02-02-1948 HUCMF-- Ll 1 V January 16, 1948. Special MeetinL,. 0 c On notice duly L;iven,a special meeting of the LiE:h.t & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard +s office at 8;00 p.m. on January 16th, 1948. Motion was made and seconded to change the power and commercial rates. Attached is copy of old and new rates. There being; no .further business the rneetin[, ad,ourned. R. IV. ahl, Secretary. ATTT:ST; ie pnar d , 11 resl en . February 2, 1948. Lonthly I;eetinC- The reE;ular monthly meetin, of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard's office at 7:30 p.m. on February 2, 1948. All Commissioners viere present, also Supt. Y,unL- The minutes of the last monthly meeting; were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to pay off "10,000.00 on the note due the Citizens Bank and renew note for "25,000.00. Si`-natures were received from, all employees belonvinE to the ldlinnesota. Hospital Service Association autl,orizinc the launicipal Electric Plant to deduct monthly payments due the Minnesota Hospital Service Association. A check will be issued each month. The followin €; hills viere read and allolraer's L L Bipes Ralph Hakel Norvaood Reynolds John Fisher ITarvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Datlof Vleseloh Royland Jensen Western Oil & Fuel Cc T„inn `western R1T Co Minn -'Nis c Truck Line SterlinE- Electric Co Graybar Electric Co., Inc Underwood Corp Ben D. Jerabek Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Stearns Lumber Co Salary 93-10- Salar,,, 90-98- Salary 94.74 Sala r1T 84.91. Salary 70.39 - Salary 86.59• Salary 70.91• Salary 18.00. Fuel Gil 4,280.18 FreiE,ht on Fuel Oil 1,684.62. Dist Supp 1.26 - Plant & Dist Supp Mdse 94.08. Dist Supp Tools 699.77 . Off Furn & Equip 322.00. Plant Supp End R &M Other Equip Ext Equip Dist Supp 138.37, Uniforms 36.50 Dist Supp 41.25 53" (45) t ) 4 ( 46 ) R. B- Whitacre & Co. (void) John A. Clark Electric Co Rochester Germicide Cc The Sharpl es Corporation C E Howe Ross Heilman Minn Bearing Co Henry Zumach Automotive Supply Citizens Bark Electric Supply Co Hutchinson Oil Co. Herman Schmidt H. J. Dobberstein Hutchinson Telephone Co Minn Western Ry Co Leader Prtg Co., I,,,c Hartwig & Schmidt Hutchinson Iron & Metal Co Semerau Oil Company Mitchell Chevrolet Co. W A Ostrom Co Hutchinson Later Dept Addressograph- Multigraph C E Howe Troy Launderers & Cleaners Line Material Co. Ruth Betker L L bipes Ralph Hakel Norwood Revnol ds John Asher Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Datlof Weseloh Royland Jensen Peter Nielsen G. F. Nemitz' Sons Sterling Electric Co Ruth Betker Minn "e s t ern Ry Cc Electric Supply Co Western Oil & Fuel Cc James R. Kearney Corp . Addressograph- MuItigraph Nordberg &Manf. . Co. John A. Clark Electric Co C. Channon Co Am Loco Co McLeod Co -op Power Association Zila Hardware Reinhard Brothers Co Farmers Co -op Elev. Ass hn Electric Meter Service Co. Willmar 0_ "f ice Supply Co Dist Ext - 22.09 Plant Supplies - 33.50 R & Y Other Equip 12.70 Ext Equip 261.30 Dist Supp 1.80 Plant Supplies 2.12 Plant Supplies 2.67 Plant & Dist Sapp --16.79 Exchange 12.11 Mdse - - 13.25 Dist Sapp - 39.42 Dist Sapp 19.98 Lub Oil 23.85 Tel & Tel - 33.45 Equip Rental 1.00 Office Supp Adv - 394.10 Plant Supplies 3.98 Plant Supplies 2.25 Truck Pas Oil 30.65 Truck Rep. & Lain 7.45 Plant Supplies 7.49 Water 63.75 Off Supp ' 2.85 Ext Equip 10.19 Other Laundry 14.52 Dist Supp 295.97 Petty Cash 46.25 Salary 101.88 Salary 95.00 Salary 100.65 Salary 89.64 Salary 76.12 Salary 96.28 Salary 83.56 Salary 64.08 Misc Plant Exp 5.00 R & M Bldg Other Equip 11.01 Plant & Dist Supp 1,820.28 Petty Cash 26.72 Freight on Fuel Oil 1,515.13 Plant Supplies 3.53 Fuel Oil 2,274.15 Dist Supp 105.72 Office Supp 9.18 Unit #4 242.00 Dist Su p lies 8.27 Plant Supplies 2.21 Units 1 2 3 - 7.16 Dist Supplies 78.40 Plant Supp Other Equip Dist Supp 98.06 Plant Supp 'fools 59.15 Plant Supp 6.50 Dist Supp 63.60 Office Supp .62 D C� r Rj a+..aq ,.�.., a s + ;.'.P .; tl .' a. , l... ."1R a > j7— :,r *77 -' Of Us ftv of fttwnwm tv ftwtw of tb* ftrtw' ot at �' a1S s. + e +,e. r�+� e�. a s �,,, + 4 s;.a+ c .;.+ � 'k. ^J♦ t ftww omdooift use ftod tho tool mtoo tor tho Gau of 4w *f Aw ow ♦w r +•w 40 r fft •i r w w +r+ . w —. i4 - u wo w n woo iiMt VR • i * 4 ! ♦ pw, �i t uxt 5w M i • ♦ f Nut I= no ice+ I* . ♦ • . ♦ , $00,10 pw = ♦ • ♦ • it • pw me 0 4 et, nom Hutchinson Oil Co Lub Oil Dist Supp Hugo Mahs Uniforms There being no further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary ATTEST: heppar , res en . — Monthly Meeting March 1, 1948. 55 (47) 1,150.80 27.72, The regular monthly meeting; of the Lielit & Power Commission was held at R. T. Sheppard's office at 7 :30 p.m. on March 1, 1948. All Commissioners were present. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to increase R. E. Young's salary a'20.00 per month. (Previous salary 4'340.00, present salary X360.00. ffective March 1,.1948 -, includes Lost of Living. Owing to the fact and present condition that Datlof Weseloh is a Reserve in the Naval Air Corp, and has been called for a training period of two weeks, a motion was made and seconded to t-°rant him one week's paid vacation, which he would otherwise not be entitled to until after lie had worked at the Municipal Electric Plant for a period of one year. Confirmation has been received by the McLeod Co- operative Power Association Board of Directors confirming the request for the release of a portion of ''Eastern Area "B "" requested by Manager R. A. Fischer on December 19, 1947. Attached is a cony of a Resolution acknowledging, andadopting the confii -r.ied request. The following bills were read and allowed; Citizens Bank R E Young Coast -to -Coast Stores Hutchinson Dry Cleaners H J 'lobberstein John Portele Wallner Prtg Co Crane Co of ;Minnesota W A Luedtke Nordberg; TManf Co St Cloud Securit7? Blanc -book Note & Tnt 5,025.00 &isc Off Exp 7.00. Plant Supplies 3.98 . Uniforms 47-95. Lub Oil 25.97 Dist Supp 35.46 - Office Supp 1.60. R. €z 14i - otl:!e,r Equipment 11-66. Truck R I- Ire 2.90 Unit #4 14-61, R & PM - Other Equipment 21-92.