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08-04-1947 HUCM
40 (12) Monthly Meeting August 4, 1947 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7:30 p.m. on August 4, 1947. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, July 7, 1947, were read and approved as read. Motion was made and unanimously carried that the Municipal Electric Plant contribute $5,000.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson. Motion was made and unanimously carried to purchase six storage tanks through C. E. Howe at a cost of $7,666.26 and payment on same be made in advance, as the tanks mentioned in the minutes of April 7, 1947 were unable to be purchased. Motion was made and unanimously carried to hire Datlof Weseloh at $.70 per hour plus cost of living of $20.00 per month. Motion was made and unanimously carried to borrow $35,000.00 from the Citizens Bank and pay off the Series "A" Bonds. The following bills were read and allowed: Minn Western Ry Co Western Oil & Fuel Co Norwood Reynolds Citizens Bank B. W. Sams Hutchinson Telephone Co Peterson Truck Service Lodes Hdwe & Appliance Lyle R Jensen Williams Motor Sales Ruth Betker Zila Hardware Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn Thomppoh Yards, Inc Quade's John A. Clark Electric Co. Snap -on Tools Corp Stearns Lumber Company W A Eorngiebel John Portele Hutchinson Water Department Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Cities Service Station J F Riesberg Torrey Bros.- Direct Service St Leader Printing Co. Inc Collector of Internal Revenue Addressograph- Multigraph Sterling Electric Company L L Bipes Freight on Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Salary Exchange Lub Oil Tel & Tel Truck Rep. & Main Plant Supplies Clerical Services Truck Main Gas & Oil Petty Cash Plant & Dist Supp Printing Plant Supplies Plant & Dist Supp Dist Supplies Plant Supplies Dist Supplies Other Equipment Dist Supplies Water Uniforms Truck Main & Rep Gas & Oil Plant Supplies Truck Rep & Main Prtg Off Supp Adv Withholding Tax Off Supp Dist Supp Salary 1,464.75 2,846.09 - 93.09- 9.32_ 27.03_ 33.95 - 7.75- 9.01- 35.00- 48.29_ 3,6.31 - 13.87- 30.00- 12.65_ 21.6o- 168.22, 2.70 4.20 8.00- 2.16 - 29.04_1 38.40 2.95- 9.04. 1.00.i 95.00- 581.50 4.72- 65.271 86.61- 1 1 1 00"ssis aer A.- J, ThaWsm Introduced the fouoving resepttttieea and oared i ski adop iono x{ t x` o z > x B i1L i ?io11 v, 3. CD o He It Rex4vodt That the PrOsidobt aud Merry of tbo CD m o Cn srad ' C9asa a an earl t , r Rna i.n ei�+Nvl ba And c � � o ' - hereby era autfiorised t©x borr" f"m O tiseas Banke Ikt4Un*e,' stio..' CD the. 2" at ? -fits Th"Max d and no . t # t #3�0 0 00, ice' o 0 0 o the no%* of Mid Light sat fewer Cession, o Be U farther- Repolved that the Presid"t and lsoc rrets y Of w C L said. t asd" .Power CeaissoA be and they :.' hereby± are ,antl�or3sesd tt� N ry " esee�te +a. ate or notes ;to CiUsens Barry ��1M�t1�, :Yip•' f�*' 1�, rn O aforesaid leean upon such r and aor ditiena +rra ,pray W bt agreed upon b + #,fir sa .d *Mftrs and said :, _ 13amisstc ptsr $. Bad seconded` the fOreping resolut�IM aAd npa rod Baal a].1 se'abesrs Atb+wo'e+of a loerBpepq► Pretl&at 1 To Sheppard, dodsrsid the remluti m duly, *4ap►tod,� laereblr certify that I &a the Beorotary o! . thu egad ►' C nission ' of tom,, City of p ASOX se A, r theForeging riut ep tple/ ert�► �" '` their 0�t is a true,, , e�arree f A0, a r wlutf oa passed by said OomodsasiiaA at. a Spwe�i al, Reetisg trh ftt"L Augast -29, 19470 - rx,yr::RT.9 `NSA Ml► `• AM be" referred tc� i giet and Pct Cowdsaion of the � e1dP Ratshi nson. That aa� ,.• • > , a'�` �hsr drti.es aor thm, put"Im u!''.�' b*Ww� •' , . ; ; foes and records of said Caudesf on. "d I hereby aorjj �" tt f a going re"JU 't,011 'Its.. a t4.Ye' cerreet L J '. ,�,y, �,�,�.�1 ,gyp +fit �yy, j�.,,,, �} �gl� `,. VJ.te,Ji'vo Stiff' I �"� oarru . i bat � �iiM I .. RO::. fthl are Preasidepa#� quad Seereats ► reBpeCtfaily said t r, saw it Y I�I Salary Ralph Hakel Salary John Fisher Salary Harvey Schultz Salary Don Rasmussen Salary - Ralph Clasen Salary Richard Stoven Unit #5 & 6 Other Equip Busch - Sulzer Bros. - Diesel Engine Co Dist Supplies• Graybar Electric Co Eng Services Buell & Winter Other Laundry Troy Launderers and Cleaners Inc Dist Supp Graybar Electric Co Inc Unit ##5 Busch - Sulzer Bros.- Diesel Eng Co Plant Supp Gardner Hdwe Co Dist Supplies Wm. P. Johnson Electric Co Inc Freight on Fuel Oil Minn Western Ry Co Fuel Oil Western Oil & Fuel Co Misc Off Exp R E Young Plant Supp Mdse Sterling Electric Co Ext Equip C E Howe Freight on Fuel Oil Minn Western Ry Co Fuel Oil Western Oil & Fuel Co Uniforms Hugo Mahs Uniforms Square Clothing Co Plant Supp Unit #5 Minn -Wisc rlruck Line Dist Supplies Jams R Kearney Corp Dist Supp Dist Ext Line Material Co Tools Plant Supplies Warner Hardware Co Mi s c Plant Exp Peter Nielsen t,, a I 0 0 F Lodge Salary L L Bipes Salary Ralph Hakel Salary Norwood Reynolds Salary John Fisher Salary Har Bey Schultz Salary Don Rasmussen Salary Ralph Clasen Salary Richard Stoven Petty Cash Ruth Betker Withholding Tax Collector of Internal Revenue I�I Salary 89.62. Salary 83.01' Salary 63.61• Salary 81.81 Salary - 63.70- Salary 41.10• Unit #5 & 6 Other Equip 103.81- Dist Supplies• 181.00' Eng Services 541.52' Other Laundry 15.00 - Dist Supp 8.88• Unit ##5 194.49• Plant Supp 9.00' Dist Supplies 1908.99 Freight on Fuel Oil 1041-05f, Fuel Oil 1762.901 Misc Off Exp 10.00, Plant Supp Mdse 66.46. Ext Equip 750.00 - Freight on Fuel Oil 981.23' Fuel Oil 1661.28 - Uniforms 30.90' Uniforms 19.91' Plant Supp Unit #5 35.92• Dist Supplies 158.58 - Dist Supp Dist Ext 409.52• Tools Plant Supplies 60.01 Mi s c Plant Exp 5.00- Rent 30.00' Salary 73.84' Salary 95-11- Salary 64.27 - Salary 87.84. Salary 73.92- Salary 93.68 - Salary 73.50 Salary 68.80 - Petty Cash 23.44' Withholding Tax 452.70 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary ATTEST: R. I. Sheppard, President. 4.1 (331