05-12-1964 HUCMm There being no _further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. (. -)ahl Secretary. ATTEST . ZA R. I. _ eppar , President . May 12, 1964. Regular Meeting. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on May 12, 1964 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present ; also Supt. R. E. Young, Supt. Kuike n and D. 0. Comer, Attorney. The following bills were -allowed: Louis Francis Robert McLain Robert Holden Richard Mayhak DeWayne Rubedor Louis Francis Robert McLain Fred Briggs Meade's 66 Station Esther's G. F. Nemit z ' Sons Citizens Bank R. B. Whitacre & Co Inc Nord berg Manufacturing Co. Klitzke Auto Body 0. A. Bretzke & Son, Inc Fischer's New Bakery Red Owl Food Stores Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Standard Printing Company The Hutchinson Leader, Inc Ramberg Implement C ompan y Moehring Motors Home Gas Company, Inc Popp +s Hutchinson Cleaners Municipal Water Department Hager Jewelry Ben Jerabek Zila Hardware Natural Gas Division Simonson Lumber Sangamo Electric Company Sterling Electric Company Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary 803 859.1 793.4 734.1 #1 793.2 734.1 #7 11-1.1 #1 #2 759.? 763 801 801 730.3 771 793.4 781.3 793.4 771 759.1 730.3 730.5 730.1 797 734.4 734.1 #1 734.1 #1 #7 734.2 735 759.2 734.4 771 797 729.1 729.2 732 777 734.1 #1 775 113.2 116.38 128.40 173.82 123.70 5.00 113.02 152.60 10.00 62.94 1.57 2.00 2.50 28.73 29.57 11.00 3.25 65.72 9.88 15.08 39.75 1.25 16.20 5.00 3.84 143.75 27.35 4.50 133.07 79.49 797 11,196.40 14.01 33.22 95.57 1 D 734.1 #1 771 109. 86.47 200.00 47.14 239.00 2, 980.57 102.25 63.68 1950 11.55 20.40 118.94 43.50 205.64 9.15 6.34 27.60 99.20 1.25 40.56 74.79 34.21 50.00 3,417.30 5.00 125.00 1,463.55 104.15 241.19 13.25 81.10 175.84 9.16 87.22 17.05 27.72 211.29 4.63 1,658.99 40.20 251.00 159.83 228.65 734.1 #1 41.55 102.54 39.50 175.65 5.50 1,665.36 12.64 37.12 10.55 16.74 Hutchinson Telephone Company,,. Minnesota Municipal Utilities 793.3 801 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 771 Schneider Electric Equip. 730.3 Harold A. Grams Agency 114 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1, #2 McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. 205 Wylie Texaco Service 759.2 Northern States Supply Inc* 6ompany 734.4 American Linen Supply 730.5 Leef Br os . , Inc. 730.5 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 735 Barc o Bearing Company 730.3 Graybar Electric C ompa ny 771 Kemske Paper C omrA nym 793.4 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 Marvin Jenkins 108 Westinghouse Electric Company 113.2 Municipal Electric Plant 402 R. E. Torgers on & Company 402 5.63 Leonard Miller 59. 205 Hare old A. Grams Agency 114 Sun -Lite Dairy, Inc. 734.1 #1 _W. E. Reyers on 796 D. 0. Comer 796 Northwestern Supply Company 730.3 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.5 Graybar Electric C omra ny 113.2 205 Minnesota Electric Supply C ompa ny 113.2 Skarshaug Testing Laboratory 771 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 Williams 734.1 #1 Minnesota Electric Supply Company 113.2 Graybar Electric Company 771 Standard Oil 729 National Tea Company 801 Boulay, Anderson, Waldo &Company 795 Graybar Electric Company, Inc 113.2 Premier Fastener C ompa ny 734.4 A. L. He pner 113.2 730.3 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 Thompson- Hayward Chemical Company 730.3 Navy Brand Mfg. Company 730.3 Wallace & Tiernan Inc . 730.3 Standard Oil 729 United Building Centers, Inc 801 Inland Supply Company 734.1 #`1 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 734.1 #1 #2 Fire & Safety Inc. of Mi- re rota 801 734.1 #1 771 109. 86.47 200.00 47.14 239.00 2, 980.57 102.25 63.68 1950 11.55 20.40 118.94 43.50 205.64 9.15 6.34 27.60 99.20 1.25 40.56 74.79 34.21 50.00 3,417.30 5.00 125.00 1,463.55 104.15 241.19 13.25 81.10 175.84 9.16 87.22 17.05 27.72 211.29 4.63 1,658.99 40.20 251.00 159.83 228.65 734.1 #1 41.55 102.54 39.50 175.65 5.50 1,665.36 12.64 37.12 10.55 16.74 110. Standard Oil 759.1 12.64 John T. Churchman III 402 5.63 10.38 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 205 254.92 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 771 77.30 Sterling Electric Company 802.3 3.89 McLeod Cooperatis a Power Ass' n 113 .? 7.20 Williams 734.4 11.31 Minnesota Electric Supply 113.2 57.90 Standard Oil 729 1p657.67 Vincent Brass & Aluminum Company 771 44AM -11'j Burroughs C or oor at i on - 781.3 34.30 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 205.13 'Addressograph- Multigraph Corp 781.4 3.52 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 78.03 Harold A. Grams Agency 114 1,487.68 Texaco, Inc. 730.2 1, 908.47 Graybar Electric Company 113 .2 771 20. X35 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 302.67 Rubedor Tree Service 205 18.00 -Imperial Supply Company 793.4 55.05 -Admiral Merchants 734.1 #1 15.71 General Electric Supply Company 113.2 193.54 Navy Brand Mfg. Company 730.3 53.30 E. A. Pedersen Company 205 2,116.00 National Chemsearch Corporation 730.3 155.33 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 60.00 The DeLaval Separator Company 734.4 5.52 Midwest Electric Company 11:3.2 771 23.62 Snap -on Tools Corporation 734.4 3.80 Tool Crib, Inc 734.4 7.55 H. A. Holden, Inc. 734.? 41.96 Power Supply Company 734.4 50.37 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 771 11.18 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, ecre ary. ATTEST : J� R. T.-Sheppard-1. PresidTnt. 8.25