03-15-1965 HUCM136. N Maro,"In 15 1965. Deferred Meet ini-. C-) The TutC"t irmon Ult),11.tles tbe Cit17 o' 17--I- `Inon met at the Utllitlos -'i'; !in,, of 0 fice on Tlarc,1 13 5. A1- 1 C c I s .�, I n ne r s -,v a.! y a present. Motion was -made by Co-m-nissioner Quale am,11 secnn(lf?l 1hy Cmtri-nIssir Trac Cy to purchase -a e'er S-e;�urlty in the amount -)n- 0? 'A'F)01,1)97 .72. .Vot.1on was una-nimotis,17 T n Tnpw 730.2 Motion w7as by Cnnzn-1Ls3-1nnr- Trar".7 an-3 seconled Qualle. to Dire Mihm.apo"Lls, 7 . C� ( ) i J, t, 1, Z. !3 I M-qC,71regor-7)--Yr) Appra7s representin- 'he t-ol-lal The is 11 R7. Fit era19 9 M o, n 51monson T,umber 7'"L Divison of Boiler Tnspect-ion 730.4 A. L. Hepnor 774 . 1. I 2. f:� �:Taml -) - s 730.3 Alricks 730.5 771. 11-3.2 7710.3' 3 75':1.2 7 yf" 1 '7^1..3 777 4 #4 by Commissioner Sexton Building., f or the s um o-r wns untanimousl-T 20.00 39-05 2 Ell 0 136.3 5 110.24 1.92 31972.79 20.39 57.70 20.51 45-51 2 0 36.30 35-54 6.75 10)0; - 3 1 12 *27 62.97 99.50 1.60 219 .3'^s " 157.44 11,531.12 258.88 4.00 3.90 16.00 113,1 #1 #2 74-92 1.25 68-75 I I I 803 7 il,: Su to 730. 71(7,r,t O.L 11-3 .2 77 1.L 1 2 n15 T n Tnpw 730.2 31-.a in 7ar-lj Oil 72) 9 7 's. t --`1 e r ' S `7' ±7,.4 Myron IYVI.I-en 0 ?r eat Stjff Prn!,j-C4- T 730.3 po-wor Sunply cot2perlr 7;7,4 .4 Chicago Nortl'M-,,stern Ral-1,nay 778 Pheoll Manj'acturl-,-ir- Comv�.---v-iy 730.3 Becks on flan of tiir n, C .L - o nimn v - 7 -4.1 -, .1 HutchlriSnn Sheet jv'?-D'0L 4 I 3,3-ri Jerabek 759.2 711,q Hardware 771 Fi)�ch,insnn Telep!-).one, Comparny 7.) 3 r'::71.5 DouglaE,,s 7;7 .3 Burrow, , s C or Pot, a 1 -) n 7,70.3 Citizens insur,--j.n,-'e A,encv 11 Natural as D`'-lrlslon 72 1.? 1 Facrle Iran Works 7,7 4 .1 Atl,Jr( S S opa j i�, I a ph 7BI.4 51monson T,umber 7'"L Divison of Boiler Tnspect-ion 730.4 A. L. Hepnor 774 . 1. I 2. f:� �:Taml -) - s 730.3 Alricks 730.5 771. 11-3.2 7710.3' 3 75':1.2 7 yf" 1 '7^1..3 777 4 #4 by Commissioner Sexton Building., f or the s um o-r wns untanimousl-T 20.00 39-05 2 Ell 0 136.3 5 110.24 1.92 31972.79 20.39 57.70 20.51 45-51 2 0 36.30 35-54 6.75 10)0; - 3 1 12 *27 62.97 99.50 1.60 219 .3'^s " 157.44 11,531.12 258.88 4.00 3.90 16.00 113,1 #1 #2 74-92 1.25 68-75 I I I 1390 lv924-46 34.77 4.97 94.52 7.5() 3.50 200.03 127-40 ?9.45 4.38.50 21.75 47.05 26.55 45.16 23.40 7.82 10.33 1.34.59 2. ?5 200.00 15.72 18.42 12.92 11-1-33 12 .16 11.81 319.61 47.02 6.00 144.15 8.19 137.20 3p97 25.21 4.25 2.90 51.89 12 .30 288.00 44.50 13.90 77.20 64.50 63-30 88.25 150.00 62.15 9.22 371.19 8.14 Stanrlar,l Oil 729 Kemske Paper Company 793.1 Barco Fearinrr Com-)a-t-iy D 77,4.4 ,-1 Ster-11-in.. 711-ecE'ric Com,-;.an�,r 7. .4 4 Culli-an S or t 7v R V F at--�-L Service 730. Bertelson Brothers Inc, 703.4 Eacrle Iron :Yorks 7.)4.1. 4 Lief Brothers 730.5 Stan-lard Printin�; Company 793.4 Burr ou��, hs C) 781.5 Cha-rlas Turner 771 D ell a y n e. Rul-leal or 771 Harkey Daharsh 771 M u n I c i pa I E 1 e c t r le Plant Petty . � 'ash Amer'Al.can Liner, Supply 730.5 Sterling Ele,(-tric 73q.3 Duncan Company 734.4 Nor-]!