10-04-1948 HUCMParsons Welding Supply Co The Hilliard Corp Sterling Electric Co Nordberg Manf . Co John A Clark Electric Co Plant Supp Plant Supp Equip Ext Unit #4 Dist Inv There being no further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretar ATTEST: • I. Sheppard, President. Regular Meeting October 4, 1948 . 71 (61) 138.89 203.02 11.69 42 0.00 ' 1064.40 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commision was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7 :30 on October 4, 1948. All Commissioners were present. Also Si.ipt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, September 16, 1048, were read and approved . Motion was made and unanimously carried to buy a 100,000 gallon tank instead of the six 12,300 v,allon tanks. Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Thompson that all present officers be re- elected. The vote on the motion being unanimous, President Sheppard declared the following to be the duly elected officers for the coming year :. R. I. Sheppard President A. J. Thompson Vice President R. 17. Dahl Secretary H. R. Jensen Treasurer Mr. Brooks was present from Nordberg Manufacturing Company with blue prints on a proposed chanF,e in the water cooling system which is designed to eliminate the cracking of cylinder heads. The change was accepted on a trial basis. Motion was ma.de and unanimously carried to increase the salaries of the following; Daraliene Klinr_;er $5.00 ( 120.00 125.00) Ruth Betker 10.00 (155.00 165.00) R. E. Young; 40.00 (360.00 400.00) (Cost of Living included in the above salaries.) 72 (62) Motion was made and unanimously to give Fred Juneblut and Elmer White a Cost of Living of $15.00 per month. The Following; bills were read and allowed; Duro Test Corp John A Clark Electric Corp Miller Auto Body Shop Electric Supply Company The liVestern Union Telegraph Sterling Electric Co Reinhard Brothers Co Schneider Electrical Works Duncan Electric Manf Co Minn Viestern Ry Co Snap -on Tools Corp Leef Bros., Inc Bill 8c Bud's Standard Sery Zila Hdse Henry Zumach Mitchell Chevrolet Co Parsons '.field in€; Supply Co. Hutch Tel Co. Citizens Bank Automotive Supply Peterson Truck Service Thompson Yd s , Inc Lodes App. -:tore McLeod Co. -Op. Power Assn. Standard Oil Co. Minn Wisc Truck Line Chris Betker Ruth i3etker R. E. Young Roy Fox `,17estern 011. & Fuel Co. L L Bipes' Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Ken Krs mber Datlof Weseloh Sterling Electric Co George T. ,;Valker & Co The Continental Chemical Co Western Oil 8: Fuel Co. Minn Western Ry Co Mdse Dis t Inv Truck Rep & Main Dist Inv Co Tel & Tel Dist Inv Tools Yldse Dist Inv it it AddressoLTraph- MultiF,raph Copp Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Citizens Bank Ruth TZeticer L L Bipes Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Datlof Weseloh Freight on Fuel. Oil Plant Supplies Other Laundry Gas & Oil Plant Supp Plant Supp Unit X45 Truck Rep & Main Plant Supp Tel & Tel Misc . Off. Exp Plant Supp Truck Rep g- Yai n Plant Supp Plant Supp Dist. Inv. � Plant Supp Plant Supp Dist Inv Adv Petty Cash MISC. Hf. f . Fxp Meter Refund Fuel Oil Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Plant Supp Plant Supp Plant Supp Fuel Oil Freight on Off Supp Uni_"orms Exchange Petty Cash Salary Salary Salary Salary Sal ary as la ry Dist Inv 11'l;el Oil 27.60 1.47 5.00 52.94 4.80, 24.40 91.42 580.74 .84 1092.37 3.10 35.68 35.16 25.54 39.09 3.61 3.24 32.20 . 7.20 . 1.45 13.0 9.2,1 6.59 32.15 13.2,3 23.61 10.00 28.33 7.00 1.13 3741.32 96.88 106.62 82.48 91.28 75.77 84.06 101.51 12.0.85 18.00 20.54 758.62 732.04 1.53 52.75 10.91 15.55 95.49 101.66 82.97 60.37 75.77 94.84 1 73 (63 ) Kenneth Krarrber Salary 89.69 Citizens Bank Int on note 476.70 Minn Western Ry Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 2926.40 Butch Dry Cleaners Uniforms 68.50- Western Oil & Fuel-Co Fuel Oil 5249.90 Sterling Electric �o. Equip Ext Dist Inv 65.86 Nordber` Manf. . Co. Units 5 and 6 1855-05- McLeod Co -op. Power Assn Dist. Inv 1277.50• John A. Clark Electric Co. Dist Inv 439.82 - Electric Supply Co. Dist Inv 34.00. Duncan Electric Mfg; Co. Dist Inv 1.47 Graybar Electric Co. Inc Dist Inv. Ext 36.72 George T. Walker & Co. Plant Supplies 27.00 j�• S. Specialty Co. Plant Supplies 1.35. Hutch Oil Company Lub Oil 1549.78 Reinhard Brothers Company Mdse 4.63 Minn ullisc Truck Line �lant Supp Unit 5 and 6 8.26 H. G. Felepe Plant Supp 7.59: John Portele Dist Inv 8.75 - Wendorff Radio Service Other Equip 2.00 - Pacific Grain Company Plant Supp 4.60. Standard Oil Company Plant Supp 13.23 Ruth Betker Petty Cash 9.34 The Hilliard Corp. Plant Supplies 21.70 Pete Nielsen 11isc. Plant Exp. 5.00 Parsons WeldinE-; Supply Co., Inc. Plant Supplies 13.87 Hutch Tel Co Tel & Tel 33.35 Graybar Electric Co. Dist Inv. 40.88 - American. Loco Co Units 1,2, 3• 4.20. Western Oil & r'uel Co. Fuel Oil 2271.22 Electric Supply Company Dist. Inv. 343.37 There being no further business the meetin,; adjourned. R. Dahl, Secretary ATTEST: . , R. I. leppard, President. LJ