02-03-1964 HUCM99. Regular Meeting. February 3, 1964. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on February 3, 1964 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Kuiken, Attorney Don -n ZD;u 0 3.Cn Comer and Hugo Mahs . Cr o Q _ C RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO 3� o 0 EASEMENT AGREEMENT. -a � � - - - - - - - - - - - - - C CD W o co RESOLVED, That the President and Secretary of the o m c o Cn=3o Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, � -, °o o v Minnesota, be and they are hereby authorized, directed and empowered to enter into an Easement Agreement with the co W -a �+ a Minneapolis Industrial Railway Company to acquire an* Easement N C:) o ;o to construct, install, maintain and use an electric transmission line, over, through, upon and across and right of way and property and over the tracks and wires of said railway company at Hutchinson, Minnesota, and to pay therefor an annual fee of Twenty- five ($25-00) Dollars. The President and Secretary are further authorized and directed to execute such documents as are necess ,ry to accomplish the obtaining of the Easement Agreement. Adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly moved, seconded and unanimously carried by the members of the Commission at the regular meeting at the Hutchinson Utilities Commission billing office in the city of Hutchinson on the 3rd day of . February, 1964. Secretary. ATTEST• resident. 100. G E'R T I F I C A T I 0 N I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota on the 3rd day of February, 1964. Uri ec:betary - Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minesota The following bills were allowed: Fred Briggs 803 0. A. Bretzke & Son 763 Rockite Silo 771 Standard Oil 729 Myron Wigen Chevrolet Cc 759.2 The Bristol Company 734.1 #1 Nordberg Manufacturing Compnay 113.1 #1 Moehring Motors 759.2 Lloydts Red Owl 801 Rutz Plutabing & Heating 734.4 Paramount Tool & Machine 734.1 #2 Municipal Water Departrnent 730.1 757 Hoel t s Inc 759.2 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 Esthers 793.4 Wallace & Tierman 734.4 Swanson Truck Stop 759.1 Peterson Truck Service 771 Culligan Soft Water 730.4 797 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 734.4 Natural Gas Division 729.1 729.2 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 KDUZ 787.2 Credit Bureau of Willmar 730.5 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 771 Hutchinson Telephone C ompa ny 793.3 Harold Grams Agency 114 Graybar Electric C ompanyy 113.2 Division of Boiler Insp. 730.4 G. F. Nemitz & Son 735 797 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Sterling Electric Company 734.4 Nordberg Manufacturing Co. 734.4 Ben Jerabek 734.1 #2 E. A. Pederson Company 401 Poppt s Hutchinson Cleandrs 730.5 Gambles 730.3 #2 777 759.2 10.00 3.25 2.70 3,734.72 31.45 326.33 72.69 23.02 8.28 1.45 315.00 52.43 1.50 14.50 6.28 483.80 49.01 3.75 11.50 26.00 10,145.66 42.85 101.50 39.68 64.58 67.84 138.41 28.93 16.00 8.60 41.58 49.86 18.95 41.16 3,820.00 119.15 1.25 1 1 101. American Linen Supply Company 730.5 21.40 Homelite 763 10.07 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 411.84 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 771 16.32 Triple"D" Cafe 801 63.68 Citizens Bank 793.2 1.80 Lee, Bros., Inc 730.5 103.60 Natural Gas Division 5.1A 36.26 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 18.57 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 781.5 20.31 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 735 25.13 Coast -t oC oast Store 730.3 162.90 Standard Oil Company 759.1 759.2 47.70 Zeleny's Ben Franklin 801 12.39 A. L. He pner 730.3 734.1 #2 36.95 Standard Oil 729 49659.72 Nord berg Manufacturing Company 734.1 #1 #2 12.23 Graybar Electric 113.2 771 34.18 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 67.32 Jim Heisler 402 063 Skarshaug Testing Lab. 771 6.72 Williams 730.3 59.76 Aarestad Properties 205 61.76 W. T. Richards 205 75.00 Great Northern Railway 734.1 #1 4.45 Nalco Chemical C omnany 730.3 237.60 Ben Jerabek 759.2 115.00 Texaco Inc 730.3 32.78 W. So Nott C ompa ny 730.3 255.10 Betker Construction Company 777 24.50 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 27.84: Farnhamis 793.4 6.34 Miller & Miller 732 837.58 Juul Contracting Company 205 56.00 Nave y Brand Manufacturing Company 730.3 60.62 Barc o Bearing Company 734.1 #1 30.71 George To Walker Company 734.4 17.77 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 734.4 45.23 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 735 196.16 D -nc a n Company 734.4 41.62 John Henry Foster 734.1 #1 0'2 8.41 Louis Francis Salary 110.95 Louis Francis Salary 109.52 There being no further business, the meet�ing /was ad ourned. ahl, Secretary. ATTFST : 1 . I hepcard, residen