>erF, Manu-,a,:!tur1n,-, Corripary 734.1 #4 Sam Bloom Iron R-. Yetal Compan7 'x.34.4 Mimic sota Mlunlcipal Utilitlf-s 601 Imperial Su „ply Company 793 .4 Nordberg Manufactur-inc', Cortipan-yrr, 113.1 #'7 Pheoll Manufacturing- Company 734-1 #1 2 Williams 734.4 Burmeister Electric. Compa,-.y 771 Sterlincr Ele�ct--i- C �D " U orq:)ally 730.3 775 Westing=house E1actrI c, Suoply Snap-,,)n Tools Corporation 734-4 Robinson Rubber Products 734.1 #1 #2 Es-le Iron Works 7, 4 . 1 #-4 Kemske Paper Con-,pRn),, 793.1 Cleveland Cotton Products 730.3 Railway Express A,,--ene.y 734.1 #4 Red Owl Foo,! Stores 801 H u i, c 1-ii n s - n 0- 11 C on pa -.- 7 730.3 Addre s s o7-r ra ph t. 1:,,ra oh Central. 3unnl, Y ComparrT 7 . 7)4.1 F. &- E. Protector an,.-! Sii� ' ner Company 802 Strand Ra,-Iiator Service 734.4 C . H. Stockirr, 734.3 734.4 McCoy's Jewel L ry 412.7 Howard Quade 792.1 R. E. Young 792.2 Fischer13 FAkery 801 E. A. Pedersen Coripa.n-- 205 Nati-iral Gas Division 801 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Gardner Hardware, Company 734.• Barco Bearing Company 734.1 #6 United Building Center 797 1390 lv924-46 34.77 4.97 94.52 7.5() 3.50 200.03 127-40 ?9.45 4.38.50 21.75 47.05 26.55 45.16 23.40 7.82 10.33 1.34.59 2. ?5 200.00 15.72 18.42 12.92 11-1-33 12 .16 11.81 319.61 47.02 6.00 144.15 8.19 137.20 3p97 25.21 4.25 2.90 51.89 12 .30 288.00 44.50 13.90 77.20 64.50 63-30 88.25 150.00 62.15 9.22 371.19 8.14 140. Ir R. H. Felska & Sorg Ga »a,;re Texaco Inc Graybar Ele ^t, .-ic Louis 77 ranc is Louis Francis 77,'5 730.2 113.2 Salary Sala ry 6.20 1,900.30 25.34 There bein no further business, the. meeting was a.:i,iourned. A 77P ST : ('�?, �. • �.e ra, res.de_,t. 106.70 85.96 L��Xcdtlj R . . Dahl,, Secretary. March 29, 1965. Special Meeting. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the Utilities Billing office on March 29, 1965. All Commissions( /rs were present 4 Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Quade to purchase a Federal Security in the amount of 25,253.75. Motion was unanimously carried. RESOLVED THAT, in accordance with the recommendations of the Superintendent, and after investigation and consideration, the following accounts owing by customers of the Utilities Commission be charged off as uncollectable and as bad debts and that the same be written off as of March 31, 1965, out of the current earnings of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission: E. A. Porter 2 -272 22.21 James Reiner 3 -172 18.62 Kenneth Skrove 3- 267.5 10.45 Barbara Boid 3 -346 19.86 Jim Clark 4-140 .70 Paul Hanson 4 -355 3.40 Mrs. Julaine Nelson 4 -444 3.03 Warren Meyer 6 -910 6.27 Richard Hiebert 12 -74 9.60 Virgil Poore 12 -348 4.03 Kenneth Anderson 12 -552 33.38 Borson Manfg. 13 -198 48.20 179.75 1 1 1