03-01-1948 HUCMHutchinson Oil Co Lub Oil Dist Supp Hugo Mahs Uniforms There being no further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary ATTEST: heppar , res en . — Monthly Meeting March 1, 1948. 55 (47) 1,150.80 27.72, The regular monthly meeting; of the Lielit & Power Commission was held at R. T. Sheppard's office at 7 :30 p.m. on March 1, 1948. All Commissioners were present. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to increase R. E. Young's salary a'20.00 per month. (Previous salary 4'340.00, present salary X360.00. ffective March 1,.1948 -, includes Lost of Living. Owing to the fact and present condition that Datlof Weseloh is a Reserve in the Naval Air Corp, and has been called for a training period of two weeks, a motion was made and seconded to t-°rant him one week's paid vacation, which he would otherwise not be entitled to until after lie had worked at the Municipal Electric Plant for a period of one year. Confirmation has been received by the McLeod Co- operative Power Association Board of Directors confirming the request for the release of a portion of ''Eastern Area "B "" requested by Manager R. A. Fischer on December 19, 1947. Attached is a cony of a Resolution acknowledging, andadopting the confii -r.ied request. The following bills were read and allowed; Citizens Bank R E Young Coast -to -Coast Stores Hutchinson Dry Cleaners H J 'lobberstein John Portele Wallner Prtg Co Crane Co of ;Minnesota W A Luedtke Nordberg; TManf Co St Cloud Securit7? Blanc -book Note & Tnt 5,025.00 &isc Off Exp 7.00. Plant Supplies 3.98 . Uniforms 47-95. Lub Oil 25.97 Dist Supp 35.46 - Office Supp 1.60. R. €z 14i - otl:!e,r Equipment 11-66. Truck R I- Ire 2.90 Unit #4 14-61, R & PM - Other Equipment 21-92. 56 (48 ) Nutting; Truck & Caster Co The Garlock Packing Co Stearns Lumber Co R B Whitacre & Co Inc J F RiesrerE Lodes Hdwe & App Co Hiitclh Tel Co Thomns on Y d s Inc A F Hoel vi&lter Rinne The '5&s hdre Co Ylitchell Chev Co Citizens Bank `Jlestern Oil L Fuel Co I,:Znn ':Wes tern R77 CC Vies Hdwe Co Ruth Betker L L Bipes Ralph Halcel ITorwood Rel'rnolds John r'isher Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Da.tlof Vieseloh Royland Jensen zila I:ardware Sterlin;, Electric Co Minne seta Wise Truck Line Western Oil & Fuel Co Bodine Electric Co The Black & Decker Icfg Co J F 'west Foundr1- Co The Sharples Corporation Nordberg I,:anf Co Addressograpli- I,Iulti"reph 1,4 A Ostrom Co Farmers Co -op. "lev• Ass f n Automotive Supply Hutch Oil Co Cenral Steel, Inc Am Loco Co Minn '�iester. n Ry Co Craybar Electric Co Inc Troy Launderers cc Cleaners Minnesota !vAestern Ry Co Western Oil & Fuel Co Earry R Jensen Lutsen Light E; Power Co Craybar' Electric Co Inc Maplewood Academy Snap -on 'fools Corp H Channon Co Schneider Electrical 71ks Ieiordberg idanf Co L L Bipes Norwood Reynolds John Fisher Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Tools, Equip Plant :pup-) Plant w Dist Supp Plant Supp Plant Supp I41dse Plant Supp Tel <,-. Tel R lriB1d� IruCI: Rep I,ir in Pla r tiupn Plant Supp Tools Equip Truck R & IdT Exc ha nCe Fuel Oil Freight on Fuel Oil `fools Equip Petty Cash Salary Salary % €-1 l a.ry Salary Salary Salary Salar:�r• aa.lary Plant &_ llist Sup- LDlies Plant ,L- Dist Supplies Tools Equip Units 5 & 6 Fuel_ Oil R car, Id Other Equip R Pr �t }Ler Equip Tools ::Equip R & II Other Equip Unit -1"4 0.7f is e Supp Plant Supp Plant Supp Plant Supp List Supp Dist Supp Units 1 2 3 Freight on Fuel Oil 'ist Supp; Other Laundry Freight on Duel Oil Fuel Oil Int on Note 'fools Equip Dist Supp Adv Plant 3upp Plant Supp Switchboard Ext Units 5 &, 6 Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary 29.30 15.50 27.30 14.28 9.62 3.00 27.45 5.00 30.80 2.40 151.21 2.00 10.4? 1,907.32 586.43 101.46 14.50 89.11 „9 .32 95.29 84.91 65.41 84-31 74.91 31.68 20.02 72.02 57.40 590.24 1.55 1.03 78.10 1�, .23 600.00 2.90 2.49 6.50 22.91 12.90 41.42 13.50 292.43 1,667.26 24.93 2,708.64 6,048.16 568.75 5.53 53.79 2.50 5.15 4.84 78.00 51.60 89.11 69-01 80.09 65.41 77.56 1 I Datlof 4ieseloh John A Clark Electric Co Burroughs Adding Machine Co General Electric Supp".-NT Corp Western Oil & Fuel Co Nordberg 1,1anf Co L Tle Jensen American Loco Co H Shannon Co Minnesota "w estern RTr Co Peter Nielsen Ruth 13etker Postmaster, Hutc °-Lirson, kinn Harry R Jensen 57 (49) Salary 70.13 Dist Supp 22.40 DIisc off Exp 7.25 Plant Sup,, 3.26. Fuel Oil 593.98 Unit #5 75.00. Clerical Services 25.00 Units 1 2 3 34.50. Plant Supplies 31.87 Freight on Fuel Oil 592.19 Llisc . Plant Exp 5.00 Petty Cash 20.45 Office Supplies 30.00 . mote 10,000.00- There beint, no further business the meeting adjourned. H. Vi . secretary R. I. Sheppard, President &.onthly MeetinE April 5, 1946 The regular mcnthly meeting; of the Light & Power Commission was wield at R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 r-m. on April 51 1948. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Youn The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The motion was made and oil storaL;e tanks 111 x 301, Tr.pls, Yinn. less 2% if paid of X1435.90. Due to present if price of steel increases* purchase six simplex gauges, the order. seconded to purchase six additional fuel 21,300 gallon capacity, $1480 each F•0 -B in cash with the order, making a net price conditions price is subject to increase The motion was also made and seconded to each X43.55, less 1% if paid in cash with The motion was made and seconded to allow the following raises in salary. Hugo IJiahs 222.50 to h 927.50 5.00 raise. Leif Larson 210.00 to 215.00 05.00 raise. R• Heilman y�195.00 to 205.00 10.00 raise. F. Esping 9195.00 to X205.00 10.00 raise. F- Ahrens 170.00 to 185.00 15.00 .raise. R.Betker *130.00 to 135.00 5.00 raise. H.Schultz D Weseloh '.748 x•70 to to .798 x.75 .05 raise per hr. x.05 raise per hr. These increases in salary to become effective -4pril 1, 1948.