06-14-1965 HUCM149. Ferdinand Roenke Power S-u,,-)ol.y Col-')Iny Address og'r'aph-141,ilt ograph Texac o T rr Graybar Elect-rIc Nordberg ManifacturIng Company Barco Bearing C:nlp-iny Postrr'n3ter Janles Clouse Luis Francis Clouse. A771 S "i" 402 5.53 6.50 734.4 19.40 781.4 3.90 " 0 0.3 30.79 1.13 . ? P05 161.58 113.1 --ff5 #6 808.80 7 "4- - 4 26.73 797 1- 235.50 Salary l2�).30 Salary 108 - lF S a Ira r y llln.r 9 Salary 141.29 rein g, no further the meet-'.nr, was ad-'oUrned. see tiry. Regular M e, e t 1 n0 ,-,- June 1411-h., I965. A mont"nly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilitles Commission was held on June 14., 1965 in the Hutchinson Utlli`ies Billing Office. All Corni-s3ioners were present; also 3-upt. Young and At-torney D. 0. 0 , Omer The Comm-13sioners 11-stened to the requests of Mr. Swenson, Labor Representat Ive . ' 'Ci'wiissioner Tracy and seconded by Corivnissioner. Quade to purchase new Blue Shield Insurance( including major medical and also hospitalization.) Motion vies unani-nously carried. Motion was male by Corm-iis:3ioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to purcinass a Federal Security in the amount of $40.,000.00. Motion was unan-1-mously cRrrInI. Motion was male by Commissioner Quade and seconded by CoiT.nissioner Tracy to place James Clouso on a monthly pay -roll basis at $1300000.9 eff-cILIve June 1, 1965. Due to t-e fact that several Coimmiasioners wl'll not be available for the next re--ula,r ine.-IinE, CD I P it will be held on JuI7 14th, 1065. The followinq bills w ID ere allowed Fred Brig -s 803 -) 20.00 1.50. CerO-,ral S-apply Compwny 7714.4 39.14 Ancrican Lin- Hr. Suppi-7 Company 1, 11 77,11.7-, 24.40 Home Gas Ince 730.7, 1.28 Robert D. R 'Young __ 402 5563 6.46 Municipal Elecl,-,ol- Planl� A T - A1,1-3 730.5 42.00 MU n.T.cip-"l Electrlc Plant 4�103 5o'z)3 55.40 Pr-'Intl,-.% Coviipany 18020 1 3t c,7 1pmari 730.4 29oOO Na',aral 3as 729.1 729 o? 14$186.10 Moes'laring Motors 7!7- P,1 F3.10 Fs „her I S 412.7 33.90 a. 801 71.99 _r1irvi, 71pc"Filc Compf-my 11:71 '35 1171 0 RE 6 ltyron 1,7�o-en Chevo Cnn,.!�Iny 47.?0 Chicago, Northern Co-mpary 778 25 on Culligan Soft Watc- Service 730.4 7o50 W. S. Mott 734.4 4o87 Joeph E. Dahl Inc -1 3' 4 .4 5.47 Snap-on Tools 77''b 3.10 'N i 111 a ---ns 7 30 . 7, 734.4 37.01 Carr 41n�;.7 4o99 ilutchf_nson Telepi-Ione Compn.ny 7 93 .3 78.59 Zila Hay dware 771 6.90 1, o -DP Hutchinson leane s 730.5 100.30 1. - hole , I p E .L .; 'or ,j chirscm Iff, ,sale Su ply C it 7.30.3 7 74.1 20021 A. Lo Eepner 113 *2 Wi4 .1 771 61.68 S,_1mc)nsnn Lu#uler 7.55 26.15 Ea,r-le Iron Ifforks Covipany 3 734.1 # S 179.0(i 1. A. Hole en Tnc 7 34 • o 4 3.87 Darco Bearin,fr Comrflny 113.1 #6 20047 Nortbwestern Stpplv Co-ripany 1 V, 730.3 66 .92 c an uf a c tur --*,n C on, ix i, y in T54.1 7 4,9" ^.09 Hoel Distri brit ing Company 750.1 750.? 103 023 sta-0111'rig E1Lc-!;rj'c Oompar,_,7 730*3 26.67 7,11ce"ll, may of • 730.3 23*52 Am.3tan Supply Division 734.4 6.64 Viking Safety and Supply Company 730.3 2.99 Hu+-cl-,Ins.-)n Creamery Association 7:7) x.? 2.16 Minnesota Bean lr C , onpany 734 . 1 #1 #2 31-50 Nor lberg Manuf,,1c,,­r'L.rj,,r�, Corin-J.--, -1 "1 13.1 #F -#6 39.00 206 730.7 65.47 3nap-om T,,)()1;3 Coc oorn,'i,lon 730.7, 47.42 1 729 6s?27.24 D o nr) or C ani cat i o r s 802.3 76.09 Brotb.e-,,-s I c 730.55 110.4�� Imperlal SI-Inply 793.4 32.93 Schneider Electric Equipnezit Co. 7'0.3 336.00 Ams tan SuPP17 Dio1,1,slon W 4.4 7.07 Company 734.4 6? .13 5-uppl-.(T Cmz!rmn-,7 7711 .4 2.EO There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: G? • eppar , reside t. 151. 1.87 1.45 131.34 46.60 24.96 92.34 89.62 98.25 125.44 601.58 9.60 323.14 8.00 87.20 2.00 27.67 269.12 9.66 129.80 1,099.00 100.76 36.05 82.31 47.19 128.30 98.83 98.65 95.2 0 �. a i , acre ary James Halligan Patrick J. Kelley 402 402 Premier Fastener C ompany 734.4 Kaugmann Distributing Company 402 Barc o Bearing Company 734.4 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 802.3 Municipal Electric 402 5.63 734.1 #'6 The Hilliard Corporation 734.4 A. L. Hepner 113.2 734.1 #1 #7 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 #2 734.4 Power Supply Company 734.4 Duluth Filter 730.3 Robinson Rubber Products 734.4 Central Supply Companym 734.4 C. H. Stocking 734.4 Standard Oil Company 730.3 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 734.4 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 Eagle Iron Works Company 734.1 #6 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 Northwest Orient Airlines 734.4 Municipal Electric Plant 402 5.63 James Clouse Salary Louis Francis Salary James Clouse Salary Louis Francis Salary There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: G? • eppar , reside t. 151. 1.87 1.45 131.34 46.60 24.96 92.34 89.62 98.25 125.44 601.58 9.60 323.14 8.00 87.20 2.00 27.67 269.12 9.66 129.80 1,099.00 100.76 36.05 82.31 47.19 128.30 98.83 98.65 95.2 0 �. a i , acre ary