10-06-1947 HUCM44 (36) Monthly Meeting October 6, 1947 The held at regu&a.r Dr. R. I. monthly meeting of Sheppard +s the Light & Power Commission was at 7:30 October 6, Unit #5 4.54 - Ruth Betker office p.m. on 1947. M J Higgins Agency All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. 7.20 - The minutes of the last monthly meeting, September 39 19472 were Rep & Main Mdse read and approved as read. 569.50' Line Material Co The motion was made and unanimously carried to purchase four new. office files. The -f`ollowing bills were read and alloweds C L Howe Ext Equip 7,.641.06- Automotive Supply Unit #5 4.54 - Ruth Betker Petty Cash 34.57 - M J Higgins Agency Prepaid Insurance 34.51- Citizens Bank Exel4eege Misc Off Exp 7.20 - Sterling Electric Co Plant & Dist Supp Ext Rep & Main Mdse 424.71 - Graybar Electric Co Inc Dist Supp Ext 569.50' Line Material Co Dist Ext 694.88 Western Oil & Fuel Co Fuel Oil 39180.61- Minnesota Western Ry Co Freight on Fuel Oil 1,973.21- W A Ostrom Co Plant & Dist Supplies 8.38 - Snap-on Tools Corp Plant Supplies 10.08' Vincent Brass & Copper Co Inc Plant Supplies 7.44 - Electric Supply Co Dist Ext and Supplies 218.91- Graybar Electric Co Inc Dist Ext and Supplies 1,019.72- - Standard Oil Co Plant Supplies 10.58- Pacific Grain Co Plant Supplies 4.40' The H R Kirkland Co Plant Supplies 41.80° Nordberg Manf Co Unit #4 205.00 - H R Peterson Co Unit #5,6 Other Equip Ext Equip 178.80 -• Hutch Tel Co Tel & Tel 28.65 Thompson Yards Dist Main 48.77- - Sem Becker Tools and Equip 65.00- Lodes Hdwe & App Store Plant Supplies 5.53- Felska Garage Gas & Oil 41.72- Wallner Printing Co Printing & Off Supp 8.50 - Hartwig & Schmidt Plant Supp Dist Ext 5.70 Nels Simonson Dist Rep & Main 26.04_ Busch - Sulzer Bros Unit #5,6 726.86 - Rockite Silo Co Dist Ext 9.00- - Graybar Electric Co., Inc Mdse 15.34 Citizens Bank Exchange 7.83- Hutchinson Oil Company Lub Oil 1,567.85 -° L L Bipes Salary 86.61 Ralph Hakel Salary 86.08- Norwood Reynolds Salary 81.92 John Fisher Salary 78.28 - Harvey Schultz Salary 63.61' Datlof Weseloh Salary 68.81- Ralph Clasen Salary 63.70- I� 1 Minnesota Western Ry Co Zile. Hardware Donald Rasmussen Edward Krantia, ►� L L Bipes Ralph Hakel Norwood Reynolds John Fisher Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Ralph Clasen Datloh Weseloh r UsteR_ e co Lyle R Jensen Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Doug Schutz Harry ,fs Texaco Service Pacific Grain Co Quade ' s Shell Oil Company Burroughs Adding Machine Co Ruth Betker H A Holden Inc McLeod Co -op Power Assn Grace -Lee Products Inc Crane Co of Minnesota Grayhar Electric (�o Inc Sterling Electric Co Pete Nielsen Collector of Ipternal Revenue Minn Western R7 Co John A Clark Electric Co Busch - Sulzer Bros Wallace Reyerson Elmer Jensen Freight on Fuel Oil Plant & Dist Supp Unit #5 Tools Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Sala ry f ue O e as Clerical Services Uniforms Truck Rep & Main Truck Rep & Main Plant Supplies Plant and Dist Supp Plant Supplies Misc Office Exp Petty Cash Plant Supplies List Ext Plant Supplies Plant Supplies Dist Ext Plant Supp Dist Supp & Ext Misc Plant Exp 'Withholding Tax Freight on Fuel oil Dist Supplies Unit #5 Legal Services Legal Services There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTESTt a 4 (37) 304.25• 21.58_ 81.81 78.32 92.99' 101.22• 96.18. 83.01. 79.28. 63.86 92.50 73.19- 3,438. 0'4 35.00 63.65` 13.25 1.15 , 4.40 8.43- 6.05 7.25 36.04 9.14' 106.89- 8.50• 14.51. 183.22• 159.60 - 5.00 1,117.80• 9.90 - 272.06 630.00' 1.00.00' 100.00- Dahl, ecretary e par , r s