05-10-1965 HUCM14-4. R(-Zpular Meet Inc, C3 May lot 1969. A, anon 7'y -reef n e) the Huts 'hinson Utilities Co-mission was held on Ma-v 10, i9,55 in the Hutchinson Utilities B-1111ing, Off ice. All were present; ql!3',) Supt. Young. RESOLUTI 1 ON .i. — - At -Ith-e re, 1,6.,ar zreetlnc of the Kutchinson Utllities Commission 0 CD co held at t' e Hut hin3on Ut-l-'10-itles' billibilling; off ice on May 10t 1965, C) N 04C) Utllities Conirl-133iork was advisel t'-iqt the Charter Commission -0 (D is cons..1--ring a re-4-31,on tho Charter provisl.ons including the (D co ,- 0) C"L prov s ion establishi cr nS and regulatln the 'Hutchinson Utilities E cu 2 cD 4-- E: COT-Iml.:-ision. At the re�vjest- ol[' membf�!rs of the Charter Corralssio-n 0 (n 0 0 C U) a) an-1 a'ter discussion an-J cnnside-natlon of the questions presentel CO) mot-lon was matle by Utilities' Cortunissioner Howard P. Quadet seconded CO 0- C UO) 0 by Commissioner. Clinton Tracy aal unanImnusi-.V aclopte�! to present 0 c) (D -a (D th--�) views an-1 rec,, or�Llnpn lat ions of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission cL E U) Q) co Z D " W < Li to the Charter 70r t' e, City of Hutchinson by the follolj ng Res olut I on: RESOL","ED., That Whereas the Hutchinson Ut,1-1.1711es Comtnls5 ion has been asked for its rec ommenlat ions as to any changes in the pro-\, -,sion,, of the Charter f or the City of Hutchinson, and J. cer'ain qur.stions have been presented to the F,atfi hi n3 on -,'t '-,l i-11- !, , C oru-rls sli or. ; NOW., THIET'F,70REP BE IT RESOLVED., That the Hutchinson Utilities Commission o-o on re,--ord as strong-ly an] urgently recommend- 'D in" that the" Charter Con-r,,ii--sion recognize the f ollowlig CD - re,Co,iimen-3atlons in any can- !.,�era-t on that would be given to that- portion of the Charter of the City of H-utclh.inson having to do with the Hutchinson Utilitles Conrnisslon: 1. Because of the natuT-e of the business condicted by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission in the generating ani-I , C) 11stril�,-1t1-- V of electric energy and in the distribution of nqtural as, t rlecl.31ons of serious nature and involving 145. substantial expenditures nmijst be made on short notice an.*' some-times are raquiied to be made dail-,-r or even several times a !Ey. 2. in or,-1pr to a Co!,--inissl.on a;Athorlzed and empowered to act intelligently and efficiently., it Is extremely important t? a; such a Cloiimission be constituted as follows: a. Not more than three (3) mem. hers . b. That longevity of serviop, be encouraged due to the period of time necessary a-,nd req,,)ired to become familiar with the 617er-all problems of the Commission business. c. That tfle Commission be clot'ned with complete power afid freedomm.-7� of operation. (1) The rights of the citizens are protected by the safeguards set forth in the general law aril in 'u-1-he. Charter provisions now in existence. (2) This complete authority anti freedom of op-ration is necessary in order to conduct the business on a profitable basis and without dependence, upon tax support such as oftentimes is needed in the case of the Water Department, St�,wer Department or in other Municipal services such as the Fire Department an,! 'Police Department. (3) Preservation of the benefits to be gaine.