02-22-1965 HUCMLouis Francis
Louis Francis
Sa la ry
Sala ry
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
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Spe cial Meeting
February 22, 1965.
135 .
95.2 0
A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held
on February 22, 1965.
All Commissioners were present; also S?,pt. Young.
Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner
Quade to authorize the President of the Commission to reinvest the
Federal Security maturing on March 1, 1965. The motion was unanimously
Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner
Tracy to contribute$25,000.00 to the General Fund of the City cf
Hutchinson before March 1, 1965. The motion. was unanimously carried.
The following is a copy of Resolution #'2355 passed by the City Council.
Resolution #'2355
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson did
receive a letter from Hutchinson Utilities Commission of
the City of Hutchinson, dated January 25, 1965, whereby
said Hutchinson Utilities Commission has requested the
City Council's approval of a change in the electrical
power rates; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council. has given due consideration and
study to said change in electrical 13ower rates suggested
by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission; and,
NOW THEFET-ORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Hutch.i.nson that; they do hereby accept and approve +
the lowering of electrical power rates as recommended by
the Hutchinson Utilities Commission in their above referred
to letter cf January 25, 1965.
(Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of February.
Resolution 85
136. Asper resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06
Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006
For search purposes only
"RESOLVED. ^:' °gat the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the
City of Hutchins on, Minnesota, having been fully informed that the
purchase of Workmen's Compensation insurance on its employees is not
a desirahle coverage from the point of view of the insurance carrier;
and that the standard rate for carrying the Workmen's Compensation
insurance on the employees is high due to an unfavorable loss record
by employees of the City of Hutchinson, which loss record was tied
to the record of employees of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission;
and that a plan is available with the Continental Insurance Companies
known as Retrospective Rating Plan nB" by the terms of which the
insurance is written for a period of three (3) years at the standard
rate based upon the payroll audit and under which a maximum refund of
premiun to 52.2% of standard rate could be made to the Hutchinson
Utilities Commission if their loss record during each year of the
policy period and during the three (3) year policy period is good
and with the further understanding that if the loss record is poor
for any one year or for the three(3) year policy period, that a penalty
premium equal to 1.58 of the standard premium could be assessed
against the Commission; and determining that by following and pro-
moting a conscientious safety campaign among employees a favorable loss
record can be maintained; and further determining that the chance
exists beyond the control of the Commission itself that a catastrophe
resulting in serious irnj'uries to one or more employees could
establish an unfavorable loss record; and recognizing that the
ultimate premium for the required coverage of Workmen's Compensation
� o
insurance takes into consideration both a good loss record and bad
loss record;
NOW, THERETORE, The Hutchinson Utilities Commission does hereby
resolve to purchase Retrospective Rating Plan "B" insurance covering
the Workmen +s Compensation requirements for the Commission from
Agent Harold A. Grams through. The Continentel Insurance Companies
for the period from April 19 1965, to April 31, 1968."
After a complete discussion of the matters in question and a reading
and review of a letter dated February 5, 1965, from D. E. Benson,
Underwriter of The Continental Insurance Companies, 1752 Hennepin Avenue,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55403, to Harold A. Grams Agency, Hutchinson,
Minnesota, a motion was duly made, seconded arr7 unanimously carried to
adopt the f oregoirg Resolution and to purchase the insurance provided
Dahl ecre a y.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
I. 39hee ppard, Pre s I dent.
W. Dahl, Secretary.