04-07-1947 HUCM7.1hite EnFle n1l Station Yeter Refund ?nt 20.84 `"eor e 73ach n It it 5.40 . Emma Fines ,► It it 6.08- Rudolph nlaehler 5.23 B. W. Dobrat z „ '► " 6.53- Joe Ehiem " " " 6.35• A. F. Noel " " " 26.80• Frank Kruer er 5.29- Irving Larson " " " 16.20• 1,1. C. Madsen, Jr. " " " 54.90• Dr. Yenreth Peterson " " " 5.21 CeorM1e C. Popp 5.21 Frenz Zieh (UO.•,I) " " " 5.26 Torrey Brothers " 1p " 37.00• Pat Patton " " " 43.56• Schneider Electrical Works Switchboard Ext 4009.50• There '­ ein<^. no further business the meetinc- adjourned. R. `7. Dahl, Secretary. PIT TEST T ,r. R. _ heppar , P esident. Monthly Meetinp April 7, 1947 The refrular monthly meetinp of the 1A.� ht s- Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 5;00 rm. on April 7, 1947. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Younp;. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, April 7, 1947, were read and approved as rend. Yotion was made, seconded and carried that Ralph Hakel and Nor- wood Reynolds ?-)e -iven a .10 nn hour raise (from ".70 to 'a.80 Der hr.) starting April 1, 1947. Flotion was made, seconded and carried to - purchase approximately 100' of land adjacent to the Fast side of the Li. -ht Plant property from the Rrinnesots `.�estern Rail,..ay Compansr for the sum of `"736.00. Motion was made, seconded and carried to purchase four fuel oil storg,--e tanks with a capacity each of 25,600 Callons. Motion was made, seconded and carried to increase the wind- -2 storm insurance policy from "56p000 to "200,000 coinsurance. Motion was made, seconded and carried to increase the wind in- :urance on enuipment from 10,000 to ', '30,000 -- strain-ht insurance. The f ollowi.n ^• bills viere read ^ nd allowed ; SterlinF Electric Comoan7T Rep. -Y,, i_n Switchboard Pl ^rnt . Dist Supplies 273.29 American Locomotive Company Unit {�2 4.86- Thompson Ynrds, Tnc Rep.- P, ":: ^in- T?uild1.n 51st Supplies 43.50• "'. Sams Lub Oil 68.18 TT^rry F.ielendy "as A, ni.l 28.51• Nels Simonson Dist Fxt 0.60• Edwar,� Yrantz TTniforms 12.40' Reinhard ?rothers Co TTrits 1,?,3,4. 81.68 Jor -enson PreT>ai.d Insurance 57.84• Western Oil ..I- T".Uel Co. 7,'ue1 OiI 730.33- Wellner PrintinF, Co. PrtE Off Supp 15.00 James R. Kearney Cor Dist Supplies 76.32, .Farmers Co -op Elev Assn Plant Supplies 5.50 Citizens Ins. Al,-ency Prepaid Insurance 26.28- Hutchinson Telepho : e Co Tel °: Tel 34.60• Chemical Sales w Safety Co Plant Supplies 1.50• Pi-nk Supply Company PIP nt Supplies 30.90 McLeod Co -op Power Assn Dist Fxt 4.40• C. Emer7T nelson, Tnc. Plant Supplies 120.00' reore T. 1,4`alker c- Co. Plant Supplies 14.00' Minn ia`estern Ry. Co. ',reirht on {uel Oil 515.49. Troy Lpunderers and Cleaners Other Laundry 19.43• 1Minn- 1,:�`4.se Truck Line Plant R- Dist Suonlies TTnits 1,2,3, 4, 5 29.15• Hutchinson Dry Cleaners TTniforms 22.70 Pv'i.nn 'Nestern Ry Co 'PreiF"ht on `''uel Oil 1,283.44 • Schneider Electrical "Iorks Switchboard Fxt 43.50• L L Rites Salary 88.00 Ralph Hakel Salary 81.00• Norwood Reynold s Salary 80.50. John Fisher Salary 78.72 Harvey Schultz Salary 65.30 Don .Rasmussen 3a lar7r 72.80 ' general Electric Supply Corp Plant Supplies 6.36• Allis- Chalmers Manf Co Other Equip 30.84 Citizens ank Rxc}_anF^e 13.78• R. C. Dunc n Company Other Fouip 14.64• Hennepin Hardware Company Plant Supplies Other Equip 9.09• n1usch- Sulzer Rros T "nit #5 155.00• Cookitite RinF- Sales Co Units 1, 2, 3. 623.40 Oraybar Electric Co, Inc. M.st Supplies 13.69• Hutch! '.nson Oil Company Lub Oil 95.58• :Vestern Oil y. Fuel Co. ''iael Oil 1,910.22 Paul C. Custer Labor- FuildinF Rep .,Fain 23.60• Ruth. 'etker Petty Cash 30.34 ? • F . Young Paul Custer Ad dress ogrgph- l,,Iult1praph Link Telt Company_ Ceneral Electric Supply Co Pusch- Sulzer -1ros G. T . 