(l by negotialt-Jon as agains" the necessity C3 CD for submitting all contracts and purchases by open public biddiftv is important to Important to the profitable operation of the Utilitles Commission. (4) Freedom to act and authority to act exclusive c,-f' :-ontrol by t3r,,e City Council is necessary except-, to preserve the right in the City Cc-uncll to appoint at,ers of the Commission and to a-prove rate chanoes. Without this freedon, of operation, the changing- personnel on the City Council ,,!oull place control In Imt-txpe.rienced ai-A political17 motivated hands with the result; in ine-'ficient and unprofitable operation such as some co,rmunities have experienced . 3. Preserve the voluntary obligation on the ConTnission to contribute avail.abje- fun(--is to the City. 145. a t o This will all.,),w the Conziission to continue. its policy of efficient operation and up- to-lat-e car--,-Pul m, ne e without. undue restriction. b. Pres3ores w4-11 nontinue, to exist on the COMM,13sion to tvtrn Ovev available funds �i to the City al'ter first prcv!�Iing for the Utlilties Coniiri.3sionls neerls and pliInning. present JLt ap-r earS that the Hutchinson Utiltties� Commission has turned over to the City Cot,ncil o-r Hutcl.,Anson 'or use in City exr,en-MP-Ores the sum Of $041.,635.75. It Is sinoerely hoped thq1Z.- the pre.2ontat ion of this Resol,,�tlon will not in mi-y way be construed as an andeavor to further ani,y POTISOPMI interests of pressnt, or past Commission 'ass J, pro, f,-.sd z o1aly f or the purpose of giving t'1-io Charter Coiq!,,ilsslon thy,, bp,�vfit of the observations made by lu-1-r10 present xi'lle-rsi-ned. Commission members awl, to give tf-ie Char-'Ge.r Con:-As!7ion ',he benr-,.fit of the combined experiencel of these memb(-.�rs in operatinc.; the Utilities Commission of Hu"'c',11-Ins,on Rn-1 in observing the ope—latton of other Commissions 1 n, o t he r c oMmu n 1 t; I e 3 . Respectfully submitted, JjUr;j /'I fT T"It-,`!� 'UTTLTTIFS COMYTO-STOM � - I I -ZO 1 11 . 11 (R. I. She-opard.) -T= R . T A �7pT 7�F d -C ha I rinan'— (H. P uswa e -=OW71-1 P. quade-compilssloner (Clinton Tracy) Clinton Tracy-,Conmission�:r* 1 1470 t 17 lrecy a.-A, seconded by CoT-r-iiii-Iscioner ,,uflrle to x'260000.00 frc� #i the sinking fund anI transfer to the Citl,ers carried.) IWe, the unlersigned,, fora-ner members of the Hutc1linson Utilities Commission agree with the Resolution set forth CD- above and s4u-ro)-4-7,ly urge its consideration by the Charter C onirii3 s I on. ( A- J. Thompson) ( W. W. Kurth) (R. W. D&I'll) ;due to the fact that several comanissioners will not be available for the next regular meetiri,,r., it will be held on June 16 '�O P.M. C� , 1965 at 4:- Harriet Smu"ka, office employee, ill and unable to wor'k- since. the last part of April, submitted to surgery. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to pay over- time of off ice employools. Any overtime pay to be substantiated by a time card dul-Y, signed. Motion was unanimously carried. U The following bills were allowed: Motion was ma -3e by Commissioner Quade anr' seconded by Commissioner Tracy to issue a check to cover the pr'LncIpR1 and interest due. -Motion was unanimously carried. 7*50 Motion was male by Comnission6r Qua, -Ie and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to hire Gordon Pratzke as meterman all, a salary' of #375.00 per month, e ff ec t ive 5-24-65. 66.12 ;due to the fact that several comanissioners will not be available for the next regular meetiri,,r., it will be held on June 16 '�O P.M. C� , 1965 at 4:- Harriet Smu"ka, office employee, ill and unable to wor'k- since. the last part of April, submitted to surgery. