee due us in connection with this work, at which time the total fee will be adjusted in accordance with the actual contract construction cost of the work and credit given for prior payments made to us in accordance with the terms of this agreement. This payment shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the bids are received for the construction of this work. -2- N... (4) For the furnishing of inspection trips in the event they are requested by your Commission, we are to receive additional compensation at the rate of Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) per day for time, plus our actual traveling expenses. Respectfully submitted, BUELL, & R, ENGINEERS By L. A. Winter The foregoing proposition is hereby accepted by the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota this / w day of 1954. AT'I3 - -- Secretary LIGHT AND POWER COMMISSION HUTCHIN ON,/I� NESOTA Bye.%. i.. -- President -3- t) (65) John Fisher Salary 64.92 - Minn 4'6estern Ry Co Frelcht on i''uel Oil 1092.37 Western Oil &: Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 22,49.42. Citizens Tns Agency Prepaid Iris 31.94' Sterling Electric Co Plant Supp, Excise 'fax, Off . Furr. C'c Equip 69-14- Crane Co. of N:inn. Fouip. Ext. 2.90 Addresso`rraT).h -Yule . Corp. Of.f. . Supp. 1.90 ' Line I4aterial Co. Dist. Inv. 12.00 " ?raybar Electric Co., Inc. List. Inv. 12.78, Y. J. A -ency Prepaid Tns. 15.00' I,;inn- Wisc . truck Line Other Eauip. 32.34 John A. Clark Electric Oo. Dist. Inv. 228.06' Yi.nn VeIestern Ry, Co FreiE -ht on Fuel Oil 737.35' 'Nestern Oil & Fuel Cc Fuel Gil 1514.841 Pete Niel- r, PIlisc. Plant Ex.p. 5.00 ` L L Eipesf�s -cam% Salary 100.80Ji�--� Norwood Reynolds Salary 88.75, Harvey Schultz, SR1 &ry 76.99, Don Rasmussen Salary 90.29' Elmer 'White Salary 83.01• Datlof Neseloh SaI^ry 99.89" John* Fisher Salary 92-34, L L Pipes Salary 62.72 There being r:o fur. trier business the meFtinr adjourned. Dahl, Secretary. R. I. Sheppard, "resident. IV�ont�,ly N'eetin.r. Decem -her 6, 1948. Tie regular monthly meeting, of tl,-e Lik.-ht Rc Power Commission was held at Dr. R. T. Shepoardts office at 7;30 on December 6, 1948. All Commissioners were Present. Also Su; t . - YounF. The minutes of the 1< >st monthly meeting,-, Novem:her 1, 1948, were read and approved . Motion was made and unanimousl, >> carrie ? to ;rant eRch employee a Christrrgs 7,onus in the amount of ` 10.00. The .f'ollowin bills were read "In"'I allowed: John Pjaldron Corp Rep 8° Main. -Other Fquip 11.20' R. E. Young Disc . Oft ice Expense 7.00 , Minnesota '.`;e,stern Ry Co Frei -1-t on Oil 728.72 The Hilliard Corp. Plant Supplies BFI-001 �.i',estern Oil ,1k Fuel Co. Y,ue1 0 il 1506.66 '