08-02-1948 HUCM1 L L Bipe s Norwood Reynolds John Fisher Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Kenneth Kramber Datlof Weseloh Minn Western Ry Co Western Oil & Fuel Co 7ZaAl,,..-a.,#. 65 (57) Salary 90.49 - Salary 75.68- Salary 87.41 - Salary 80.38• Salary 79.31• Salary 67.29 Salary 83.14 Salary 85.78 • Freight on Fuel Oil 3597.64 - Fuel Oil 5792.27 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Dahl, Secretary ATTEST R. I. Sheppard, President August 2, 1948. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Shappard's office at 7;30 p.m. on August 2, 1948. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. YRung. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and unanimously carried to rehire Norwood Reynolds at yp.848 per hour, 25.00 per month cost of living and $.05 per hour bonus. Motion was made to hire Fred Jungblut at a monthly salary of $200.00. The following bills were read and allowed; L L Bipe s John Fisher Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Ken Kramber Datlof Weseloh Minnesota Western Ry Co Citizens Bank Gateway City Transfer Co. Inc Citizens Insurance Agency Western Oil & Fuel Co Salary 90.49 Salary 87.41• Sa la ry 79-09 - Salary 85.29• Salary 69.00• Sala ry 75.07 Salary 80.92• Freight on Fuel Oil 1461.84• Exchange 10.07 Unit #5 & 5 5.97• Prepaid Insurance 1113-67- Fuel Oil 4487.67• 66 (58) The DeLaval Separator Co Ext Equip 2805.00 Hutch Water Dept Water 46.68. F H Hall Grove City Pa Mdse 8.26 . Hutch Tel Co Tel & Tel 34.95, Hutch Dry Cleaners Uniforms 51.30 Carl 0 F Christensen Land 339.10. Minn -Wise Truck Line Ext Equip 49.66 Leader Prtg Co Adv Off Supp 86.05. _Snap -On Tools Corp Tools Accts Payable 100.92. Torrey Bros Gas & Oil 35.16. Ruth Betker Petty Cash 24.34 . Citizens Bank Note 7000.00 M J Higgins Prepaid Ins l' _).00 Kemske Paper Co Mdse Off Equip Off Supp 105.45 The Hilliard Corp Other Equip Rep & Main 8.03. Am Loco Oo Unit #3 300.00. Rochester Germicide Co Plant Supplies 12.50, Garlock Packing Co Plant Supplies 17.31 Zila Hardware Plant & Dist Supp Tools 29.07 . J. I. Holcomb Mfg Co Plant Supplies 7.40 Allis - Chalmers Mfg Co Plant Supplies 8-18. Gordon Dobberstein Lub Oil 25.97 Weston Electrical Inst. Co Tools & Equip 33.95 - Burroughs Adding Machine Cc Prtg, Off Supp 55.05 Citizens Ins Agency Prepaid Ins 30.05• The Sharples Corp Plant Supplies 3.21 , Leef Bros Inc Other Laundry 10.76 Peter & Eldred Miller Ext Equip 134.57 Reinhard Bros Co Unit #3 16-55 Sterling Electric Co Plant & Dist Supp Off Funn 111d s e 'rj'? Line Material Co List Inv 37.44 - Hutch Oil Co Lub Oil 1219.13 - Harold R Popp Plant Supp 1.50 . IN A Ostrom Co Misc Plant & Off Lxp 10.79 Automotive Supply Plant Supp 8.20 Bob & Don's Texaco Service Truck Gas & Oil 7.00 Hartwig & Schmidt Plant Supp 1.50 Minn -Wisc Truck Line Dist Inv Accts Payable 26.68 Addressograph - Multigraph Off Supp 15.26 Square Clothing; Co Uniforms 23.80 Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laundry 29.78 G. F Nemitz & Sons Equip Ext 10.00 Minnesota Western Ry Co Freight on r'uel Oil 730.49 Western Oil & Fuel Co Fuel Oil 2253.20 L L Bipes Salary 101.88 John Fisher Salary 92.34 Harvey Schultz valary 87.16 Don Rasmussen Salary 96.28 Elmer White Salary 89.49 Ken Kramber Salary 87.84 Datlof Weseloh Salary 110.22 X. E. Young Misc. Off. Exp. 7.00 Ruth Betker Petty Cash 17.18 Peter Nielsen Misc. Plt• F,xp 5.00 Sterling Electric Company Plant Supp Mdse 28.19 Hutch Sheet Metal Wks Plant Supp 1.35 Ernest Fisher Other Equip Rep & Main 9.70, Alfred Stegmeier Tools Kennedy's Uniforms Minn. Western Ry. Co. Freight on Fuel Oil John A. Clark Electric Co -List Inv Minn Wisc Truck Line Plant Supp #5 Ext Equip Tools Ernest Fisher Other Equip There being no further business the meeting adjourned. a 11, ecr ry . ATTEST: R. I. Sheppard, President September 16, 1948. Monthly Meeting. (59) 24.43 117.74 732.46 485.36 . 57.60 11.17 The regular monthly meeting of the Light and Power Commission, which was supposed to have been held on September 6, was postponed until September 16 because of the absence of one of the Commissioners. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 on September 16, 1948. R. W. Dahl was unable to attend the meeting. All other Commissioners were present. Supt. Young was present. . The minutes of the last monthly meeting, August 2, 1948, were read and approved as read. Motion was made and carried to purchase new storage batteries for light plant from Grant Battery Company. Motion was made and unanimously carried to close the billing; office on. Saturday afternoons. The following bills were read and allowed; J. F. Quest Foundry Co Minn Western Ry Co Helwig Company Farmers Co -op. Elev. Assn. Western Union Telegraph Co Wallner Prtg Co Wegner &: Gauger Pacific Grain Co Citizens Bank °western Oil & Fuel Co Graybar Electric Co Inc Hutchinson Dry Cleaners John A. Clark Electric Co L L Bipes Harvejc Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Ken Kramber Tools & Equip 83.50 - Freight on Fuel Oil 364.63 Units 1, 2, 3, 4 35.03• Plant Supplies 13.00 - Tel & Tel 4.50 Prtg Off Supp 40.50 Truck Gas & Oil 46.2e. Plant Supp 8.80. Exchange 9.22 Fuel Oil 1487.10 Dist Inv 1711.03 Uniforms 42.00 Dist Inv 153.32 Salary 84-11- Salary 73.50- Salary 79.31- Salary 70.53 Sale ry 78-34-