01-16-1948 HUCMF-- Ll 1 V January 16, 1948. Special MeetinL,. 0 c On notice duly L;iven,a special meeting of the LiE:h.t & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard +s office at 8;00 p.m. on January 16th, 1948. Motion was made and seconded to change the power and commercial rates. Attached is copy of old and new rates. There being; no .further business the rneetin[, ad,ourned. R. IV. ahl, Secretary. ATTT:ST; ie pnar d , 11 resl en . February 2, 1948. Lonthly I;eetinC- The reE;ular monthly meetin, of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard's office at 7:30 p.m. on February 2, 1948. All Commissioners viere present, also Supt. Y,unL- The minutes of the last monthly meeting; were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to pay off "10,000.00 on the note due the Citizens Bank and renew note for "25,000.00. Si`-natures were received from, all employees belonvinE to the ldlinnesota. Hospital Service Association autl,orizinc the launicipal Electric Plant to deduct monthly payments due the Minnesota Hospital Service Association. A check will be issued each month. The followin €; hills viere read and allolraer's L L Bipes Ralph Hakel Norvaood Reynolds John Fisher ITarvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Datlof Vleseloh Royland Jensen Western Oil & Fuel Cc T„inn `western R1T Co Minn -'Nis c Truck Line SterlinE- Electric Co Graybar Electric Co., Inc Underwood Corp Ben D. Jerabek Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Stearns Lumber Co Salary 93-10- Salar,,, 90-98- Salary 94.74 Sala r1T 84.91. Salary 70.39 - Salary 86.59• Salary 70.91• Salary 18.00. Fuel Gil 4,280.18 FreiE,ht on Fuel Oil 1,684.62. Dist Supp 1.26 - Plant & Dist Supp Mdse 94.08. Dist Supp Tools 699.77 . Off Furn & Equip 322.00. Plant Supp End R &M Other Equip Ext Equip Dist Supp 138.37, Uniforms 36.50 Dist Supp 41.25 53" (45)