'Frederickson Sterlin- Electric Company Craybar Electric Cn Leader Pr.intin�,- Co, Inc Line Ynterial ComDnnv P,°inr.esota 'k °estern Railway Western Oil Fuel Co. `J..'. g. Keep Sons Co Minnesota ,Vestern Ry Co 'Al. E. Reyerson Anchor Casualty Co Busch- Sulzer Pros. Farmers Co -op Elev. Assn Detroit Lubricator Co. The Hilliard Corporation Nestern Oil Fuel Coy_ Shell Oil Company L L 331.pes Ralph Hakel Norwood Reynolds John Fisher Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen James R. Kearney Corp T?usch- Sulzer I -1ros . The Sh.arples Corporation Elmer C. Jensen ''. A. Kemp °° Sons Co. Ker.nedyts Deptrtment Store Collector of internal Rev. Hutchinson "Water Dept Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Line V,aterial Company Lyle R. Jensen Minn= "isc Truck L ne liinne. sota gestern Co Uarry I,'ielendy Ruth Retker Schneider Electrical '."'orks Zila �tardware Nestern nil Fuel Co. John A. Clark Electric Co. 711tchinson Oil Company uartvui(­ Schmidt Thompson Yerds, Inc. I'emitz u: Son Citizens ',lank Yise Office Expense Tabor- Rep (-'c Main Building Office Supplies Units1, 2, 3. Dist Supplies Units : #5 Equip. Fx t I'd se Dist Supplies Office Supplies Dist Rep Y,ain ','rei r'ht on Fuel Oil Fuel Oil .!"dv. Cost New Enn•ine FreiEht on b'uel Oil Le -al Services Prepaid Insurance Unit #5 Plant Supplies Other Equip Plant Supplies huel Oil Plant Supplies Salary S la ry Salary Salary Salary Salary Dist Supplies Un9. t #5 Other Equipment Leval Services Adv. Cost New Engine TTni.f orms 1�fithholdin� Tax 'Na ter TTnif orms -Dist. -'-xt. Clerical Services Dist ° Plant Supplies Units 1,P,3,F IT rei�s,ht on 'Fuel Oil Truck Rep _�- Yla -in Petty Cash. Rep. 9- I "Gin Switchboard .',nv . Cost ±ew .EnFrine Plant and Dist Supplies ",ue,l nil Dist Suo-olies - Lub Oil Plant Supplies Rep P,Tain T'uildin<- Rep fain Puildinr- Fisc. O 'f Expense 25.00 7.20 1.52 61.11 348.61• 41.20• 4.00 18.74 43.92 110.90 7.50• 990.32 1,472.05' 802.93' 1,2.25.96 118.35 501.66 191.38, 2.10 14.89 19.50 a, 061.63 14.37 85.00• 75.30 80.50• 78.72• 64.30 72..80 96.24• 5.61, 18.10' 75.00' 795.85 13.50 533.10' 26.67' 28.30' 552.00' 10.34' 555.93' 10.00' 14.33• 1,503.08' 11.88• 930-29' 498.09' 907.84• 5.37• 36.40 41.15 2.40 1 4'uade I s Hutchinson `gel. Co. Busch- gul ;er giros . Standard Oil Company Peter Yielson Office Suoplies -Le1. s- let . U n i t 141. Plant Supnl.ies Yisc. Plant Exp. �- moist Supplies There heinr no further business the meetin,,- adjourned. 7(- R D97 , Secretary ATTEST : 66 - _ Y, Z Dr. R. I. Sheppard, PreS.. 5.551% 2,0.10 209.00 1.6.74 5.00 Monthly Meeting May 5, 1947 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 p.m. on May 5, 1947. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, April 7, 1947, were read and approved as read. Motion was made, seconded and carried that in the Future, when meter changes are made, meters should be hooked up on the outside of the building. Motion was made, seconded and carried that each 8mployee be given a $10.00 raise per month, effective May 12 1947. Was Now Felix Esping - - - - 185.00 - 195.00 Ross Heilman - - - - 185.00 - 195.00 Edward Krantz - - - - 160.00 - 170.00 Leif Larson - - - - 200.00 - 210.00 Hugo Mahs - - - - 200.00 - 210.00 Francis Ahrens - - - - 160.00 - 170.00 L. L. Bipes - - - - .75 per hr. .798 per hr. Ralph Hakel - - - - .So,," 9 .848 " 1115-00 " Norwood Reynolds - - - .80 " " .848 " John Fisher - - - - .68 " i105.00 " .728 Harvey Schultz - - - - .70 " " .748 " " Don Rasmussen - - - - .70 " " .748 R. E. Young - - - - 325.00 - 335.00 Daraliene Klinger -: - Ruth Betker - - - - $135.00 - $145.00