04-05-1948 HUCMDatlof 4ieseloh John A Clark Electric Co Burroughs Adding Machine Co General Electric Supp".-NT Corp Western Oil & Fuel Co Nordberg 1,1anf Co L Tle Jensen American Loco Co H Shannon Co Minnesota "w estern RTr Co Peter Nielsen Ruth 13etker Postmaster, Hutc °-Lirson, kinn Harry R Jensen 57 (49) Salary 70.13 Dist Supp 22.40 DIisc off Exp 7.25 Plant Sup,, 3.26. Fuel Oil 593.98 Unit #5 75.00. Clerical Services 25.00 Units 1 2 3 34.50. Plant Supplies 31.87 Freight on Fuel Oil 592.19 Llisc . Plant Exp 5.00 Petty Cash 20.45 Office Supplies 30.00 . mote 10,000.00- There beint, no further business the meeting adjourned. H. Vi . secretary R. I. Sheppard, President &.onthly MeetinE April 5, 1946 The regular mcnthly meeting; of the Light & Power Commission was wield at R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 r-m. on April 51 1948. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Youn The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The motion was made and oil storaL;e tanks 111 x 301, Tr.pls, Yinn. less 2% if paid of X1435.90. Due to present if price of steel increases* purchase six simplex gauges, the order. seconded to purchase six additional fuel 21,300 gallon capacity, $1480 each F•0 -B in cash with the order, making a net price conditions price is subject to increase The motion was also made and seconded to each X43.55, less 1% if paid in cash with The motion was made and seconded to allow the following raises in salary. Hugo IJiahs 222.50 to h 927.50 5.00 raise. Leif Larson 210.00 to 215.00 05.00 raise. R• Heilman y�195.00 to 205.00 10.00 raise. F. Esping 9195.00 to X205.00 10.00 raise. F- Ahrens 170.00 to 185.00 15.00 .raise. R.Betker *130.00 to 135.00 5.00 raise. H.Schultz D Weseloh '.748 x•70 to to .798 x.75 .05 raise per hr. x.05 raise per hr. These increases in salary to become effective -4pril 1, 1948. 58 (50 ,} The following; bills were read and allowed; Peterrson Truck Service H J Dobberstein A B Jorgenson McGraw -Hill Publishing Co Kennedy's Direct Oil Service Station Hutch Telephone Co Paul Boettcher Sinclair Ser St Hutch Dry Cleaners Mitchell Chev Co lvlinnesota Bearing Co W A Ostrom Co Birkeland Studios Troy Launderers & Cleaners Coast -to -Coast Stores Citizens Bank Harry hielendy Graybar Electric Co Inc Sterling Electric Co C. H Stocking Lutsen Light & Power Co Snap -On Tools Corp Electric Supply Co Stearns Lumber Co Hutchinson Oil Co Nels Simonson Burroughs Adding Machine John A Clark Electric Co R B Whitacre & Co Inc Western Oil & Fuel Co Minnesota western Ry Co• Atlas -Sesco Co Atlas -Sesco Co Nordberg Manf Co R E Young Ruth Betker Lew Bonn Co Line Material Co Am Loco Cc Snap -On Tools Corp 11inn Western Ry Co Western Oil &. Fuel Co Zila Hardware L L Bipes Norwood Reynolds John r'isher Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Datlof Weseloh Sem Becker Western Oil & Fuel Co Minnesota iestern Ry Co R E Young Minn Wisc Truck Line C H Stocking Graybar Electric Co Inc Truck R & M Lub Oil Prepaid Insurance P:isc Off Exp Uniforms TruckR &M Tel 8. Tel Gas & Oil Uniforms Truc k R & h R & N Other Equip Plant Supp Adv Other Laundry Plant Supplies Exc hanEe Plant Supplies Dist Supp Plant & Dist Supp Tools Equip Tools Equip Tools Equip Plant Supplies Tools Equip Plant & Dist Supp Tools Equip Co Furn & Off Equip Dist Ext Tools Equip Fuel Oil Freight on Fuel Oil Tool -s Equip fools Equip Units 5 & 6 Misc Off Lxp Petty Cash Dist Supp Dist Supp Units 1 2 3 Plant Supp Freight on Fuel Oil ill uel Oil Dist & Plant Supp Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Ext Equip Fuel Oil Freight on Fuel Misc Off -L'xp Plant Supp Unit Plant Supp Dist Supp Oil 5 & 6 Tools 7.95 , 47.70 43.38 5.50 50.88 5.50 , 46.10 34.71 44.85: 5.70 8.62 7.10 1.00 13152 1.38 10.62 1.25 106.40 188.42 2,557.55 424.19 15.00 25.52 19.59 28.20 21.23 14.40 640.12 34.25 - 2,595.54 1,320.08 108.90 36.30 642.50 25.00 17.28 1.34 182.40 3.00 1.50 2,134.31 4,207.69 39.26 91.50 108.08 80.09 70.39 88.04 74.91 150.00. 3,222.83 1,622.21 14.00 92.86__. 25.05- 107.60_, Equip 48.48 14.00 1,350.00 1,021.67 25.97 10.84, 4.51 8.17, 6.42 48.00 27.09 30.05 101.88. 102.57. 89.64 75.38. 94.72, 49.63. 3g .31 5.00 75.00 75.00 . 40.26 . 266.72 40.00 9.61 68.00. 