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to pay over- time of off ice employools. Any overtime pay to be substantiated by a time card dul-Y, signed. Motion was unanimously carried. U The following bills were allowed: Harold Grams Tnsurarre nc- A-e C.3 T 114 60530.17 Citizens Agency 114 99.00 Hugo Prieve Cabinot Shop 771 7*50 Natural Gas DI-171SiOn 729.1 777 13.9506.39 Fred Briggs 803 20.00 Hutchinson Telephone C om-,,n ny 793.3 66.12 Home I-Tas Company 730.3 7.ol American Linen Company 730.5 25.40 Hutc1linson Wholesale Supply Myron Wi.,en Chev. 730.3 759.? 759.1 759.2 14.37 19.55 Edward -T (, avin 796 7.50 Williams 7"14.4 30.07 140. Popp's Hutt-�-iinson Cleaners 730.5 136.00 Municipal. 1,11-07er Department 730-1 707 39.25 711a Hardware 7314-4 771 24.65 Lakeland Asphalt Cornpany 801 50.00 Boulay.. Anderson Wallc, F. C o m pf-, n y 795 248.00 P--z-,.'-nt.1ru C ompany 781.3 32 (11 * 7) 3 N A-, .1 q t I c, na I Vart-0 C��.xiq-nry 774.1 ff6 60.25 Sf,ars Roe '1-1 Lx!? �,-c-'Company 734.4 2.07 Hoel Dist-r-111-outing Comlany 759.2 2.98 Culliz-an Soft 71at.el, 730.4 797 18.25 Carr Flbvars 412.7 8.00 C. A. Son 771 6.49 VinM Kl oe 4 0 ne- 6.39 Sty llar! 011 729 6.,5P2 .75 771 ?3.30 ","unicipal Electrtc Plant Pe!-Ay lash 67.79 Standard 011. 759.1 64-58 y. 7,3 4 - 4 777 8.5.30 Manufacturin- I . 2 3.00 D-uro�-Teqt- Coo 3orptInn 7 3 i:) .3 196.69 Ba,co 7.74.1 1 6 8.82 Lo,ef 7?ros Inc 7"10,.5 157.62 DeL,Rval Separator Comp,�my Fnutcbinson Oil. Comm -n- 734.4: 19.86 4.9,5 DUrM:113t-e,V El6r'trIC I i:� .2 296.0! izr� ns Tns . k-7e rc-7 114 Simez, Pump Company 734.4 10.76 Brunl-)erg P'Iumblng- Q- He a" 1 ng, 777 15.00 Nal-k-o Cb-o-mlcal 7: 3 25.'75 W 1 v Ilea 7,74.4 30-53 'ra- . i, 771 12.61. Na- " loml Tea 1111� I S 53.75 Diesel Par's & Service 1. 1 1 #3 37*91 C, Tr -,n lfflor'k3 774.1 #6 2.,463.57 Nest,irit-h -use 71.,7.--tr!- Z -j -o n I T 1 17) . 1.1S 2, .37 Can-t- 4,1. 6P V7�), !-7, 7 77 17� 7o.arl� C 7 74.4 P 9 9 rett" C 0- 76 .60 St I n 7 1. r- I, r 1 774.4 t e. r .74.78 96.75, 771, 774.4 60.0"13 I, :is Pa :gat ake 4,.@7 - 6 .3 ( ma 0 1- 4 02 1-orn. Fakery 1,. 1)2 Fy C7 C)'-1 0 9 0 149. Ferdinand Roenke Power S-u,,-)ol.y Col-')Iny Address og'r'aph-141,ilt ograph Texac o T rr Graybar Elect-rIc Nordberg ManifacturIng Company Barco Bearing C:nlp-iny Postrr'n3ter Janles Clouse Luis Francis Clouse. A771 S "i" 402 5.53 6.50 734.4 19.40 781.4 3.90 " 0 0.3 30.79 1.13 . ? P05 161.58 113.1 --ff5 #6 808.80 7 "4- - 4 26.73 797 1- 235.50 Salary l2�).30 Salary 108 - lF S a Ira r y llln.r 9 Salary 141.29 rein g, no further the meet-'.nr, was ad-'oUrned. see tiry. Regular M e, e t 1 n0 ,-,- June 1411-h., I965. A mont"nly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilitles Commission was held on June 14., 1965 in the Hutchinson Utlli`ies Billing Office. All Corni-s3ioners were present; also 3-upt. Young and At-torney D. 0. 0 , Omer The Comm-13sioners 11-stened to the requests of Mr. Swenson, Labor Representat Ive . ' 'Ci'wiissioner Tracy and seconded by Corivnissioner. Quade to purchase new Blue Shield Insurance( including major medical and also hospitalization.) Motion vies unani-nously carried. Motion was male by Corm-iis:3ioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to purcinass a Federal Security in the amount of $40.,000.00. Motion was unan-1-mously cRrrInI. Motion was male by Commissioner Quade and seconded by CoiT.nissioner Tracy to place James Clouso on a monthly pay -roll basis at $1300000.9 eff-cILIve June 1, 1965. Due to t-e fact that several Coimmiasioners wl'll not be available for the next re--ula,r ine.-IinE, CD I P it will be held on JuI7 14th, 1065. The followinq bills w ID ere allowed Fred Brig -s 803 -) 20.00