01-10-1966 HUCMI. Regular Meeting January 10, 1966. A monthly neeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on January 10, 1966 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young and D. 0. Comer. Insurance representatives met with Hutchinson Utilities Commission con - cerning bids on insurance for the fiscal ,year. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner wade authorizing the President to submit a new Statement of Values and request a new rate from the Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to present a check in the amount of $10,000.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson. Motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were allowed: Fred Briggs 803 20.00 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 101.13 Elroy Martin 402 7.68 Standard Oil 729 730.2 3,785.03 �ddre ss ograph -Mutt igr'a.ph 781.4 8.40 orthwestern Supply Company 730.3 146.02 Natural Gas Division 729.1 732 15,142.87 Poppts Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 123.40 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 25.36 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 89.14 Esther's 793.4 3.00 Texaco Inc 730.2 730.3 112.46 Simonson Lumber 759.1 71.38 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.1 759.2 32.40 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 5.55 G.T.C. Auto Supply 7303 37.85 Standard Printing Company 781.3 793.4 67.30 Zile Hardware 734.4 771 11.78 Standard Oil 729 21818.98 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 62.37 Citizens Bank 793.4 10.62 Povlrer Supply Company 734.4 61.20 Fischer's Bakery 801 64.86 MoehrinFr Motors 759.1 759.2 39.35 Culligan Soft Water 730.4 7.50 Al Patrias 801 28.75 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 1,029.53 Sterling Electric 113.2 771 214.22 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 145.90 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 138.48 A. L. He oner 113.2 730.3 26.28 Municipal Electr -.e Plant Petty Cash 43.17 Graybar Electric 113.21 115.20 Haag Candy Company 797 22.25 Hutchins on Leader 803 103.90 Minnesota Bearing Company 734.4 37.21 2. Sterling Electric Company 113.2 Terminal Electric Company 113.2 Nat'l Committee for Utilities Radio 802.3 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 Rannow Electric 771 American Linen Supply 1730.5 Standard Oil. 729 Gray(_,ar Electr .c 113.2 The rria l C ompa r.:y 730.3 Robert Mulvaney 5.63 Power Supply Company 730.3 .Addres sograph -Alult igra ph 781.4 Hutc iinson Leader 787.2 Central Supply Company 734.4 Miller &: Miller 202.5 Hultgren & Strutzel Inc 734.4 Charles Knott 402 Simonson Lumber 771 Nordberg Manuafacturing Company 113.1. Municipal Electric Plant Petty Helge Nielsen 801 Elmer h"erickel 205 Eagle Iron Forks 734.1. Standard Oil 727 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 734.4 Terminal Electric 113.2 Gopher Paper Company 730.3 Barer, Bearing Company 734.1 Duncan Company 734.4 National Dashing & Parts Company 734.1 Municipal Electric Plant Betty State Treasurer 778 Standard Oil 729 Louis Francis Salary Louis Francis Salary #'7 734.1 hP5 Cash #5 0 ;i4 #5 734.4 Cash 29.62 21.96 12.00 321.94 3.00 26.40 4,687.1.2 72.17 4.21 1.40 1.50 6.00 4.50 43.67 564.26 IE)0.64 1.48 2.71 3,412.45 68.45 15.25 25.00 351.93 2,826.57 15.34 16.30 24.60 131.36 18.20 67.75 33.06 1.00 1,877.31 105.83 94.08 Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to increase the salary of Roman Zins $25.00 per montl. and Lester Ziegler $10.00 per month, effective January 1, 1966. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Quade to present a check in the amount of 10,000.00 to the City of Hutcrinson. Motion was uranimoasly carried. (Out - Duplicate) The three Comriissioners were requested to attend a meeting with the Charter Committee on January 24, 1966. There ? N I rp, XT INATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS,., INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT AS PRINCIPAL, WE AGREE TO SELL TO YOU AGAINST PAYMENT ON SENTIJ,'MENT DATE THE FOLLOWING Trade Date--'/Z?/66 I SETTLEMENT DATE Payment due on or before) - - -- Account Charged— Ledger-----.--- I PA 11�5 J E 121 31 IT $49,98+•38 -T : C i I I C0 1 SS 1 D 1 Pit p !-sv Es, tmw I THE A ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR U I Rv y , NOTIFY , X", NG?P'LBASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELI Interest shown has been computed to IRST NATIONAL BANK settlement date at the coupon rate. 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