12-09-1963 HUCM90• i t` Regular Meeting December 9, 1963. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on December 9, 1963 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young and Supt. Kuiken. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were read and approved. Motion was made by Commissioner .Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Quade, to eliminate the Christmas Bonus. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the watt limit on electric water heaters be 4500 and on dryers 8500. The motion was unanimously carried. Electricians and dealers to be notified of the change by the Supt. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with thernostatically operated non - inductive heating elements designed for 240 volts. One element shall be near the bottom and the other not more than one-fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected, or interlocked, that they can- not operate simultaneously. 2. The bottom heating element and the top heating element shall not exceed 4500 watts. 3. The storage capacity of the tank shall be 40 gallons or more. 4. The Municipal Electric Plant reserves the right to control the water heating load. 5. Electric clothes dryers may be installed up to and including 8500 watts. All new installations of electric water heaters and electric clothes drITers must be re- .1 ported to the Municipal Electric PlanT wFen__Tns ta1le d . Motion was made by Quade, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, to eliminate payment for use of private cars. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, to buy a 21500 watt Onan 7enerator. Motion was unanimously carried. U 1 1 N 1 FIRST NATIONAL BAND OF MINNEAPOLIS INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT C I T I ZE'NS STATE —PANK Trade Date'' 12/ 6 ATTN ' MR. INALLACE KURTH HUTCH I NS ^N, M I NNESOTA 22085 SETTLEMENT DATE fj�r Payment due on or before Account Charged--- F_034=�_Q1—_ AS PRINCIPAL, WE AGREE TO SELL TO YOU AGAINST PAYMENT ON SETTLEMENT DATE THE FOLLOWING X500000 U.S. TREASURY BILLS 3/19/64 TO YIELD PRICE 3.53 99.019444 $49,509.72 100 DAYS DISC. PAYMENT 12/10/63 'Your CU'STOVER : ' f HUTCH I NSON UTILITIES COpvV. HITCH I NSUN MINN. I C RGE A/C y4 �/�' Ii✓"' C� -' "�~� v . i,J niSlbr' p Interest shown has been computed to IP THE ABOVE IS NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR UNDERSTANDING, PLEASE NOTIFY US UNFAED1ATELY FIRST NATIONAL BANK settlement date at the coupon rate. i .�r, � , T.C� i OF MINNEAPOLIS INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT 91. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade, seconded by R. I. Sheppard, to purchase a 950,000 U. S. Treasury Note for $49,509.72. Supt. Young instructed to ask for bids from several local dealers on 1963 car for the utilities. Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Quade, to allow the following increases in salaries. The motion was unanimously carried. (Effective 12- 1 -63.) All employees(monthly) $5.00 per month. (With the following exceptions.) Ralph Young 60.00 per month Hugo Mahs 10.00 per month DeWayne Rubed or 10.00 per month Harvey Daharsh 10.00 per month Ross Heilman 10.00 per month Milton Studeman 10.00 per month The following bills were allowed: Fred Briggs 803 10.00 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 40.50 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 25.20 Natural Gas Division 729.1 110720.39 Triple D Cafe 801 75.41 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 79.38 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 6.50 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #7 220.00 Hutchinson Creamery Association 734.4 5.76 Home Gas Company, Inc 730.3 1.44 Esther's 793.4 2.33 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 90.12 Sears, Roebuck and Company 734.4 1.49 Northern States Supply Company 730.3 734.4 25.11 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 734.4 46.95 