11-08-1965 HUCM164. November 8, 1965. Monthly Meeting. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on November 8, 1965 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present. R E S O L U T I O N At the regular mE- .ire.; of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission held at the billing; office of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission on November 8, 1965, the following Resolution was moved, seconded and unanimously adopted by the Commission, all members being present: "RESOLVED, WHEREAS, the Civic and Commerce Association of Hutchinson, Minnesota, also sometimes known as the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce, is presently engaged in a drive CD (0 to attract industry and business to the City N C:) o of Hutchins on, and, N WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission co in developing business which will increase the demand for the utilities furnished by o � 0 E the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, m o >, °o U) a NOW, T�?EREF'ORE. the Hutchinson Utilities C) C �, Commission resolves that it shall pay the 0) sum of $161.84 to the Civic and Commerce 0 o a Association of Hutchinson, Minnesota, to 0 a � cover the share of the expense of materials 0 o �� furnished to prospective industries in O 2.S L negotiating for the location of these industries 5 in Hutchinson and negotiating the utilities o a services and the charges theref . - "- XQZLL 4w- 'Secretary Attest: President C E R T I F I C A T I O N I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the Hutchinson µ -. 10 ' ,165 . Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, on the 8th day of November,, 1965. ecr-etary - u c. nson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota The following bills were allowed: Fred Briggs 803 20.00 National Food Stores 801 47.76 Norman Stresemen 402 2.13 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 55.05 National Chemsearch Corp. 730.3 197.94 Central _Supply Compan, 732 58.17 Northwest Orient Airlines 734.4 44.92 Municipal Water Department 730.1 797 117.93 Carr Flowers 412.7 8.34 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 8.88 Hutchinson (Popp' s) Cleaners 730.5 123.95 Natural Gas Division 729.1 732 797 13,907.85 Kemske Paper Company 781.3 42.83 Myron Wigen Chevrolet Company 759.2 13.10 Culligan Soft Water Service 730.4 797 13000 Red Owl Food Stores 801 27.80 Moehring Motors 759.2 21.54 Klitzke Auto Body Shop 759.2 5.00 Frank Motor Company 759.1 67.90 Peterson Madsen Insurance Agency 114 219.00 Swanson's Truck Stop, Inc 759.1 74.55 Home Gas Company, Inc 730.3 1.28 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 734.4 5.40 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 60.02 Helwig Carbon Products, Inc 734.2 73.42 Ben Jerabpk 734.1 #2 734.1 734.4 102.46 Shell Oil Company 759.1 75.92 American Linen Supply Company 73005 22.40 Leef Bros., Inc 730.5 99.69 Glencoe Municipal Electric Plant 113.2 120.00 Del Chemical Corporation 730.3 15.33 Williams 73.4.4 32.67 Poppt s Electrical 205 734.4 17.60 Fischer's Bakery 801 69.55 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 33.04 Postmaster 781.2 400.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc 113.2 59.65 Northwestern Supply Company, 730.3 146.02 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 8.26 Burmeister Electric Company 772 61.20 166. Sterling Electric Company 730.3 734.3 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 734.1 #'1 #'2 Mankato Fire & Safety Company 771 Carl Oetting 402 5.63 Williams 734.4 W. S. Nott Company 734.1 #1 #'2 Nalco Chemical C ompa ny 730.3 Hobart Welder Sales & Service 730.3 Texaco Inc 730.3 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #7 Sterling, Electric Company 113.2 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 A. L. Hepner 113.2 730.3 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Power Supply Company 734.1 #'7 Addressograph Multigraph Corp 781.4 W. S. Nott Company 759.2 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Standard Oil 729 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Louis Francis Salary Louis Francis Salary 734.1 #7 734.4 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: eppard, resident. 81.51 3.98 23.00 10.63 19.29 39.40 536.48 7.86 30.79 239.61 24.29 35.00 93.97 71.73 84.24 6.20 14.31 42.92 3 , 647.22 29.16 94.48 104.97 C j(�)) t 6a J, -I • a Ff , Secretary. apec ial Meeting November 29, 1965 A special meeti:� of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on November 29, 1965. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young and Hugo Mahs. The following bids were submitted for an aerial tower: LaHass Corp. two stare compressor Chas. Olson & Sons , Inc. bagic lift ins attachment drive away charge 14,502.00 11106.00 15,608.00 16,609.50 690.00 125.00 .57