09-09-1963 HUCM-O September 9, 1963. Monthly Meeting. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on Septetiber 9, 1963 at 5:00 P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young. Resolution 76 Asper resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 — — — — — — — _ — — For search purposes only To Raise wages "RECOLI?ED, That, whereas Romas Zins, Francis Murphy and George Luthens were employed by the Commission under a Contract of employment whereby they were to be given a raise in pay for satis- factory service and the time has now elapsed in which this raise whould be provided., NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that Roman Zins, Francis Murphy and George Luthens receive an increase in wages of $15.00 per month retroactive to September 1, 1963. The increase is based upon the agreement at the time of hiring these employees and upon merit of the work performed and their development in the handling of the work assigned to them." Adoption of the foregoing Resolution was moved by Commissioner Howard P. Quad e , seconded by Commissioner A. j. Thompson and unanimous- ly carried by the members of the Commission at a meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission held at the billing office in the City of Hutchinson on Monday, September 9, 1963, at 5 P. M. - OF A TTEST • C7c Secretary The following bills were allowed: Fred Briggs 803 10.00 Red Owl Food Store 801 8.11 John Henry Foster Company 734.4 40.52 KlawitterIs Mobil Station 759.1 54.36 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 38.77 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 162.35 Standard Oil 729 3,720.98 Ben Franklin 412.7 793.4 801 11.80 FischerIs New Bakery 801 70.32 Rutz Plumbing and Heating 205 797 8.75 81. Esthers 793.4 7.93 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 734.4 9.04 American Linen Supply 730.5 18.20 Nord berg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 #2 57.09 Northern States Supply Company 730.3 9.14 Hager . Jewelry 412.7 60.00 Charlie's One -Stop Service 759.1 2.96 Klit zke Auto Body Shop 759.2 4.00 Moehring Motors 759.1 1.20 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 14.64 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 71.24 Carr Flowers 412.7 4.50 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 771 2.40 0. A. Bretzke & Son 771 1.80 Donnor Communications 802.3 48.70 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 12419.00 Paramount Tool and Machine Co 73401 #1 #2 106.83 Nalco Chemical Company 730,3 144.00 The Typewriter Shop 802 66.25 Power Supply Company 734.4 20.36 Sears Roebuck & Company 771 7.20 Commercial Filters Inc 730.3 217.80 Hutchinson Nursery 777 196.00 William W. Nugent & Company 730.3 72.00 Natural Gas Division 729.1 729.2 9,424.08 Jerry Porter 402 .88 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 54.59 National Tea Company 801 29.50 R. E. Torgerson & Company 730.5 787.2 64.80 Ben Jerabek 734.4 735 140.07 The Hutchinson Leader 787.2 105.25 Natural Gas Division 5.1A 6.68 Citizens Bank 793.2 1.70 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 #2 #7 11213.84 Westinghouse Elec tAic Company 113.2 175.62 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 411.84 Oakite Products Inc 730.3E 200.18 B. M. atolpman 730.41 14.50 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 127.32 Pump and Meter Service Inc 734.4 77.24 Power Process Equip Inc 734.4 24.47 Sterling; Electric Company 113.2 771 74.12 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 159.20 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 734.4 13.80 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 #2 12.99 Vincent Brass & -4lim 734.1 #5 2.94 Clyde Blann 402 4.10 Mildred Olinger 402 6.76 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 73.17 Red Owl Food Stores 801 6.27 The Satterlee Company 734.4 5.83 Miller & Miller 735 96.60 LeFebrue Corporation 208 107.05 82 . Alnor Instrument Company St. Cloud Restaurant Supply Burmeister Electric Company John Henry Foster Company The Paymaster System Marshalltown Manuf. . Inc. Graybar Electric Company Chicago & Northwestern Railway Nalco Chemical Company William Dys to Nordberg Manufacturing Company Graybar Electric Company Doyle Lock C ompa ny Vincent Brass & Aluminum Co Graybar Electric Company Rick's Hair Fashion Graybar Electric Company Sterling Electric Company Burroughs Corporation Power Supply Company George T. Walker & Company Municipal Electric Plant Philip White Charles Zupfer Harriet S'mutka Harriet Smutka Philip White Charles Zupfer 734.4 730.3 113.2 771 734.4 802 730.3 734-1#1 113.2 778 730.3 402 113.1 #1 #2 113.2 732 730.3 113.2 771 402 113.2 205 730.3 771 208 734.4 734.4 PettyCAsh Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST I . hepnard , President. 182.70 32.95 750.30 76.08 134.88 185-37 386.03 25.00 311.15 .85 37.54 691.77 37.50 2.94 182.03 9.17 437.51 54.34 337..50 60.38 16.80 71.13 124.10 116.20 88.80 92.90 123.50 121.30 C � 44 � � - R. W. Da h Secretary. J 1 AGREEMENT TO FT;RNISH LIGHT AND POWER. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 14th day of October, 1963, at Hutchinson.. Minnesota, by and between Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minn- esota, hereinafter called party of the first part, and Hutchinson Cold Storage of Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter called party of the second part, do hereby undertake and agree as follows: 1. First party agrees to furnish electric enerty for use by second party at its plant in Hutchinson, Min- - esota, at the rate of .0195 dollars per kilowatt to be metered at the present metering location. 2. Second party agrees to use a minimum of 40,000 kilowatts per month and should they fail to use this amount, they will pay the net billing based on the use of 40,000 kilowatts or a minimum of $780.00 per month. 5. This Agreement and rate shall be effective for the November 1, 1963 billing and shall run until November 1, 1964 and will automatically continue thereafter on a year to year basis until terminated by either party by giving thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party which notice shall coincide with the annual termination date of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands this 14th day of October, 1963. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA -First Party By (R. I. Sheppard) President ecretary HUTCHINSON COLD STORAGE, INC. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA (Kenneth F. MCKimm) res dent ( Irvin Burich) ecretary. 3. Second party further agrees to use a minimum of 75 connected horse power three phase motors. 4. Second party agrees to pay the charges for the electric energy by the 10th of the month in which the billing is made and after the 10th of each month. 5% of the net bill will be added. 5. This Agreement and rate shall be effective for the November 1, 1963 billing and shall run until November 1, 1964 and will automatically continue thereafter on a year to year basis until terminated by either party by giving thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party which notice shall coincide with the annual termination date of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands this 14th day of October, 1963. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA -First Party By (R. I. Sheppard) President ecretary HUTCHINSON COLD STORAGE, INC. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA (Kenneth F. MCKimm) res dent ( Irvin Burich) ecretary.