05-03-1948 HUCM60 (52) There bein€ no Further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Dahl, ecre ary. ATTEST; R. I. She pard, Pre id nt. May 3, 1948. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard's office at 7,30 p.m. on May 3, 1948. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and unanimously carried to borrow $24,000.00 from the Citizens Bank and pay $25,000.00 on the 1945 Pledge Orders. Motion was made and unanimously carried that the Municipal Electric Plant contribute $102000.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson* Motion was made to issue a check in the amount of $20.00 for Petty Cash for FWn,Tomlinson.(Assistant City Clerk) The following bills were read and allowed; Minn Western Ry Co Ruth Betker Western Oil & Fuel Co. Citizens Bank Busch- Sulzer Bros. - Diesel &ennedy +s Duncan Electric Mfg Co Sinclair Refining Co. Mitchell Chev. Co. Hutch Oil Co Security Blank Book & Prt Citizens Bank Manning Maxwell & Moore, Minn -Wisc Truck Line Oscar Reinke C E Howe Troy Launderers and Clean Western Oil & Fuel Co. Minn Western Ry Co Sterling Electric Co Crane Co. of Minn Kems ke Paper Co Graybar Electric 00 Inc Minn Fire Ext Co IncO Allis Chalmers Manf Co Line Material Co Freight on Fuel Petty Cash Fuel Oil Misc . Off Exp Eng. Unit #6 Uniforms Dist. Rep & Main Plant Supp Truck Rep & Main Dist Inv Co Off Supp Exchange nc Plant Supp Plant Supp #5 & Salary Ext Equip rs Other Laundry Fuel Oil Freight on Fuel Plant Supp Dist Ext. Equip Off Equip Dist Inv Autos & Trucks Other Equip Dist Inv Oil 6 Ext Equip Oil IRV Mdse Other Equip 1 - 1,252.30 - 100.44 _ 2,497.19 2.40 �_- 98.50 25.44 - 27.22 - 12.00 - 62.35 15.45 _ 6.75 _ 11.37 75.38 12.74 - 11.20 8874.06 _ 15.37 1765.91 883.2 -112. *5 - 12. 6 _ 246. 132.84 35.75 _ 19.73 _ 179.52 sA3, Coast -to -Coast Stores Accts Payable 4.95 - H Channon Company Plant Supplies 5.55. L L Bipes Salary 95.49, Norwood Reynolds Salary 96.29. ' John Fisher' Salary 84.91. Harvey Schultz Salary 78.18- Don Rasmussen Salary 90.29 William Reiter Salary 43.68 Datlof Weseloh Salary 78.42 Hutch Oil Co Lub Oil 1211.12 Karl Emans Tools & Equip 5.00 Nordberg Manf Co Unit #4 70.60 Schneider Electrical Wks Switchboard Ext 1002.00 C. E. Howe Equip Ext 173.44, Minn Western Ry Co Freight on Fuel Oil 592.32 Addressograp )X- Multigraph Off Supp 150058 Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn-Postage 300.00 John A. Clark Electric Co. Dist. Inv. 26.21 Graybar Electric Co., Inc Dist. Inv. 126.36 Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 1187.93 Nordberg Manf. Co. Unit #6 431.38 Sterling Electric Co. Dist. Inv. 8.45' Security Blank Book & Prtg Co Dist. Inv 2L .42 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. a , ecre ary. -- ATTEST. • eppar , res den . June 1, 1948. Monthly Meeting. i The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was .held at R. I. Sheppard1s office at 7;30 p.m. on June 1, 1948. All Commissioners were present, also Supt Young. Motion was made and unanimously carried to issue a check in the amount of $60.00 to the City of Hutchinson. This $60.00 to be added to the Light Plant petty cash fund at the City Hall. The Total cash for change now being $100.00 The minutes of the 1.st monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were read and allowed; L L Bipes Salary 95.49 Norwood Reynolds Salary 106.41 .John Fisher Salary 87.41• Harvey Schultz Salary 74.00 Don Rasmussen Salary 89.04.