01-05-1948 HUCM50 (42) ' , J There being no further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Da , eeretary AT'T'EST; R. I. Sheppard., Presiden January 2, 1948. Special Meeting. A special meeting; of the Light & Power Commission was held on January 2, 1948 at 8;00 p.m. at R. I. Sheppard's office. 1,1otion was made and seconded to purchase a turr_in lathe, with attac�Merts, from C. H. Stocking; of Hutch`nson, �Viinnesota, for the amount of X3,000.00. Motion was made and seconded that all mortuaries be billed on the commercial rate. In the past, they had been billed on residental rate. There being no further business the meetinm adjourned. C R. ',7. Dahl, Secretary ATTEST: I. eppard, President. January 5, 1948. TVIonthly Meeting. The regular m,�nthly meeting of the Light fie- Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppards ►s office at 7;30 p.m. on January 5, 1948. All Com:°issioners were present, also Supt. Young. A request for release of 226 customers by the McLeod Co- operative Power Association was presented; Commissioner Dahl offered the attached Resolution and moved its adoption,,Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion was made to write a letter to Busch - Sulzer Bros. - Diesel Engine Co., St. Louis, 18, Prissouri, .regarding; re--placement of cracked cylinder heads. Motion was made to relieve Hugo Mlahs of all duties concerning collections. Supt. Youn €, will be assigned to collecting all delinquent accounts. AT THS R201DIAR WMUD of the Light and Power fission of the Oilly of Mute Mnson held on time 5th, day of dam, 1948. Member R. U. DaM offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptions AIIt 9it II1Qx Rheroas on r6bruary 13, 1940 the Light & Power Commission of the C,'itgr of fttehinson, hereinafter sometimes called the "Producer," entored into a contract with MoLeed Cooperative Power Asse4i.atimn, a corporation, heareiaa,"'ter sometimes called n Consemor, M under the terms of whimh the Ltgkt R Pn, Commission of the City of Mitchinson agreed to furnish to s-tid' Ver "Oooparative Power Asnei"ation, as Consumer# on and after the tad. day of September# 1941., such quantities of 01e0triftl. en W47 as said, Cousummeer shell require and Conger agreed to talcs fr= and pay !or all electrical energy required by it for axgr &mead all purposes from the Light and Power Camin sion of the City of *atchimson, as Producer# and Whereas the parties to said contract have„ on and after the 2nd. day of September, 1941, complied with the terns thereof, and Wh erns on the 19th. deep of ;'axnmry, 1946 the Producer and Constar entered into a written amesedmrisnt to said contract dated F'iebruary 13# 1941 which amendment is incorporated herein by references and made a part hereof, under the terms of which amendment the consamor could request the release and separation of aortain sections of its distribution system for the purpose of supplying electrical energy to the present and f abore customers in said sections from a source other than Producer.. and that up" the #operati:on of any notion or sections of Consume is distribution system the producer woold be released from and relieved of its obit+ gation to furnish to said oonsamor electricmal energy for said nation w sectiono of eon$uu wle distribution system under the contract dated Pebnu 7 13, 1940s and ft*ms on December 19, 1947 in accordance with the terms of the aanond- teat to contract dated January 19, 1946, McLeod Coopnative Power Assoei- atri.on, as Ccamsmear, did in writing, pursuant to authority granted by its Board of Direstors, request the separation of the following notion of Cansmorrs distribution systemp vie., known as portion of $Eastern Area B,* Release requested Beginning at Us Sersterly Qsarter corner of Section 12, Township 114$, Xmexcgo 30 and then** North to the Northwest oorns r of Section 1 in said Township I thence east to the southerly quarter wear of Seeation 310 Township 1130 P400 251 thence ninth to the center of said Section 311 thence northeasterly to a point = the south line of Section 23= Township 1150 Range 271, which point is 20 rode most of the southeast corner of said Section 231 thence southeasterly to the sou*oast corner of Sooti.on 34 Township 113, Range 261 deuces sormth to the easterly quarter comer of Section 7, Township 113, Range 263 thence most to the easterly quarter corner of Section il, Township 113, Ram 283 thence narthwestorly to a point abets time southwest share of ?Mew Aubuurn U6 istursecrts that north line of Section 341, Township 111.4 Range �81 theses northwesterly along the south and weft shores of Now Auborn matte to the southeast cwrnoer of Section 7, Township 1114 Aaugs 28; thence northwest to the northeast corner of said Section 71 thence west to the southwest corner of Section 2, Township 114 Range 293 thence southwest to the southwest owner of Section 10, Township 114, Range 291 thence south to the southeast corner of Section 160 Township 114, flange 291 thence west to the northeast corner of Section leg, Township 214, RwW 29; thence south to the east gwa-tor corner of said Section 191 thence* most to teas center of Section 244, 'Township 114, Range 341 thence► aorthto the centbrof 5ectioiu -�,2, Township 114, Range 30; thence west,to the point of beginning. TZDX O a W 0 cn C�CDo CD W ,fir n O 3 O C E -0 p O o c m o OCn nn O C o 3 Q. �CD 0) Q w I N ' O N 656 0) r Commissioner A. a. Thompson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. -n Z D X RESOLUTION O m C 0 CD 07 m o Be It Resolved, That the President and Secretary of the Light 0 Cn and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesot be and they C: C = o •a O O hereby are authorised to borrow from Citizens Bank, Hutchinson, Minn. N h � CD C' o- :o the suss of Thirty -five Thousand and noAoo ($350000.00) Dollars upon 0 C, 00 � o v the note of said Light and Power Commission. 3 0 Be It Further Resolved that the President and Secretary of a said Light and Power Commission be and they hereby are authorized to No N co execute a note or notes to Citizens Bank, Hutc3hinson, Minn. for the 5 6 aforesaid loan upon such terms and conditions as may mutually be agreed upon by the said officers and said Bank. Commissioner R. W. Dahl seconded the foregoing resolution and upon roll call all members votedunanimously in favor thereof, whereupon President R. I. Sheppard declared the resolution duly adopted. I, R. W. Dahl, hereby certify that I am the Secretary of the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota and that the foregoing reso.tion is a true, correct, and complete copy of a resolution passed by said Commission at a Special Meeting thereof held on August 4, 1947, Dated August 29, 1947. I, Ralph Young, hereby certify that I am the Superintendent of* the above referred to Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson. That among other duties I am the custodian of the books, files and records of said Commission and I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution Is a true, correct, and complete copy of the original thereof and I further certify that R. I. Sheppard and R. W. Dahl are President and Secretary respectfully of said Light and power Commission. Dated August 29, "1947. 11 for the purposes of supplying p"8811t and future customers in said area with elestriftl energy from sourses other than the Light & Power Oommission of the 'City of fttehinsoat BN IT RESOLVED: FIWTt That the request for separation of the lands described above be and the same hereby in granted upon the conditions hereinafter sot forth. SECONDS That the land* described as in "A" known as portion of "lantern Area 30 are hereby separated effective as of JaWUX7 160 1948 from the distribution system of McLeod Cooperative Power Association to which this Light and Power Commission is required under the terms of the sontract dated February 13j, 1940 to furnish such electrical energy as said Consumer shall require and that the separation of said lands terminates the obligation of Producer to furnish electrical energy to customers in said