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 14.50 Popp' s Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 158.80 Standard Printing Company 781.3 793.4 136.20 Zile. Hardware 734.4 771 797 19.45 0. A. Bretake & Sons 771 1.26 Burroughs Corporation 730.3 4.30 The Bristol Company 734.1 #'2 326.33 Simonson Lumber Company 730.3 734.1 ' 734.4 28.49 Carl 0. F. Christensen 777 72.00 Burmeister Electric Company 772 5.19. Northwestern Supply Company 730.3 134.46 Nalco. Chemical Company 730.3 318.16 A. L. Hepner 730.3 734.1 #2 60.61 Hutchinson Nursery 777 145.15 R. E. Torgerson & Company 730.5 787.2 16.20 Industrial Supply Company 734.1 #1 29.16 92 . Louis Francis Salary 123.19 Louis Francis Salary 109.41 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 735 56.19 Lindsey Soft Water 730.4 5.00 National Tea Company 801 26.87 Mac Arthur C omx ,m ny 734.1 #5 #6 161.06 Harold Grams Agency 114 3 , 054.00 John Henry Foster Company 734.4 14.32 Phoell Manufacturing Company 730.3 32.10 Leef Pros, Inc. 730.5 77.22 Paul B. Mueller Company 734.4 6.51 G. F. Nemitz Sons 7:,2 8.90 Citizens Bank 793.2 1.60 Texaco Inc 730.2 730.3 94.83 Robertshaw Controls 734.1 #1 #2 98.15 Williams 734.1 #2 19.70 Fre iden Inc 802 142.35 Great Stuff Products Inc. 730.3 14.48 Diesel Ser�rlce Company 734.4 54.39 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 579.04 Myron 1Nigen Chev. Company 759.2 5.20 R. E. Young 792.2 793.4 17.95 Burroughs Corporation 793.4 15.60 C. H. Stocking 771 3.60 Tool Crib Inc 734.4 34.87 Schneider Electric Equip Cc 730.3 168.00 Miller & Mil.ler 734.1 #2 346.65 Robert Benage 402 7.43 Hoffman Plumbing and Heating 734.4 15.39 Railway Express Agency 734.1 #1 #2 3.47 Graybar Electric Company Mdse 113.2 910.08 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 248.20 S'terners Industries Inc 734.1 #'2 734.4 22.85 Nordberg Manf. . Company 113.1 #'1 #2 443.01 Williams 734.1 #2 734.4 202.59 Twin City Textile Mills Inc . 730.3 66.11 Sterling Electric Company 202.5 60.74 Lloyds Red Owl 801 9.92 E. A.' Pederson Company 203.2 479,89 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 734.1 #2 86.40 A. L. _ He Ibner 730.3 734.1 #2 82.06 Addressograph Multigraph Corp 781.4 8.70 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 37.10 Nordberg; Manufacturing Company 206 157.12 Graybar Electric Company Mdse 68.29 Burroughs Corporation 781.5 64.00 Snap -on Tools Corporation 206 84.53 Harold Schmeling 202.5 205 335.20 E.L. Murphy Trucking Company 734.1 #2 51').'73 Motion was made by Commissioner Quade, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, to issue check to the State Treasurer in the amount of $1.00. (Annual rental for power transmission line across State Fish rearing pond.) MOEHRING MOTORS BU ICK- OLDS- PONTIAC -G MC 145 Washington Avenue, East Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 December 13,1963 Hutchinson utilities Commission Hutchinson,Minn. Gentlemen: We would like to present the following for your consideration: New 1963 Pontiac Model 2369 4 dr sedan including the following equipment. Radio,windshield washers and 2 speed electric wipers,decor group(chrome door window frames,wheel discs,deluxe steering wheel),power steering, soft ray tinted windshield,custom foam front seat cushion,heavy duty air cleaner,back up lights,power brakes and automatic transmission. We propose to sell this vehicle to you fob $2800.00 less $202900 recoverable excise taxes. 1 1 I There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST • . I. President. Special Meeting. December 14, 1963. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held Saturday, December 14, 1963 at the or-rice of the President. All members of the Commission were present. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, to accept the only bid for a car for the utilities. 4 door 1963 Catalina Pontiac $2,598.00 Motion was unanambusly carried. There bein- no further business, the meeting was adjourned. n ahl, Secretary. ATTEST: . I. heppard, Preside . 93.