10-28-1946 HUCM�s
Special Meeting
October 28, 1946
On notice duly given a special meeting, of the Light & Power
Commission was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard, President,
at 7;30 P. M.
All Commissioners were present. Also Supt. Young, the executive
board of the McLeod Cooperative Power Association, consisting of;
Ben Fischer, Glen Buck, Herman Graupman, Ancher Nelson, Ed Boyle; and
their attorney, Hubert Smith, our two attorneys, Elmer Jensen and
W. E. Reyerson.
A discussion was held relative to the acute shortage of generating
power at the present time due to circumstances beyond control of the
McLeod Cooperative Power Association and the Municipal Electric Plant.
It was agreed by both parties that a letter be sent to all McLeod
Cooperative Power Association customers and an article printed in the
Hutchinson weekly paper to the effect that a curtailment in electrical
consumption, between the hours of 6;00 P. M. to 7;30 P. M., peak period,
be enforced until such emergeny passed.
Upon notice from the I. 0. 0. F. LodUe the rent of $25.00 per month
was raised to x;30.00 per month. Motion was made, seconded, and carried
to issue a check of ,30.00 each month for rent.
Motion was made, seconded, and carried that Francis Ahrents
regular salary of 155.00 per month be increased :;;5.00 per month,
making; his regular salary ;160.00 per month.
Due to an oyersight,tze following motion was omitted from the
August 5, 1946 minutes;
Motion was made, seconded, and carried that a second cost of
living increase be `ranted to all employees, $10.00 per month to all
married m loyees and X5.00 per month to all single employees effective
as of "' 1, 1946.
There being, no .further business the meeting_; ad 'ourned.
R. W. Dahl, Secretary
ppard, r =6e4sii dent