lands ofConsumer 'from om and after actual separation, THIRDS That the contract dated February 13,,,194,0 remains In full,force and offectlas to all requirements of Consumer for electrical energy,, other than the lands described above and referred to as the RAN area known an portion of $Eastern Area BO *ioh is separated and released purpUsntLto request by Consumer, and excepting areas previouslit separated. Member A. J. Thompson seconded the aforesaid notion for adoption of the Resolution offered by Umber R. W. Dahl and upon vote the Resolution was adopted and by President R. I. Mwppard declared duly adopted. I! R. W. Dahl,, secretary of the Light & Power Commission of the City of Hatchinsong do hereby certify that the foregoing in a true and co&7oot copy of the Resolution unanimously adopted by the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson at its regular mfieting hold on the Ah. day of Januaryp 1948 all member# being present and voting. WITNBSS my hand (the Commission having no Seal) this5th.day of January, 1948. R. it. Dabl#' Seoretax7 Light & Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson. R � y R The undersigned, the manager of McLeod Cooperative Power Association, by virtue of amendment to a contract dated February 13, 19W, executed by and between the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minn- esota, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the producer, and McLeod Cooperative Power Association, hereinafter called the consumer, which amend- ment to said contract is executed by the producer and consumer on Janu- ary 19, 1946, the consumer does hereby requ: >st the producer to release cer- tain areas wherein the producer now furnishes electric energy for consumption by the consumer+ The areas requested to be released may be termed a por- tion of the eastern area heretofor released, together with an addition to area A, heretofor released. That the area hereunder considered is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. It is the desire of the consumer that release of the area here described become effective as soon as consumer is able to integrate said area with another source of power. That said request is made for the reason that the consumers transmission system leading from the producer's to the area in question is so seriously overloaded that continuous service cannot be made in the area here described. That the area here concerned contains approximately.1912 members served with energy now furnished by the producer. IN WITNESS WH-3230F, the undersigned, R. A. Fischer, has hereunto set his hand in behalf of said McLeod Cooperative Power Association this day of December, 1947. McLEOD COOPEWIVE POWER ASSOCIATION By: a c Manager I . 14 Beginning at the westerly quarter corner of Section 12, Township 111, Range 30 and thence North to the northwest corner of Section 1 in said township; thence east to the southerly quarter corner of Section 31, Town- ship 115, Range 28; thence north to the center of said Section 31; thence northeasterly to a point on the south line of Section 23, Township 115, Range 27, which point is 20 rods west of the southeast corner of said section 23; thence eautheasterly to the southeast corner of Section 31, Township 115, Range 26; thence south to the easterly quarter corner of Section 7, Township 113, Range 26; thence west to the easterly quarter corner of Section 11, Township 113, Range 29; thence northwesterly to a point where the southwest shore of New Auburn Lake intersects the north line of Section 34, Township 114, Range 28; thence northwesterly along the south and west shores of New Auburn Lake to the southeast corner of Sec- tion 7, Township 114, Range 29; thence northwest to the northwest corner of said section 7; thence west to the southwest corner of Section 2, Town- ship 114, Range 29; thence southwest to the southwest corner of Section 10, Township 114, Range 29; thence south to the southeast corner of Section 16, Township 111, Range 29; thence west to the northeast corner of Section 19, Township 114, Range 29; thence south to the east quarter corner of said Section 19; thence west to the center of Section 24, Township 114, Range 30; thence north to the center of Section 12, Township 111, Range 30; thence west to the point of beginning. Motion was made and seconded to put Ralph Hakel on a monthly payroll basis. His salary will be X200.00 per month with X20.00 cost of living per month. The following bills were read and allowed; Minnesota Western Ry Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 540.33- C E Howe Ext Equip 1,351.56' Jack Welch Land & Site 971.00. Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laundry 10.34• Harmon Process Co Plant Supplies 107.00 - Stearns Lumber Co Dist Ext 32.15. Electric Supply Co Dist Ext Dist Supp 28.45. Crane Co of Minnesota Ext Equip 51.20• Walter Rippe Plant Supplies 3.60. Kemske Paper Co Off Supplies .53 Fred Sorenson Fuel & Farm Dist Supplies 11.90• Hutch Dry Cleaners Uniforms 41.10 Hutch Tel Co Tel & Tel 32.00 Sterling Electric Co Mdse & Dist Supp 145.59 A. F Hoel Truck Rep & Main 54.14 Anchor Casualty Co Prepaid Ins 62.90 - Peterson Truck Service Truck Rep & Main 7.05 - Busch - Sulzer Bros.- Units 5 & 6 4.33. Graybar Electric Co. Inc Dist. Ext. & Dist Supp 273.78- Am Loco Co Units 1, 2, 3 5.71 - Allis- Chalmers Mfg. Co Dist Ext 1,992.60 . Nels Simonson Dist Ext 7.20. Minn Nestern Ry Co - Freight on Fuel Oil 877.87 - Western Oil & Fuel Co Fuel Oil 466.92 Quade's Plant Supp Mdse 5.83 Mitchell Chevrolet Co Truck Rep & Main 23.95• Albrecht Oil Co Plant_Su�p Gas & Oil 54.05, Hutchinson Oil Co Lub 0'1 1.55• Wm.- Jorgenson Unit �,5 2.75 • Direct Service Oil St Truck Rep. & Main 2.95. Wm D Wixcey Gas F. Oil 2.80 Schneider Electrical Wics Switchboard Ext 3,201.12 - Harry R Jensen Int on P 0 2,000.00 - xHarry R Jensen Contribution 6,000.00• L L Bipes Salary 102.28 Ralph Hakel Salary 90-98- Norwood Reynolds Salary 102.92 - John Fisher Salary 80.09 - Harvey Schultz Salary 71.14. Don Rasmussen Salary 97.42 . Datlof Vieseloh Salary 75-29, Ralph Clasen Salary 74.20 Minn -Wise Truck Line Ext Equip 2.56- Citizens Bank Exchange 9.05• Coast -to -Coast Stores Plant Supplies 3.88 - Hartwig & Schmidt Plant Supplies 2.05• Kennedyfs Dept. Store Uniforms 23.80 - The Wms Hardware Co Plant Supplies 8.43 Lapp Insulator Co Inc Dist Ext 23.54• v I. a /c ", '. t , ....- ""a .,f.: , 52 ( 44 ) SterlinE_ Electric Co Graybar Electric Co., Inc. Minn Western Ry Co Western Oil Rc Fuel Co R E Young R E Young Postmaster, Hutclinson, IIinr Thompson Yds, Inc. Busch - Sulzer Bros Sem Becker Peter & Eldred Miller John A Clark Electric Co diestern Oil & Fuel Co Minn Western Ry Co Pete Nielsen John ISennedyl Q I. 0 . 0. F. Lod E-,,6 Minn '4uestern Ry Co 6'Vestern Oil & F-,iel Co Line Material Co Graybar Electric Co Sterling Electric Co Allis- Chalmers 1,1arif Co Lodes Hdwe & kpp Snap -4n Tools Corporation Electric Dieter Service Co McClain & Redman Co Viking Pump Co The 'errs Hdwe Co Ronan -Crane Corp Electric Supply L L ipes Ralph Hakel Norwood Reynolds John i''i she r Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Datlof VVieseloh Ralph Clasen Mdse Dist Supp Freight on Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Misc Off Exp Misc Off Exp Postage Dist Supplies Unit 5 & 6 Ext Equip B1d�: Ext Dist Ext .Fuel Oil Freight on Fuel Oil Ext I,isc Plant Lxp Garage Rent Rent Yrei� -ht Or Fuel Oil Fuel Oil List Ext Dist Supp It It It it ` Plant Supp Lift Ext Plant Supp Plant S,.ipp -19.43 57-25 -- 271.68 1,996.90 7.00 6.00 15.03 9.92 1.41 126.00 207.99 272.06 Equig t40'-q-/0Y--'7 5.00 4.00 30.00 -878-87 1,142.38 133.92 Yools 166.49 Dist Ext & Supp 71.69 344.40 4.68 5.20 6.10 1.32 9.12 2.72 460.60 49.94 92.30 100.66 101.52 69-64 75.38 95.48 75.29 26.56 List Rep U: 1iain Plant Supp Rep & P,1ain -0ther Equip Plant Supp Plant Supp Dist 'Ext. Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Ualary Salary Sal& ry There being no further lousiness the ATTEST: 11 1. Sheppard, President. me etinE-; adjourned. Z QA-44K R. 4'.-Dahl, Secretary 1