02-21-1947 HUCMSpecial Meeting February 21, 1947 On notice duly -iven, a special meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard, President, at 7;30 p.m. on February 21, 1947. All Commissioners were present. Also Supt. Young, Mr. Winter of Buell Az Winter Co. and Mr. Pedersen of Schneider Electrical ',works. Motion was made, seconded and carried to accept all extras to W. A. Kepp & So-s Co. contract price. The amount of the extras being 51,409.85. Puotion was made, seconded and carried to accept Schneider Elect- rical Works contract - for an addition to the present switchboard for the amount of �ti16,038.00. .175.00 allowed for extra cable. Y'rotion was made, seconded and carried to serve papers on owner of the house e-^st of the LIP-ht Plant, l r. Roy Steele, for the pi.irpose of informing him that same rouse should be moved within ninety days after March 1, 1947. There }rein- no further business the meeting° adjourned. ATTEST; i. ".'. ahl, Secretary. _.._ r. R. I. Sheppar , esi ent. 1'.'lonthly "eeti g It "arch 3, 1947 The reCular monthly meetin of the Light 9: Power Commission was held at the Ll.t --ht Plant office at 5;00 p.m. on lv�arch 3, 1947. Commissioners Dahl and Thompson were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the 7p st monthly meeting, February 10, 1947, and of the Special 1','eeting, re?- ,ruary 21, 1947, were read and approved as read . Tr.e following bills were read and a llo�oed Hutcr .nson. T>r.y Cleaners T ,itch Iron , Xetal Co Zj_Za TTa.rdwere Leonard M1. Lerberg :"dalter Kidde Co. Inc Stearns Lumber Co Mcillaster -Carr Supply Co T'niforms 43.15 ' Dist Ext Plant �- Dist Sup_ p 1.50 12.69' Plant Supp 8.31' Ext y,auip 36.00' Dist Ext 25.05• Plant Supp 1.22•