276.51 164.90 10.25. 229-75- 588.25 • 293.27, 1.62, 1,179.87• 589-78- 22 .06 17.20 40.70 160.68 8.05 10.17. 40-05. 195.52 7.63 20.00 13.25, 39.37 112-87. 5.84 25.31• 58.92 38.25 5.88 9.31• 3.75 25.75 352-64 59 (51) Addressor raph- llli;lti;-raph Of'f'ice Supp Harvey Schultz Uniforms Line Material Co John A Clark Electric Co Dist Ext Dist Ext H J Do Berstein Lub Oil Harold R Popp Plant & Off Supp Leef Bros Other Laundry Sterlirit; Electric Co Plant Supp The Sharples Corporation Plant Sup) The Hilliard Corporation Plant Supp Nordber" l anf Co Units 5 & 6 Citizens Iris ALency Prepaid Insurance L'L Bipes Salary Norwood Re�rnold s Sa lar. ZT John Fisher Salary Harvey Schultz Salary Don Rasmussen Salary Datlof Weseloh Salary Oscar Reinke Salary Pete Nielsen M.isc Plant Exp Walla ce Rey ers on Legal Services Elmer Jensen LeEsl Services City of Hutchinson : � ter John A Clark Electric Cc Dist Ext Carl 0 F Christensen Ext Equip Lew Bonn Co List Ext Atlas Salvage & Equip Co Ext Equip llI J Higi;ins h�;enc- C H Stockirig Prepaid Insurance Plant Supp R & Tvii Other D Ext D Supp Tools Sterling Electric Co Void Electric Supply Co D Supp Leader Tinting Co Off Supp ca, 1�dv Western Oil & Fuel Cc Fuel Oil Minn Western Ry Co Frei €;ht on Fuel Oil Ruth Betker Meter Refund Western Oil & Fuel Co Fuel Oil Minn Western Ry Co Freight on Fuel Oil Ruth Betker Petty Cash Postmaster, Hutchinson, Tvinn. Off Supp George Bach Cas & Oil Graybar Electric Co Inc Dist Supp R. B. Whitacre & Cc Inc fools & Equip Security Blank &. Book Prtt� Plant 8-, off Supp Hutchinson Drs Clearers Uniforms C Emery Nelson Plant Supplies Hartwig & Schmidt Plant Supplies The Hilliard Corp Plant Supplies Peterson Truc',� Service Truc't Rep c N1ain Thompson Yds Inc Dist Fxt Sterling; Electric Co Dist Supp Mdse J F Riesberg Plant Supp Zila Hardware Plant & Dist Supp Stearns Lumber Co Tools & Equip Wallner Prtg Co Off Supp Leef Bros Other Laundry Automotive Supply Plant Supp Larson Farm Equip Tools Equip Hutch Tel Co Tel & Tel Sterling Electric Co List Supp Equip 48.48 14.00 1,350.00 1,021.67 25.97 10.84, 4.51 8.17, 6.42 48.00 27.09 30.05 101.88. 102.57. 89.64 75.38. 94.72, 49.63. 3g .31 5.00 75.00 75.00 . 40.26 . 266.72 40.00 9.61 68.00. 276.51 164.90 10.25. 229-75- 588.25 • 293.27, 1.62, 1,179.87• 589-78- 22 .06 17.20 40.70 160.68 8.05 10.17. 40-05. 195.52 7.63 20.00 13.25, 39.37 112-87. 5.84 25.31• 58.92 38.25 5.88 9.31• 3.75 25.75 352-64 59 (51) 60 (52) There bein€ no Further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Dahl, ecre ary. ATTEST; R. I. She pard, Pre id nt. May 3, 1948. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard's office at 7,30 p.m. on May 3, 1948. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and unanimously carried to borrow $24,000.00 from the Citizens Bank and pay $25,000.00 on the 1945 Pledge Orders. Motion was made and unanimously carried that the Municipal Electric Plant contribute $102000.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson* Motion was made to issue a check in the amount of $20.00 for Petty Cash for FWn,Tomlinson.(Assistant City Clerk) The following bills were read and allowed; Minn Western Ry Co Ruth Betker Western Oil & Fuel Co. Citizens Bank Busch- Sulzer Bros. - Diesel &ennedy +s Duncan Electric Mfg Co Sinclair Refining Co. Mitchell Chev. Co. Hutch Oil Co Security Blank Book & Prt Citizens Bank Manning Maxwell & Moore, Minn -Wisc Truck Line Oscar Reinke C E Howe Troy Launderers and Clean Western Oil & Fuel Co. Minn Western Ry Co Sterling Electric Co Crane Co. of Minn Kems ke Paper Co Graybar Electric 00 Inc Minn Fire Ext Co IncO Allis Chalmers Manf Co Line Material Co Freight on Fuel Petty Cash Fuel Oil Misc . Off Exp Eng. Unit #6 Uniforms Dist. Rep & Main Plant Supp Truck Rep & Main Dist Inv Co Off Supp Exchange nc Plant Supp Plant Supp #5 & Salary Ext Equip rs Other Laundry Fuel Oil Freight on Fuel Plant Supp Dist Ext. Equip Off Equip Dist Inv Autos & Trucks Other Equip Dist Inv Oil 6 Ext Equip Oil IRV Mdse Other Equip 1 - 1,252.30 - 100.44 _ 2,497.19 2.40 �_- 98.50 25.44 - 27.22 - 12.00 - 62.35 15.45 _ 6.75 _ 11.37 75.38 12.74 - 11.20 8874.06 _ 15.37 1765.91 883.2 -112. *5 - 12. 6 _ 246. 132.84 35.75 _ 19.73 _ 179.52